2015年4月23日、The Magic Whipの発売を記念してblur official(中の人はGraham Coxon)がファンの質問に答えた。企画終了後も自身のアカウントで質問の回答を続けるグレアム。しかし終了のアナウンスが無い為、日本のファンは就寝のタイミングを逃したのであった…。
blur @blurofficial

Ask @blurofficial's @grahamcoxon a question live tomorrow 23/04 at 3.45pm BST / 7.45pm PST @iTunesMusic #AskBlur pic.twitter.com/TrY8WrymcL

2015-04-23 03:03:52
blur @blurofficial

.@iTunesMusic finding a wrapper from a firework in damon’s notebook..#AskBlur

2015-04-23 23:47:08
Apple Music @AppleMusic

.@blurofficial - How was the process behind recording this record different from previous albums? #ASKBLUR

2015-04-23 23:47:41
blur @blurofficial

.@iTunesMusic the album derived from jam sessions rather than writing whole songs and then recording them.. #AskBlur

2015-04-23 23:49:06
Apple Music @AppleMusic

.@blurofficial - Which words would you pick to describe the influence of Hong Kong on the album? #ASKBLUR

2015-04-23 23:49:36
blur @blurofficial

.@iTunesMusic red dislocate travel jet lag blue ache round electrifier hot moving pavement noise #AskBlur

2015-04-23 23:51:54
blur @blurofficial

.@AngelGuevara we had a working title of "made in hong kong” but thought it was a bit obvz! #AskBlur

2015-04-23 23:58:54
blur @blurofficial

.@blur_korea i had to stop whistling..doctor's orders.. i think it is damon! shock horror!! #AskBlur

2015-04-24 00:15:36
blur @blurofficial

.@pkinsella2 i don't anything should do anything.its automatic. the human mind is too clever to be tricked.most of them anyway... #AskBlur

2015-04-24 00:22:16
graham coxon @grahamcoxon

@SJCooperman83 maybe more input.. It's just not guitars guitars guitars. I played keyboards instead sometimes.

2015-04-24 00:55:20