【20110301-03】ハイチ 14【祝祭と夜明けの余震】

 http://togetter.com/li/105835 の続き。  28日、復興会議のためクリントン氏(元米大統領の方の)がハイチ入り。  1日の早朝、眠りの浅い人が目を覚ます程度の余震があった模様。長さは5sという人あり20sという人あり、良く分からない。  お祭り中。と思ったらまだ準備中。
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[dɔminik] @_do_mi_ni_que

#Aristide keeps #Haiti waiting (or is it the U.S. pressure?) as thousands rally in his support http://lat.ms/fx9g3O

2011-03-01 11:37:20
切り取り線 @kiri_tori

✄------------ AM 12:00 -----------✄

2011-03-01 12:00:00
Haiti Live News @haitilivenews

1 million meals packed for Haitian relief – Cincinnati.com http://bit.ly/fjHAiz

2011-03-01 12:12:30
Vote No Martelly @votenomartelly8

FCC is investigating Michel Martelly's fervent campaign robo-calls. It is time for Martelly to concede. http://j.mp/egVy7N

2011-03-01 12:44:07
HNN -Haiti News Network - @HaitiNewsNet @HaitiNewsNet

#Haiti's presidential candidate #Martelly listens to his communication manager Antonio Sola during a news conference http://goo.gl/vcNYp

2011-03-01 13:01:06
Haiti Live News @haitilivenews

New Haiti aid projects include 1st mortgage system – San Jose Mercury News http://bit.ly/fvCPkF

2011-03-01 13:14:24
Vote No Martelly @votenomartelly8

Michel Martelly admits He is feeling awful frustrated http://j.mp/eI7web via @AddToAny

2011-03-01 13:31:50
Haiti Live News @haitilivenews

Wife of Haiti quake victim reaches out to Christchurch – 3News NZ http://bit.ly/ejSrNB

2011-03-01 15:17:46
切り取り線 @kiri_tori

✄------------ PM 6:00 ------------✄

2011-03-01 18:00:00
Sara Magloire @Saramouche

Aftershock #haiti did anyone feel that just now ?? Or am I dreaming/having a nightmare ?

2011-03-01 18:16:03
Haiti Partners @HaitiPartners

EARTHQUAKE! Wow, it's 4:15 am and i'm working on my computer on second floor of our house in #Haiti and just experienced significant tremors

2011-03-01 18:16:51
LJ @loicjasmin

Haven't felt the earth shake since I came back last summer. This one was long as hell too. #FML #Haiti

2011-03-01 18:21:08
Rebar @reba_jean

Wasn't big quake. People are starting to calm after total hysteria. Im getting yelled at for sleeping w/ earplugs #haiti

2011-03-01 18:29:30
Scott M. Coulombe @steelstuds

I woke up at 4:14 in #Leogane #Haiti to an EARTHQUAKE that lasted about 20 seconds. No damage that I can see here. #earthquake

2011-03-01 18:35:57
Not Aaron Mason (parody) 🆗 @aaron_mason

Small #earthquake in Leogane, #Haiti at 4:15am. Shook me awake. No USGS data online yet.

2011-03-01 18:37:46
Gio @Giojules

So far nothing on USGS about #tremor felt this morning #Haiti. It was reported lasting up to 5 seconds.

2011-03-01 18:52:59
九曜@navagraha_@mastodon.juggler.jp @navagraha_


2011-03-01 19:03:13
RAMhaiti @RAMhaiti

Don't invite them! RT @ThirdWorldGirl: After the earthquake they told us to expect regular aftershocks. I'm just surprised there aren't more

2011-03-01 20:40:55
Jacqueline Charles @Jacquiecharles

Unless I was dreaming, was there a #quake aftershock at about 4:10 am this morning?

2011-03-01 20:48:00
Madame Bavardages @madamebavardage

What I felt at 4am was a tremor...The earth is still shaking in #haiti

2011-03-01 22:16:31
切り取り線 @kiri_tori

✄------------ 3/2(水) ------------✄

2011-03-02 00:00:00
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