Jean-Luc Nancy delivering keynote via Skype | Common Sense: A Reinterpretation / Le Sens commun : Essai de réinterprétation

Colloque international Média@McGill | Aisthesis and the Common / L’Aisthesis et le commun | 18-19 March 2016
Media@McGill @Media_McGill

Nancy: "meaning is constantly being created in a spiraling loop" / "meaning is a form of auto-affection." #aisthesis

2016-03-18 22:45:15
Media@McGill @Media_McGill

Nancy: "The self that is affected is that which has been exposed to/through the Other." #aisthesis

2016-03-18 22:46:18
Media@McGill @Media_McGill

Nancy: "The relation to the outside is a relation to the self." #aisthesis

2016-03-18 22:47:39
Media@McGill @Media_McGill

Nancy: "There is no preceding universality." #aisthesis

2016-03-18 22:51:41
Media@McGill @Media_McGill

Nancy: "Pour se tourner vers l'un, il faut être dans la diversité". #aisthesis

2016-03-18 22:54:24
Media@McGill @Media_McGill

Nancy: "Common sense" historically considered negative by philosophy bc philosopher expected to "do more." Art as well. #aisthesis

2016-03-18 22:58:00
Media@McGill @Media_McGill

Nancy: "Les sensibles communs sont: le mouvement, le repos, la figure, la grandeur, le nombre et l'unité". #aisthesis

2016-03-18 23:02:32
Media@McGill @Media_McGill

Nancy's "common sensibles": movement, rest, figure, size, number, unity. #aisthesis

2016-03-18 23:04:09
Media@McGill @Media_McGill

Nancy: "Les sensibles communs sont la manière d'analyser et de déplier les caractères d'une présence." #aisthesis

2016-03-18 23:05:11
Media@McGill @Media_McGill

Nancy: Presence-as-thing. Thing has to be sensed. #aisthesis

2016-03-18 23:06:00
Media@McGill @Media_McGill

Nancy: Sensation is given as a quality through the common. "Sensitivity involves proximity." #aisthesis

2016-03-18 23:08:59
Gerard Goggin @ggoggin

sensory promixity, necessary to sensation, in presence of something given by the commons - Jean-Luc Nancy, via digital commons #aisthesis

2016-03-18 23:09:55
Media@McGill @Media_McGill

Nancy: "common sense is the fact of being in presence." It's a "moment in time." #aisthesis

2016-03-18 23:10:00
Media@McGill @Media_McGill

Nancy: "There's no total presence or absence" #aisthesis

2016-03-18 23:12:55
Media@McGill @Media_McGill

Nancy: Art is a consideration for itself of "coming into presence of something" #aisthesis

2016-03-18 23:14:17
Media@McGill @Media_McGill

Nancy: Art always comes back to "what can be sensed." #aisthesis

2016-03-18 23:15:23
Media@McGill @Media_McGill

Nancy on presentation of art: What does it mean to "demonstrate" or "show?" What is an "exhibit?" #aisthesis

2016-03-18 23:17:14
Media@McGill @Media_McGill

Nancy unpacking this painting by Paul Signac: "presence in the common as the common, as presence" #aisthesis

2016-03-18 23:21:08
Gerard Goggin @ggoggin

Listening to Jean-Luc Nancy on art returning to 'what can be sensed', wondering what of media in regimes of sensibility? #aisthesis

2016-03-18 23:27:43
Media@McGill @Media_McGill

Nancy: We present ourselves as things "coming out of a continuum." Art is simply expressing (ex=outside; pressing=future). #aisthesis

2016-03-18 23:27:59
Media@McGill @Media_McGill

Nancy: "art begins in clothing, in utensils." Demonstrates links between art and the common. #aisthesis

2016-03-18 23:37:44
Media@McGill @Media_McGill

Nancy: "Art has always been in a position of service: be it religious, royal, metaphysical." Today, art asks "what am I serving?" #aisthesis

2016-03-18 23:38:59
Media@McGill @Media_McGill

Nancy: "Politics is a totally empty word." "True agents of politics are not political" They are technological/economic. #aisthesis

2016-03-18 23:50:22
dr. mccormick @virtualcasey

Jean-Luc Nancy: "Politics is the most empty sphere." More true now than ever. #MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain #aisthesis

2016-03-18 23:52:10
Dominique Cardon @Karmacoma

"Je ne veux pus entendre le mot politique. C'est la sphère la plus complètement vide" JL Nancy #aisthesis

2016-03-18 23:53:01