#QuakeBook 震災義捐金のための出版計画、寄稿は一般人からウィリアム・ギブソンまで

英国出身・千葉県在住の「敏腕エージェント」こと @OurManInAbiko の発案&主導で進められている #QuakeBook が、ここ数日、英語圏の大手メディアやブロゴスフィアなどで話題です。 東北関東大震災の義捐金を集めることを目的としたこのプロジェクト(売り上げはすべて日本赤十字社に寄付)は、この震災を個々人がどう体験したかを綴った文章を集めたもの。実際に大きな被害を受けた人もいれば、私のように東京で多少の影響は受けているという人もいるし、日本国外で案じているという人もいます。日本を舞台にしたSFの名作で知られるウィリアム・ギブソン、先日「ヤクザ」の人々が震災救援を行なっていることを細かく報じたジャーナリストのジェイク・エイデルスタインも寄稿。 発売日、入手方法など詳細は: 続きを読む
前へ 1 2 ・・ 22 次へ
Our Man in Abiko @ourmaninabiko

Just got the latest "final" proof. Looking good people. Classy feel. Just redoing contents page #quakebook is back in Tokyo with @whatwhated

2011-03-27 10:17:59
Our Man in Abiko @ourmaninabiko

Can I just say, #quakebook has already been a massive success: it has enabled people around world to DO something, even a little, to help.

2011-03-27 11:32:54
Our Man in Abiko @ourmaninabiko

Checking the contents page for 87 entries is quite a bitch of a job, I tells you. #quakebook

2011-03-27 11:45:29
Our Man in Abiko @ourmaninabiko

Once more with feeling. Adding locations of contributors to contents page. It shows whole world has been affected. #quakebook

2011-03-27 12:09:44
Our Man in Abiko @ourmaninabiko

Oh, the contents list is not formatted, just so you can see who's in. Also, more pics are in.

2011-03-27 15:04:29
Our Man in Abiko @ourmaninabiko

People wondering if I should link to websites. Hell no. This is for charity, not self-promotion #quakebook there is such thing as google too

2011-03-27 15:06:12
Our Man in Abiko @ourmaninabiko

Oh my. RT @twitter #Quakebook: A Twitter-sourced Japan charity book published in one week to benefit the earthquake victims. bit.ly/i9Qtk8

2011-03-27 20:24:04
Our Man in Abiko @ourmaninabiko

*Gulp* have been invited to talk about #quakebook at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan. I'm not worthy. I'm just a silhouette.

2011-03-27 20:46:11
Jake Adelstein/中本哲史 @jakeadelstein

@ourmaninabiko They just have to be credited as "originally published in Shambhala Sun, rewritten for #QuakeBook." Thanks!

2011-03-27 21:14:53
Our Man in Abiko @ourmaninabiko

#quakebook needs you: Know anything about copyright stuff? Should we have a copyright warning in title page? Any smart folk out there?

2011-03-27 21:32:21
Our Man in Abiko @ourmaninabiko

People of twitter, what do you think about a creative commons (ie cool to copy) copyright for #quakebook Good/bad for charity? Thoughts?

2011-03-27 22:24:53
Our Man in Abiko @ourmaninabiko

People of Twitter; we have completed editing #quakebook. Just 1 page to do: copyright. Amazon meeting tomorrow. Keep calm. Carry on.

2011-03-28 01:22:16
Our Man in Abiko @ourmaninabiko

OK #quakebook people. The book is done and email is with the Japan Times who are going to print a page of excerpts tomorrow. We need...

2011-03-28 10:24:28
Our Man in Abiko @ourmaninabiko

@ThatDanRyan Nope. Just say a British blogger who posts at Our Man in Abiko under the name Ourmani Nabiko. 2nd ref Mr Nabiko...!

2011-03-28 10:41:31
Our Man in Abiko @ourmaninabiko

@ThatDanRyan The point is it's not about me, my ID is irrelevant, it's about the charity.

2011-03-28 10:43:10
Our Man in Abiko @ourmaninabiko

Our Man is taking couple hours off to think deeply in bed. You kids play nicely while I'm offline. Please no bugging celebs for #quakebook

2011-03-28 16:35:41
Our Man in Abiko @ourmaninabiko

So, back in the bunker again. Everyone is buying the Japan Times tomorrow, right? (or cadging a free view on net) Excerpts from #quakebook!

2011-03-28 21:58:11
Our Man in Abiko @ourmaninabiko

Our Man is going to be interviewed by the Wall Street Journal tomorrow about #quakebook. Talk about shocks and stares.

2011-03-28 23:01:43
Our Man in Abiko @ourmaninabiko

Tea has arrived. Now to work on wording for copyright page for #quakebookl from Our Man's favourite law firm, Hitchem, Bitchem & Ditchem.

2011-03-28 23:05:52
#SayHerName 🇪🇺 @oscities

#quakebook flickr pool has reached 42 members and 140 items, stunning stuff. pls join us in there! thanx! -cc @quakebook

2011-03-29 01:32:27
Michael Gakuran 📸 @gakuranman

Okay, please check: http://quakebook.blogspot.com/ added borders to form. Do they look okay in all browsers?

2011-03-29 02:10:04
前へ 1 2 ・・ 22 次へ