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リンク Fox News Japan vs US: No, Japan is not 'killing' us, we're killing Japan, our staunchest Asian ally President Obama will become the first sitting president to visit Hiroshima when he travels to Japan later this month to attend the G7 summit. 4 users 235
リンク Japan Forward Comfort Woman Statues: A War Against the US, Not Japan | JAPAN Forward Koreans are coming. Not in peace. Few citizens of Brookhaven, Georgia realize that war has just washed into their town. 630
リンク Japan Forward Comfort Women Issue: Why Do the Japanese Keep Apologizing? | JAPAN Forward Michael Yon Special Report Part 2/4: Comfort Women Issue. Believe it or not, American Southerners find some commonalties with Japanese culture. This is important. 84
リンク Japan Forward Americans, Comfort Women Myth Makers from Asia Think We're Too Naive | JAPAN Forward Michael Yon Special Report Part 3 of 4: I have discussed the what and the how of the comfort women system, but what about the why? Why do military forces prefer to have designated brothel areas specifically for troops? 168
リンク Japan Forward Korea's Comfort Women Statues Are Cast-Metal Racial Hatred | JAPAN Forward Michael Yon Special Report Last of 4 parts: Talking with the protesters, one soon realizes that this campaign of putting up comfort women statues is about removing American troops from Korea, and from throughout Asia. 82
リンク Japan Forward 'Comfort Woman' Statue Brings Embarrassment, Strife to Southern American City | JAPAN Forward GEORGIA, United States—"Three, two, one!" At the end of the unveiling ceremony on June 30, Mayor John Ernst of Brookhaven, flanked by South Korean-American groups, pulled down a yellow cloth. With a loud cry, they unveiled the comfort woman. 146
リンク Japan Forward Osaka to Cut Sister City Ties if San Francisco Erects Comfort Woman Statue | JAPAN Forward The city-approved inscription explaining the statue clearly calls the comfort women "sex slaves," in contrast with how the Japanese government would characterize them. 4
リンク Japan Forward Osaka Mayor Writes Open Letter to San Francisco on Comfort Women Statue | JAPAN Forward Osaka Mayor Yoshimura wrote this open letter on September 29 to make the city's position on the issue clear: 2
リンク Japan Forward South Korean Groups' Campaign to Junk Comfort Women Accord Serves the North's Agenda | JAPAN Forward On April 4, Lee Soon-deok, the oldest living former comfort woman, died of old age at a hospital in Seoul. She was 98.
CatNA @CatNewsAgency

慰安婦問題に関するワルシャワ大・アンジェイ・コズロフスキー教授の論文が括目に値する理由は、彼自身ユダヤ系で、慰安婦強制連行否定をホロコースト否定と同一視し「歴史修正主義者」のレッテルを貼るNYTらのやり方に怒りを感じているから。 twitter.com/xcvbnm67890/st…

2015-12-25 10:28:13


リンク ケント・ギルバート ブログ『ケント・ギルバートの知ってるつもり』 Powered by アメブロ ケント・ギルバート『韓国軍にベトナム人慰安婦がいた!二カ国語 Part1(拡散自由)』 The ROK Army Used Vietnamese Comfort Women Part1(No restrictions on retransmis…
リンク ケント・ギルバート ブログ『ケント・ギルバートの知ってるつもり』 Powered by アメブロ ケント・ギルバート『韓国軍にベトナム人慰安婦がいた!二カ国語 Part2(拡散自由)』 The ROK Army Used Vietnamese Comfort Women Part2(No restrictions on retransmiss…
リンク WSJ Claims South Korea Provided Sex Slaves for U.S. Troops Go to Court In recent years, Seoul has often raised the case of “comfort women”, claiming Tokyo hasn’t fully compensated the alleged sex slaves to the imperial military during the occupation of the Korean Peninsula in the early 20th century.
リンク scholarsinenglish.blogspot.com Why Has South Korea Still Not Apologized to the Vietnam Comfort Women? By Chris Grasso of Tampa Business Examiner This year, at the 96th anniversary of the Korean uprising against Japan in March 1, 1919, Sout... 46
リンク koreatimes Time to put the comfort woman statue where it belongs? The comfort woman, a blue scarf wrapped around her grey neck, sits across from the Japanese Embassy, as innocent as a schoolgirl.


リンク Japan Forward 'Battleship Island': Criticized for Being 'Divorced from Reality' | JAPAN Forward "The film should have been a bit more detached. It should have stuck to what the Japanese and the Koreans actually did." Read more here. 3
リンク Japan Forward 'Gunkanjima is An Astonishing Time Capsule' | JAPAN Forward British historians also call Japan's Battleship Island 'the magical place'. 2018 is the 150th anniversary of the Meiji Restoration and its industrial revolution.
リンク Japan Forward Koreans Use Misleading Photo to Promote Anti-Japanese Film | JAPAN Forward Since it was given World Heritage Status by UNESCO in 2015, "Battleship Island" (Hashima) in Nagasaki has been a focal point of the anti-Japanese movement in Korea, connecting it to the conscription of Korean laborers during the Pacific War. 115
リンク Japan Forward Lie Debunked: Historical Data Show No Forced Labor for Koreans | JAPAN Forward There is a widely accepted view in Korea that, under Japanese rule, mobilized Koreans were made to work like "slaves" in poor conditions at domestic coal mines and elsewhere. 1
リンク Japan Forward Forced Labor Propaganda: When You've Got No Historical Facts, Use Fake Graffiti | JAPAN Forward On February 8, South Korean MBC TV's Evening News program aired a special report on the Hashima coal mine, known as Gunkanjima, in Japan's Nagasaki Prefecture. 1
リンク Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan Issues regarding History 1 user 5448
リンク Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan History Issues Q&A 12