2016.2.4【日本外国特派員協会主催 アンゲリカ・クラウセン博士(IPPNW欧州副代表) 記者会見】関連ツイートまとめ

おしどりマコ@脱被ばく。知りたがりの怒りんぼで半径5mを変えていく。 @makomelo

イアンが英語で実況中継しているので、こちらへ!私の語学力では追いつかないっす!!→ @DocumentingIan / #おしどりキャス IPPNW会見 cas.st/e3d3186

2016-02-04 14:17:37
おしどりマコ@脱被ばく。知りたがりの怒りんぼで半径5mを変えていく。 @makomelo

ウラン鉱山の話。東ドイツの原発労働者の調査で労働時間とがん罹患リスクに若干の相関。月労働レベルごとにがんリスクは21パーセントずつ上昇 / #おしどりキャス IPPNW会見 cas.st/e3d3186

2016-02-04 14:19:06
Thomas Ash @DocumentingIan

“15-20% of child leukemia caused by background radiation. Even medical radiation holds a risk.” Dr. Claussen @IPPNWgermany

2016-02-04 14:19:51
おしどりマコ@脱被ばく。知りたがりの怒りんぼで半径5mを変えていく。 @makomelo

ラドン被曝と肺がんに相関。被曝期間が長いほど影響は大きい。ラドンによる肺がん、鉱山労働者の40%、全人口平均10% / #おしどりキャス IPPNW会見 cas.st/e3d3186

2016-02-04 14:20:15
おしどりマコ@脱被ばく。知りたがりの怒りんぼで半径5mを変えていく。 @makomelo

放射線はがん以外にも病気のリスクを高める、脳集結、心臓病、消化器系疾患、白内障 / #おしどりキャス IPPNW会見 cas.st/e3d3186

2016-02-04 14:21:06
Thomas Ash @DocumentingIan

Q: “What is risk in Fukushima relative to Chernobyl area?” A: “We have to find it out. We need good epidemiological studies & data."

2016-02-04 14:24:40
Thomas Ash @DocumentingIan

"Japan is wonderful country w/ good medical doctors and great scientists, but they do not do the appropriate health surveys." Dr. Claussen

2016-02-04 14:30:18
Thomas Ash @DocumentingIan

Q: Can you remark on Dr. Tsuda’s study from Okayama Uni? A: Yes, I met him this trip. It is right to conduct screening in this area.

2016-02-04 14:30:56
Thomas Ash @DocumentingIan

Q: How wide is contaminated area, other countries? A: Japan only. Chernobyl burned 10 days. Most Fukushima radiation went to Pacific Ocean.

2016-02-04 14:33:22
Thomas Ash @DocumentingIan

“Post-Fukushima, Pacific Ocean MUST be studied.” Dr. Claussen @IPPNWgermany

2016-02-04 14:35:08
Thomas Ash @DocumentingIan

Q: Who are you talking w/ this trip? A: I’m only here one week. I went to Osaka, Kyoto to speak w/ experts. Did not speak to Jp gov’t.

2016-02-04 14:35:59
Thomas Ash @DocumentingIan

Q: When will you come back to Japan & what will you do? A: Not decided yet. I’ve been to Fukushima, to clinics, to evacuation zone.

2016-02-04 14:40:41
Thomas Ash @DocumentingIan

Q: Where do you see your work headed? A: We want all contaminated people to get health check-up w/ independent way of controlling the study.

2016-02-04 14:41:00
Thomas Ash @DocumentingIan

Q: "What is your line of action? What does @IPPNW intend to do? Who funds you? Are you Christian organization? We don’t know who to trust."

2016-02-04 14:43:30
Thomas Ash @DocumentingIan

A: "We are self-funded, receive donations, member fees." Dr. Claussen @IPPNW @IPPNWgermany

2016-02-04 14:44:43
Thomas Ash @DocumentingIan

I am opening the floor to questions. Any questions for Dr. Claussen from @IPPNWgermany ?

2016-02-04 14:46:27
Thomas Ash @DocumentingIan

"If doctors here find same phenomenon again & again, these studies must be followed up. But if we make mistakes, we are open to discussion."

2016-02-04 14:51:35
Thomas Ash @DocumentingIan

Q: You spoke re: physical consequences, what about psychology of people living in low-dose radiation areas? Dr. Claussen @IPPNWgermany

2016-02-04 14:52:26
Thomas Ash @DocumentingIan

A: There are studies. I talked w/ self-help groups and mothers groups. They are living in uncertainty & this is problematic. Much stress.

2016-02-04 14:53:57
Thomas Ash @DocumentingIan

"Childhood thyroid cancer cases in Fukushima is a warning bell." Dr. Claussen @IPPNWgermany

2016-02-04 14:59:16
Thomas Ash @DocumentingIan

Q: How long threat of radiation exist? A: Depends on radionuclide. Iiodine is quick, 8 days. But once inhaled & in body, it damages.

2016-02-04 15:03:55
Thomas Ash @DocumentingIan

@JNegronBK Video will be published on @fccjapan @youtube channel tomorrow. Will post link. Thanks for support! @ozAntinnippon @IPPNWgermany

2016-02-04 16:28:49
Thomas Ash @DocumentingIan

Video of today's presser will be published on @fccjapan @youtube channel tomorrow. Will post link. Thanks for your support! @IPPNWgermany

2016-02-04 16:29:34