
R @ncocoro


2015-12-05 16:03:12
R @ncocoro

【京大英作に挑戦】2そしてたちまちのうちに私の目の前から姿を消した。忘れ物でもしたのだろうか? だとしたら、あの必死の形相からして、よほど大事なものだったに違いない。(2014) On my way home from work,,

2015-12-05 16:03:57
R @ncocoro

【京大英作に挑戦】3 On my way home from work, I found a boy came running through the people in a crowded train yesterday.

2015-12-05 16:04:37
R @ncocoro

【京大英作に挑戦】5 Did he leave something behind? Judging from such a serious look of his, he must have left something very important. (2014)

2015-12-05 16:05:36