【20110126-29】ハイチ 4【Celestin棄権!新たな感染症も?】

 http://togetter.com/li/91679 の続き。  1/24現在、死者数約4030名、患者数20万9034名。  現職大統領の後継者Celestin氏が選挙を棄権と発表されるも、本人は認めてないのか?  一方コレラはややおさまって来たものの、別の感染症(現在調査中、麻痺症状からポリオなどが疑われているがまだ不明)などについての呟きが増えている。
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#OurWorld Water crisis is an issue of access: more PPL own Mobiles than have access to a toilet.http://bit.ly/fRUTXm @Wyclef

2011-01-27 03:44:58

WATCH: A music teacher offers hope to Haitian students while struggling to work in a tent city | http://ti.me/hZxomZ (via @TIME_Video)

2011-01-27 03:49:30

It's unnerving to read about #cholera "experts" talking about #HAITI. Why didn't the "experts" prevent the outbreak in the first place?

2011-01-27 04:29:30
HNN -Haiti News Network - @HaitiNewsNet @HaitiNewsNet

#haiti - Can Port-au-Prince be saved? More than a year after a catastrophic earthquake devastated Haiti,rubble,http://regator.com/?u=436fcg

2011-01-27 05:00:14
Crawford Kilian @Crof

Haiti: PAHO/WHO investigating paralysis cases http://bit.ly/fzkH80

2011-01-27 05:25:17
HNN -Haiti News Network - @HaitiNewsNet @HaitiNewsNet

Former President Aristide's Attorney: Washington Gave "Green Light" for ... http://bit.ly/fC065z

2011-01-27 05:30:42
CBC News Alerts @CBCAlerts

Haiti's ruling party candidate quits presidential race . Jude #Celestin was Rene Preval's favoured successor #haiti

2011-01-27 05:50:10
切り取り線 @kiri_tori

✄------------ AM 6:00 ------------✄

2011-01-27 06:00:00
Georges Haschur Joubert ⚙️ @HaschurJoubert

#Cholera is not over yet and here comes another epidemic disease. Some says it #polio, others say it's #denguefever #haiti #epidemy.

2011-01-27 06:08:46
Sylvia Thomson @thomsoncbc1

Celestin says withdrawing is not part of his "mental fabric". #Haiti

2011-01-27 06:44:56
Jeff Abbott @palabrasdeabajo

What's this I'm hearing about a potential polio outbreak in #Haiti?

2011-01-27 06:49:46
Jeff Abbott @palabrasdeabajo

I'm not saying that it's not a good thing that the Inite candidate is out, but it still strikes me as odd. #Haiti is a sovereign nation

2011-01-27 06:57:11
loulou brice #Haiti @Louloubrice

Several cases of paralysis discovered in the northern region of #haiti.Details of this outbreak will likely (cont) http://tl.gd/8dh8kh

2011-01-27 07:00:16
franhilz @FrankHilzerman

Cholera vaccines are 'effective even after outbreak begins' http://bit.ly/fg9pZY #haiti #health

2011-01-27 07:02:23
loulou brice #Haiti @Louloubrice

Haitian presidential candidate Jude Célestin resists pressure to withraw http://j.mp/eEvDTa #haiti #election

2011-01-27 07:09:18

Mysterious illness reported by our field staff in Fon Batis. Several deaths. Hope all of our cooperatives members are okay. #Haiti

2011-01-27 07:13:30

#Haiti ruling party says out of race Célestin who however is resisting pressure to withdraw http://t.co/Ay0Lfoy @Wyclef

2011-01-27 07:14:08

Haiti ruling party says candidate out of race http://bit.ly/eSdaA6

2011-01-27 07:16:16
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