錬金術パズル #OpusMagnum ユーザ製GIFまとめ。Alchemical Machinery #Puzzle #Game Opus Magnum. User made GIFs Compilations. Part 1.

Zachtronicからの新作、試薬を使い目的の生成物を錬金するパズルゲームのユーザ作品をまとめました。日本語有り、2GHz CPUで動く軽めの作品。Steamで1845円也。 Part 2は https://togetter.com/li/1186032 http://www.zachtronics.com/opus-magnum/ 発売日から2017年末までまとめ。
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Joacim Jacobsson @jjacobsson

It took me a ridiculous amount of time to even solve this at all. I blame #netflix & Manhunt: Unabomber on the second screen. #opusmagnum Stain Remover pic.twitter.com/XrhqMSfRPQ

2017-12-27 23:01:25
A.K @AK_2657

錬金術の合間に壺に入って山を登る。 ios版が出てて驚いたが、やめておいたほうがいい。 指に負担がかかりすぎて水疱ができる。 あまりに心が折れそうだったので友人にもギフトとして送っておいた。 #opusmagnum #gettingoverit pic.twitter.com/PPw9jWO9F3

2017-12-27 22:57:18
MrShroud @infernox1099

Quite proud of the speed on this one, although theoretically speaking, the minimum cycles is 36, based on input speed, yet 40 seems quick enough. #opusmagnum pic.twitter.com/T5Z7WhEkAB

2017-12-27 22:21:17
.:ELNiNO:. TaroMyzk @Ninoo

Oddly Satisfying Opus Magnum - Sword Alloy: youtu.be/mLBsgU4KnNo?a via @YouTube

2017-12-27 16:50:36
.:ELNiNO:. TaroMyzk @Ninoo

#opusmagnum 剣用の合金・Sword Alloy. 途中こんがらがって何回もやりなおした。Phew pic.twitter.com/yyMROuZbIJ

2017-12-27 16:30:19
T @The_Masked_Kid

#opusmagnum I didn't notice until the end that I forgot one of the reagents on the life-sensing potion 😖 pic.twitter.com/2FM1asu4Cw

2017-12-27 15:14:23
.:ELNiNO:. TaroMyzk @Ninoo

#opusmagnum Refined Gold 精製された黄金。ミニマムエリア6 pic.twitter.com/k8k5l3jBRL

2017-12-27 14:37:44
Daanish Syed @_DaanishSyed

Cant stop playing Opus Magnum. It's been hours. It's just magnificent. And I also can't get enough of these GIFs! I know this is utterly meaningless to those who haven't played the game, but I'm particularly proud of this one.. So efficient!!! pic.twitter.com/tpWXEHQphG

2017-12-27 13:57:26
DJ Baby Husband @strikeitup


2017-12-27 13:47:18
세히기✨ @cehigi

스팀 닉네임: Cehigi 요즘 Opus Magnum 하고 있습니다 자유롭게 친추 ㄱㄱ pic.twitter.com/UU9BvKqUl1

2017-12-27 11:16:13
Dayani 💙 @healiocentric

Aaaaand that's the story mode complete. My first solves are *always* a mess, haha. Opus Magnum may be my game of 2017, tbh. It makes me wistful for all my old chemistry classes. So much fun to live in that headspace again. <3 pic.twitter.com/XGC8N9M5ZA

2017-12-27 10:56:38
Kerma @kerma4kHD

opus magnum is really cool, if you're into this sort of thing pic.twitter.com/cQxm8WMHOi

2017-12-27 06:58:30
Z @____Azra

Bought Opus Magnum yesterday and I've been loving it. This is probably my solution I'm proudest of so far, I have a version that takes 5 less cycles but has 1 more area and costs 65G more. pic.twitter.com/7LCFam7Up1

2017-12-27 05:12:22
@MaxFirestorm@social.mootech.eu @Max_Firestorm

Started playing Opus Magnum that @CrimJims got me for Christmas... First solution for the first non-tutorial didn't go too badly! pic.twitter.com/rmRQi4oxZr

2017-12-27 04:45:03
開拓地 WanWanPanic#1365 @kaitakuchi

今日の錬金術はシミ抜き。力技の圧倒的な成長を実感する #OPUSMAGNUM pic.twitter.com/kb8RClXSp8

2017-12-27 04:03:54
Kent Brewster (@kentbrew@xoxo.zone) @kentbrew

@jennjenn @arainert Here's my latest on Opus Magnum. I have never seen a game that better illustrates the Project Management Triangle. pic.twitter.com/Ql0hZ1Mqnh

2017-12-27 01:44:13
CMDR PALM3R @palm3r

今頃になって日本語が選べることに気づいた #opusmagnum pic.twitter.com/ONIVEKDoNG

2017-12-26 23:37:09
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