#Wikileaks #wl_jp 2011年1月17日、ロンドン、フロントライン・クラブでの会見:『脱税疑惑、リークなう』

脱税疑惑のスイス口座2000件、告発者がウィキリークスに提供へ 2011年01月17日 20:19  http://www.afpbb.com/article/disaster-accidents-crime/crime/2782556/6654438 これの告発者からウィキリークスへのデータの受け渡しが、ロンドンのフロントライン・クラブで、記者会見つきで行なわれました。その記者会見はUstされました(たぶん録画されててあとから見ることもできるはず)。 続きを読む
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Frontline Club @frontlineclub

"The cablegate release is only 2.3% released" JA #elmer

2011-01-17 21:33:37
siobhan kennedy @siobhankennedy4

All over folks. Alas I am none the wiser

2011-01-17 21:34:09
Tim Bradshaw @tim

Elmer and Assange and CDs @ Frontline Club http://instagr.am/p/BD1ri/

2011-01-17 21:35:02
siobhan kennedy @siobhankennedy4

Julian asange leaves presser followed by a scrum of media who running after him down the street.

2011-01-17 21:37:21
esther addley @estheraddley

Entertaining press stampede to follow #assange out of press conf.

2011-01-17 21:37:27
Channel 4 News @Channel4News

Latest video & comment on #wikileaks, offshore banking, Julian Assange & Rudolf Elmer. Join #c4news live blog: http://bit.ly/fWSw4m

2011-01-17 21:39:02
siobhan kennedy @siobhankennedy4

Assange leaves the building in a media scrum. They are literally running after him down the street

2011-01-17 21:39:15
Ed Fraser @frasereC4

@bravowikileaks prior redactions due to Guardian and NYT demands. This is outside of it and breaks Asange's own mission statement.

2011-01-17 21:40:12
siobhan kennedy @siobhankennedy4

I've seen less excitement at a george micheal concert. I didn't run. What can I say? I'm wearing heals

2011-01-17 21:40:46

#Assange 'we have been economically censored by Paypal Mastercard Visa... all entirely outside the judicial process'

2011-01-17 21:40:56
siobhan kennedy @siobhankennedy4

Assange may have gone but elmer still here! Being mobbed as I type. A name! Give us a name!

2011-01-17 21:43:24

Swiss banker who helped WikiLeaks faces trial http://yhoo.it/gZ6A4B #wikileaks #elmer

2011-01-17 21:45:47
siobhan kennedy @siobhankennedy4

I asked one german journalist what he thought. Answer; unrevealing. Most people here think the same

2011-01-17 21:48:15
siobhan kennedy @siobhankennedy4

I think the most noteworthy thing here may be that wikileaks - and assange - are open for business again..

2011-01-17 21:55:58
siobhan kennedy @siobhankennedy4

@Distinctions1 not at all. Just that this press conference didn't reveal anything so was a bit of a waste of time..

2011-01-17 21:57:38
siobhan kennedy @siobhankennedy4

Btw, iam not biased or against assange. Just that I think this "press conference" may have been a tad overhyped..

2011-01-17 21:58:45
esther addley @estheraddley

Apols, some tweets lost. To confirm, #assange sez #wikileaks will release tax docs asap, maybe in weeks, will also hand to authorities.

2011-01-17 22:23:37
Frontline Club @frontlineclub

Photos from today's press conference with Rudolph Elmer http://bit.ly/el5Mvq

2011-01-18 02:11:25
Frontline Club @frontlineclub

Members meeting with Vaughan Smith on WikiLeaks - http://eepurl.com/ch5VD

2011-01-18 03:30:36
Frontline Club @frontlineclub

The full video of yesterday's press conference with Rudolf Elmer is now online http://bit.ly/fy0QOS

2011-01-19 00:43:00
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