錬金術パズル #OpusMagnum ユーザ製GIFまとめ。Alchemical Machinery #Puzzle #Game Opus Magnum. User made GIFs Compilations. Part 1.

Zachtronicからの新作、試薬を使い目的の生成物を錬金するパズルゲームのユーザ作品をまとめました。日本語有り、2GHz CPUで動く軽めの作品。Steamで1845円也。 Part 2は https://togetter.com/li/1186032 http://www.zachtronics.com/opus-magnum/ 発売日から2017年末までまとめ。
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患者長ひっく @hicchicc

Opus Magnum購入! このパズルゲー、むちゃくそ面白い予感がする・・ 初めての機構にしてはきれいにできたかな? pic.twitter.com/conpVcE4u9

2017-12-28 10:27:52
SuperPotatoSupreme @S_PotatoSupreme

I bought Opus Magnum during the sale and it has a gif creator so I'm going to be making gifs of my machines! these are today's machines pic.twitter.com/iHg7otzbuz

2017-12-28 09:26:41
こえの @Melon_Apartment

ピストンアームは便利だなぁ。高いけど。 #opusmagnum pic.twitter.com/Ho8nbnvSeQ

2017-12-28 06:17:19
Joe Parlock @joeparlock

There are better ways of doing this, but when I've got that first gif to compare my progress to it still feels like I'm vastly improving at it. Opus Magnum is great. pic.twitter.com/ssuFdAk032

2017-12-28 06:01:43
Joe Parlock @joeparlock

I really love how Opus Magnum lets you keep actual records of your improvement. This is my first attempt at this puzzle, the next tweet has my 3rd iteration of it, third tweet has my 4th. Same result, totally different process using skills I've learned over time. pic.twitter.com/OGfrU71WY3

2017-12-28 06:01:42
Rey Worthington @nothe

@lizlemming right?!?! it's super nerdy, too... It's a steam game called Opus Magnum. You have all these little rotators & pistons and you have to build the thing (in this pic, it's on the right) by programming the arms! Here's my solution to that one, in motion: pic.twitter.com/lxJ7mXEh3V

2017-12-28 05:30:18
こえの @Melon_Apartment

ピストンアームでゴリ押すのが多くなってきたので今回は使わなかったが今度はトラックでゴリ押すようになった。 #opusmagnum pic.twitter.com/LmZxldRLoZ

2017-12-28 01:41:14
derrick150 @150D

#opusmagnum わりときれいにまとまった透明インク(90/717/18)  変換の関係でレールいるだろうしエリア理論値かな pic.twitter.com/TCcmPP27Fm

2017-12-28 00:11:42
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