【東海大チーム3位】オーストラリアで行われているソーラーカーレース【2015 Bridgestone World Solar Challenge】 #WSC15 関連ツイート 2015.10.22(本戦 五日目)

主に @tokaichallenger@WorldSolarchlg 様のツイートから拾いました。RTを含む。 ちなみに、大会自体は2015.10.18~25まで開催されています。 「ゴールする時間」がclassによって差があるようです。
前へ 1 ・・ 4 5
Bridgestone World Solar Challenge @WorldSolarChlg

Nothing like beer and Krispy Creme doughnuts as a finish line treat. Well deserved! #WSC15 pic.twitter.com/V7suXEDiat

2015-10-22 13:50:51
NWU Solar Car @NWUSolarCar

The @NWUPUK Solar car is chasing @WestSydSolarCar that just arrived at the stop they are 40km ahead @WorldSolarChlg pic.twitter.com/vefGxYx70u

2015-10-22 14:26:14
Solar Team Eindhoven @SolarEHV

Congrats! Delft and Twente 1st & 2nd in Challenger Class. Now it's up to us: finish of the Cruisers is tomorrow! pic.twitter.com/C8YTwdqA3M

2015-10-22 14:59:15
Bridgestone World Solar Challenge @WorldSolarChlg

@Koen_Sedee @solarteamtwente timings are provisional until all teams are in Adelaide at which time they will be vetted.

2015-10-22 15:11:06
Bridgestone World Solar Challenge @WorldSolarChlg

Exciting racing further out of #Adelaide as @NWUSolarCar and @blueskysolar77 arrive at the Port Augusta checkpoint 5 minutes apart. #WSC15

2015-10-22 15:17:01
Bridgestone World Solar Challenge @WorldSolarChlg

We're thrilled to welcome Hungarian team @MegaLux_Gamf to #Adelaide in seventh position. Congratulations! #WSC15 pic.twitter.com/5HnN7i9p2J

2015-10-22 15:38:27
NWU Solar Car @NWUSolarCar

Another first for the @NWUPUK Solar car. Sirius is sleeping in a barn. Last night of the @WorldSolarChlg #wsc2015 pic.twitter.com/2sNB6Opk7C

2015-10-22 18:24:02
前へ 1 ・・ 4 5