2011年3月4日、シドニーでのMusica VivaによるAndreas Scholl&Tamar HalperinへのTwitterインタビュー(英語)

さきほど行われていたAndreas Scholl(カウンターテナー)&Tamar Halperin(ハープシコード)へのTwitterインタビュー(+インタビュー前のつぶやき)をまとめてみました(インタビュアー:Katherine Kemp, Director of Artistic Planning, Musica Viva)。 二人は現在Musica Viva主催の国際ツアーでドイツからオーストラリアを回っているところらしいです。(http://www.musicaviva.com.au/concertseason/2011ics/artists/scholl) レパートリー、歌うこと、解釈すること、教えること学ぶことなど楽器を問わず大切な事柄について触れています。
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

T: Every Sunday in Israel, they would play early music on the radio and that was my favourite music. #askandreas

2011-03-04 15:01:04
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

A: I went to New York to study classical piano and there I took a baroque music class and my teacher was a harpsichordist. #askandreas

2011-03-04 15:01:30
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

T: There I tried a harpsichord and got hooked. #askandreas

2011-03-04 15:01:43
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

KK: Did anyone have to force you to practice (I've been reading Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother)? #askandreas

2011-03-04 15:02:56
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

TH: No, I've always loved the piano. My parents pushed me as a young child. #askandreas

2011-03-04 15:03:14
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

TH: Around the age of 15, it became my thing. #askandreas

2011-03-04 15:03:34
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

KK: So Andreas, pianists have to do a lot of practice. But what about you and practice? #askandreas

2011-03-04 15:03:52
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

AS: In school, I was a good student and did what was necessary to pass. #askandreas

2011-03-04 15:04:13
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

AS: But in Basel, I started to learn with joy. And realised that a really good teacher is what inspires you to like learning. #askandreas

2011-03-04 15:04:34
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

AS: I have a daughter who is 12 and I realise how incredible the schoolwork load is now. I'm glad I grew up in the 70s! #askandreas

2011-03-04 15:04:55
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

AS: But she's happy with her teachers and likes school. But when I was in boys' choir, I don't remember having to be sent there. #askandreas

2011-03-04 15:05:36
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

AS: Singing for me was never a duty. It was something we did. And it had a social component (playing football beforehand, etc.) #askandreas

2011-03-04 15:06:12
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

TH: I discovered the fun of music when I started playing with people. It was much better to be with friends. #askandreas

2011-03-04 15:06:35
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

KK: Yes, because piano practice can be all about being locked away from everyone. #askandreas

2011-03-04 15:07:02
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

KK: This is a question: do you go to other people's concerts for fun? #askandreas

2011-03-04 15:07:18
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

AS: I rarely go to concerts. If I know that I have to sing soon, it's hard for me to relax in a concert hall. #askandreas

2011-03-04 15:07:42
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

AS: I will go to hear friends. So we went to hear @AustBrandenburg the other night. #askandreas

2011-03-04 15:08:15
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

TH: I don't go to concerts so much any more. I'm surrounded by so much music, I like to have some silence. #askandreas

2011-03-04 15:08:42
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

RT @krashangel: @MusicaVivaAU Please #askandreas when he will record a Caldara, Antonio (c.1670-1736) album. #askandreas

2011-03-04 15:08:56
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

AS: We did research unpublished Caldara cantatas. Unfortunately, the project didn't happen. But I would like to revive the idea. #askandreas

2011-03-04 15:09:30
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

AS: I'll use this visit to Australia to try to get that project on the road. #askandreas

2011-03-04 15:09:47
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

KK: Andreas, would you consider singing contemporary music, e.g. Oberon? #askandreas

2011-03-04 15:10:47
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

AS: I find I have difficulties with contemporary music. I'm so much a child of the early music scene. #askandreas

2011-03-04 15:11:13
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

AS: The focus becomes so much on getting tempo and measures right, that I can't focus on the music. #askandreas

2011-03-04 15:11:33