
ESA Science @esascience

A.Vallenari: In 1609, Galileo pointed a telescope to the sky starting 2D revolution in astronomy. @ESAGaia will make 6D revolution! #GaiaDR1

2016-09-14 19:26:22
ESA Science @esascience

A.Vallenari: Clusters are the birthplaces of stars, so we can use them to read the tale of our Galaxy & how it formed #GaiaDR1

2016-09-14 19:27:33
ESA Science @esascience

A.Vallenari: We know ~2000 open clusters in the Milky Way, all in Sun's neighbourhood. @ESAGaia will find them all over the Galaxy #GaiaDR1

2016-09-14 19:31:00
ESA Science @esascience

A.Vallenari: How to identify star clusters? Not easy from images, look @ motions: stars that were born together are moving together #GaiaDR1

2016-09-14 19:32:08
ESA Science @esascience

Gaia’s billion-star map hints at treasures to come - Full story & high-res images: esa.int/Our_Activities… #GaiaDR1 pic.twitter.com/h7ajSikFkR

2016-09-14 19:34:51
ESA Science @esascience

.@ESAGaia data archive is now open! Delve into the data & enjoy at archives.esac.esa.int/gaia & via other data centres: sci.esa.int/gaia/58275-dat…

2016-09-14 19:39:31
ESA Science @esascience

How many open/globular clusters & galaxies can you spot in @ESAGaia's all-sky map? #GaiaDR1 pic.twitter.com/tWNanFhmI8

2016-09-14 19:40:29
ESA Science @esascience

Now Gisella Clementini, @ESAGaia #DPAC #INAF, Astronomical Observatory of Bologna on stellar distances & the cosmic distance ladder #GaiaDR1

2016-09-14 19:41:44
ESA Science @esascience

G.Clementini: The #CosmicDistanceLadder is made by overlapping several techniques & distance indicators over different scales #GaiaDR1

2016-09-14 19:42:10
ESA Science @esascience

G.Clementini: Parallax is a direct method to measure stellar distances, but only "nearby". Need indirect methods to probe farther #GaiaDR1

2016-09-14 19:42:48
ESA Science @esascience

G.Clementini: Next step in #CosmicDistanceLadder after parallax are variable stars like Cepheids & RRLyrae. #GaiaDR1 contains 3194 (386 new)

2016-09-14 19:44:02
ESA Science @esascience

G.Clementini: @ESAGaia measures precise distances to Cepheid & RRLyrae stars via parallax, to extend reach of #CosmicDistanceLadder #GaiaDR1

2016-09-14 19:46:01
ESA Science @esascience

G.Clementini: #GaiaDR1 contains light curves of many variable stars. If you can't see error bars is because they are really small!

2016-09-14 19:47:38
ESA Science @esascience

G.Clementini: Preliminary application of #GaiaDR1 to calibrate period-luminosity relation looks very promising. But it's only the beginning!

2016-09-14 19:49:13
ESA Science @esascience

Q&A session starting now at media briefing on @ESAGaia first data release: youtu.be/5pAjvQ5uu7I Ask questions via #AskESA #GaiaDR1

2016-09-14 19:52:07
ESA Science @esascience

Download very high resolution versions of @ESAGaia 1st all-sky map (4k, 8k, 16k) here: sci.esa.int/gaia/58209 #GaiaDR1

2016-09-14 19:59:26
ESA Science @esascience

Briefing on @ESAGaia 1st data release is finished. Thanks for following #GaiaDR1 & for your questions. We'll post a replay soon, stay tuned!

2016-09-14 20:06:30
ESA Science @esascience

From scanning the sky to @ESAGaia's first-year map - an animation: youtube.com/watch?v=WY2wpM… #GaiaDR1

2016-09-14 20:10:58
ESA Science @esascience

A taster of @ESAGaia data: fly through the stars in 3D, from our Solar System to the Hyades cluster: youtu.be/ATAclMCk7Bs #GaiaDR1

2016-09-14 20:24:23
isana @lizard_isana

ESAの位置天文衛星GAIAの5年予定されている観測期間のうち最初の14ヶ月分のデータを基にした星表が公開された。11.4億個の星の正確な位置と光度が計測されている。今後これらの星を継続観測することでさらに精度が高められる予定。 twitter.com/esascience/sta…

2016-09-14 20:24:12
isana @lizard_isana

10億個の恒星の位置データ(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))♡ ref. GAIA Archive: ESA gea.esac.esa.int/archive/

2016-09-14 20:33:02
isana @lizard_isana


2016-09-14 20:34:45
dtanak 💉💉 @dtanak

天文衛星Gaiaのデータに基づくヒヤデス星団への恒星間旅行のシミュレーションですって。 twitter.com/esascience/sta…

2016-09-14 20:39:12