注閲 Last Massage from Bana and Fatemah Alabed #Aleppo

Last message - under heavy bombardments now, can't be alive anymore. When we die, keep talking for 200,000 still inside. BYE.- Fatemah 最後のメッセージ - 今激しい空爆が続いていて私たちは死ぬでしょう。私たちが死んでもまだ20万人の人たち包囲されていることを語り続けて さようなら。 Fatema
kookooman @engkooaiman

I hope you are fine Bana. Love from Malaysia 💕 #SaveAleppo

2016-10-04 21:08:18
Frazer @Frazer271009

#SaveAleppo we can't let this city be forgotten

2016-10-04 21:09:19
A G U S T I N A. @agudominguezzz

#SaveAleppo tenemos que parar con estas guerras, ya no más 🙅

2016-10-04 21:09:29
This Barbie Wears Masks @Ccaleighc

#SaveAleppo This is a city with real people being decimated. Imagine if it was Toronto, or your hometown, just destroyed and unlike itself.

2016-10-04 21:09:34
تمام💐 @mechanima

@AlabedBana Is a dear, sweet and smart sample of 30,000 or so families under sentence of death right now #SaveAleppo or they die

2016-10-04 21:09:52
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