JS.Geo 2015 まとめ

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jQuery Geo plugin @geomappin

Sad to have missed #jsgeo but love reading all the updates coming out of it!

2015-10-09 07:46:57
Ryan J. Smith @Ryan_J_Smith

Presentation by @jill_hubley was fantastic. Maps + biology + makey makey. So many components done well. #jsgeo

2015-10-09 08:11:31
Matt Schumwinger @MilwaukeeStat

"The biggest improvement in map performance is what you choose not to draw. " @tmcw at #jsgeo

2015-10-09 08:11:50
Gretchen Peterson @PetersonGIS

I had a fantastic learning experience w/ great people today at #jsgeo. Thanks so much to @cwhelm and @briantimoney for organizing the event!

2015-10-09 08:12:59
Lucas Cotner @SwampasaurasRex

#geophilly is the coolest geo* city meetup I've been to yet! Awesome people, talks. Great compliment to #jsgeo pic.twitter.com/xqQKcndKdr

2015-10-09 08:16:50
eric czajkowski @eric_czajkowski

#jsgeo notes: need to dig into @anandthakker 's vector tile pres. ... seems like vector tiles can do what wfs was supposed to

2015-10-09 08:19:24
Map/ @vtcraghead

Literally every company at #jsgeo and #geophilly: "We are hiring".

2015-10-09 08:30:10
eric czajkowski @eric_czajkowski

#jsgeo notes: don't underestimate the potential impact of a simple web map app. cc: @laurenancona @Ryan_J_Smith @ughitsaaron

2015-10-09 08:31:39
aaron petcoff @ughitsaaron

#jsgeo's organizers, & it's participants are so smart & refreshingly down to earth. I really enjoyed my day today. Thanks, everyone!

2015-10-09 08:36:49
David Winslow @godwinsgo

#jsgeo was a good time today. I had totally forgotten how fast a phone can die with spotty WiFi.

2015-10-09 08:38:52
Bryan McBride @brymcbride

Hanging with the #jsgeo crowd in Philly today reminds me how fortunate we are to be involved in such as passionate and friendly community.

2015-10-09 08:42:03
Map/ @vtcraghead

#jsgeo was amazing. Great to catch up with cool people and cool technologies. Thanks @cwhelm @briantimoney!

2015-10-09 08:53:14
Map/ @vtcraghead

Also thanks to @randyme for the round of #jsgeo drinks :)

2015-10-09 09:01:44
Jake Wasserman @jwass2000

Glad this (mostly) Python dev went to #jsgeo. Great vibe. Great people. Thanks to @briantimoney who is a great MC too.

2015-10-09 09:17:49
Bill Dollins @billdollins

I heard a number of calls for a midwest venue for next #jsgeo . Maybe Chicago? @cwhelm @briantimoney

2015-10-09 09:18:14
Christopher Rice @colocarto

Open-geo community: extremely little elitism happening in that space, very cool and promotes learning/personal development #jsgeo

2015-10-09 09:20:47
Bill Dollins @billdollins

@colocarto Culture of "see a problem, fix the problem." #jsgeo

2015-10-09 09:21:57
jubal harpster @jharpster

I think we need the next #jsgeo out here in Seattle. And oh yeah, we’re hiring too. spatialdev.com/#careers

2015-10-09 09:23:42
Christopher Rice @colocarto

@billdollins And a culture of "Share that gist, contribute, collaborate" #jsgeo

2015-10-09 09:24:49
Bill Dollins @billdollins

Everyone who codes anything geo is hiring. #jsgeo

2015-10-09 09:25:19
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