2011年1月17日: チュニジア(11) #Tunisia #sidibouzid #OpTunisia

現地時間17日から18日の分、編集中。 組閣発表などがありました。ブロガーのSlimさんが入閣というサプライズあり、でも結局ベンアリ政権の閣僚がけっこう残ったり…6ヵ月後には選挙ということですが、どうなることやら、という感じ。 一方でその「新しい内閣」に対する抗議行動も早速始まったようで…。
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Dima Khatib @Dima_Khatib

Was it called MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATION? Whatever it was called it doesnt exist any more. Left with Ben Ali on plane :) #sidibouzid #tunisia

2011-01-18 00:48:27
Tim Marshall @Itwitius

Tunisia. 3 opp parties inc in new transitional unity government. Mins of Info abolished.

2011-01-18 00:48:35
benwedeman @bencnn

Ten days ago in Sudan at a Jimmy Carter press conference a Tunisian journalist told me anti-Ben Ali demonstrations would die down. #Tunisia

2011-01-18 00:49:46
Jonathan Rugman @jrug

So they are reading out the new interim coalition cabinet on tv. Including Ben Ali appointees which is what makes Tunisians angry

2011-01-18 00:50:30
Habiba Hamid @habibahamid

That's highly unusual. E.g. Jordan's gov great at managing wiki entries. UAE's wiki pages far from accurate @dxmediaoffice @jilliancyork

2011-01-18 00:50:58
jillian c. york @jilliancyork

ميرون: Supporting a Cause v.s. Causing Support http://t.co/6GEiTJa

2011-01-18 00:53:03
Dima Khatib @Dima_Khatib

Adieux Ministère de la Communication.. parti avec Ben Ali dans même avion #sidibouzid #tunisia

2011-01-18 00:54:02
Dima Khatib @Dima_Khatib

#sidibouzid RT@abdullahali7 يحزنني أهم 3 وزارات لم يتغير مسؤولوها وتم تعيين إثنين من المعارضة المعترف بها في عهد الرئيس المطرود أين التغير؟

2011-01-18 00:54:36
Dima Khatib @Dima_Khatib

هل الحكومة المؤقتة في تونس تغيير في الديكور ولا تغيير في الحشو؟ #sidibouzid #tunisia

2011-01-18 00:57:30
Dima Khatib @Dima_Khatib

Amigo tuitero blogero detenido x apoyar Rebelión @slim404 es nombrado Secretario de Juventud &Deporte en nuevo gobierno tunecino #sidibouzid

2011-01-18 00:59:42
🅿🅾🅾🅲🅷🅸🅴 🇹🇳 @walidsa3d

Moufida tlatli, a movie director is minister of culture #sidibouzid

2011-01-18 00:59:51
Dima Khatib @Dima_Khatib

#sidibouzid RT@HAaLAaHk تغيير في الحشو ازاي؟ إن كان وزير الداخلية اللي قواته ضربت المتظاهرين بالرصاص الحي مازال في مكانه يبقى تغيير ديكور بس

2011-01-18 01:01:28
🅿🅾🅾🅲🅷🅸🅴 🇹🇳 @walidsa3d

PM : All banned political parties will be licensed soon #sidibouzid

2011-01-18 01:01:58
Ayman @AymanM

#tunisia New govt announcement: Separation of state from political parties i.e. there is no ruling party.

2011-01-18 01:06:04
Mona Eltahawy @monaeltahawy

Hearing from tweets #Tunisian blogger @slim404 is new minister 4 youth. He was arrested in days before #BenAli fled http://bit.ly/edgg80

2011-01-18 01:06:24
Ayman @AymanM

#tunisa new govt:Release of all political detainees. Free function of unions and syndicates. Communication ministry abolished.

2011-01-18 01:07:15
🅿🅾🅾🅲🅷🅸🅴 🇹🇳 @walidsa3d

Blogger Slim Amamou @slim404 is the new Secretary for Youth and Sports #sidibouzid

2011-01-18 01:08:01
Ayman @AymanM

#Tunisia new govt: Creating 3 new committee: Political reform Accountability 4 recent incidents- Fact finding into corruption and bribery.

2011-01-18 01:08:50
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