Erlang Factory SF Bay Area 2011

Erlang Factory の自分用のまとめ
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Kevin Smith @kevsmith

Getting ready to migrate from Pac. Heights to Burlingame. #erlangfactory

2011-03-24 01:54:30
Kevin Smith @kevsmith

Am at the Hilton committing some code for work? Who's up for beers and/or food soon? #erlangfactory

2011-03-24 03:37:55
Proxima Labs @proximalabs

hey #erlangfactory - get the mobile guide for your iphone/android! Schedule, maps, exhibs, twitter, more! #conventionist

2011-03-24 03:55:14
Seth Falcon (he/him) @sfalcon

in the cab on the way to SEA for a flight to SFO #erlangfactory

2011-03-24 06:20:55
Code BEAM @CodeBEAMio

Get the mobile guide for the #erlangfactory on your iphone/android! Schedule, maps, twitter and more! #conventionist

2011-03-24 06:30:19

TV has option to show error messages in haiku #lulz #erlangfactory

2011-03-24 08:41:05
Jordan West @_jrwest

Using common_test/proper and trying dialyzer on a new side project thanks to @mononcqc's TDD with Erlang course at #erlangfactory

2011-03-24 09:10:05
ᛞᛁᛋᛁᛝᛖᚱ @dysinger

Current Status: Martini's and hacking on my org-mode agenda. #erlangfactory

2011-03-24 09:35:23
Seth Falcon (he/him) @sfalcon

wheels down SFO. looking forward to #erlangfactory tomorrow.

2011-03-24 09:52:44
ᛞᛁᛋᛁᛝᛖᚱ @dysinger

Installing bananajour for #erlangfactory - "It's P.B.J. time, beotches"

2011-03-24 09:53:19
Adam Kocoloski @kocolosk

Skipping dinner to rest up and put the finishing touches on my #erlangfactory talk

2011-03-24 10:33:36
Francesco Cesarini @FrancescoC

Erlang Factory speaker's dinner with my Twitter timeline. Awesome lot! #erlangfactory

2011-03-24 12:16:51
Kenji Rikitake @jj1bdx

Overwhelmed by #Erlang enthusiasts. Great dinner. Thanks to @FrancescoC and all! #ErlangFactory

2011-03-24 14:46:46
Dizzy Smith @dizzyd

@kenji_rikitake: Overwhelmed by #Erlang enthusiasts. Great dinner. Thanks to @FrancescoC and all! #ErlangFactory” +100!!

2011-03-24 15:16:17
Mac @wmacgyver

Looking through #erlangfactory talks. 2 on gamedev, 1 on AI, 1 on PRNG algorithm research. #erlang is branching out. :)

2011-03-24 15:34:33
Joseph Terranova @terranware

Erlang Uni was excellent. Looking forward to the next 2 days of talks. #erlangfactory

2011-03-24 16:05:27
Kenji Rikitake @jj1bdx

Good morning SFO/Burlingame. #ErlangFactory Conference Day 1. See you there!

2011-03-24 23:00:45

Hotel wifi was working, but I think #erlangfactory attendees just woke up

2011-03-24 23:30:55

Erlang Factory SF is about to start. Looking forward to interesting talks. And don't forget about the Erlounge tonight #erlangfactory

2011-03-24 23:32:03
Quviq @quviq

Finally... Yet another #erlangfactory in SF with lots of nice talks. We contribute with "free #quickcheck for all".

2011-03-25 00:15:02
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