@sapinkerさんの新著ENLIGHTENMENT, NOW関連ツイート(作業中)

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Steven Pinker @sapinker

Latest lecture from my Rationality course: 18. Rationality in a Time of Coronavirus harvard.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/…

2020-04-09 03:30:13
Steven Pinker @sapinker

Rationality, lecture 17: Sports, Finance, Government - Guest appearance by Michael Lewis, author of Liar's Poker, Moneyball, Big Short, Fifth Risk. (Especially recommended: This class was really fun.) harvard.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/…

2020-04-04 06:42:12
Steven Pinker @sapinker

Latest lecture in Rationality: Crime - Guest lecture by Thomas Abt, author of Bleeding Out. (Evidence-based analysis of crime-lowering policies. Many surprises. Title = Violent crime is an emergency. Save lives now, think about "root causes" later.) harvard.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/…

2020-04-03 01:18:15
Steven Pinker @sapinker

Latest lecture in "Rationality": Guest lecture by a passionate young climate activist the world must heed now. No, not Greta: Solomon Goldstein-Rose, who lays out what we must do to SOLVE climate given the scientific and political realities. @SolomonG_R harvard.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/…

2020-03-28 23:31:31
Steven Pinker @sapinker

Latest lecture in Rationality (bugs not worked out: 1st 1/2 hour unrecorded). Rationality, Journalism, and Planning for the Future, featuring Bos Globe Editorial page editor Bina Venkataraman & cog scientist Adam Bulley. harvard.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/… pic.twitter.com/jy9VwWoGQb

2020-03-26 02:23:27
Steven Pinker @sapinker

Social and Political Bias: Newest lecture in Gen Ed 1066, Rationality. harvard.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/…

2020-03-13 06:42:52
Steven Pinker @sapinker

The Enlightenment, Cultural Evolution, and the Human Mind: New video interview by Ricardo Lopes of The Dissenter. youtu.be/qs9VQlmZwMc via @thedissenterYT

2020-03-10 10:46:56
Steven Pinker @sapinker

Lecture 11 in my course on Rationality: Rationality in the Evaluation of Communication, Guest lecture by Hugo Mercier harvard.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/…

2020-03-07 01:36:57
Steven Pinker @sapinker

In an interview in Forbes, R Zitelmann asked me whether most of the progress I documented in EN was the result of capitalism. Answer to this and other Qs here. via @forbes forbes.com/sites/rainerzi…

2020-03-04 11:23:34
Steven Pinker @sapinker

Rationality Reconsidered (On why people are not as befuddled as the biases-&-fallacies research suggests). Latest lecture in GENED 1066, Rationality. harvard.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/…

2020-03-04 10:57:53
Steven Pinker @sapinker

New lecture in my Rationality Course: Heuristics, Biases, & Cognitive Illusions harvard.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/…

2020-02-28 09:21:36
Michael Shermer @michaelshermer

Do you wish you could take a course at Harvard University to learn how to think critically & skeptically but you don't have the SAT scores, grades or $$? Well, now you can, for free: Gen Ed 1066 Rationality taught by Professor @sapinker PPT slides included harvard.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/… pic.twitter.com/rQZt0t2TFm

2020-02-22 06:18:02
Steven Pinker @sapinker

Rational Choice Theory & Game Theory: Latest lecture in GENED 1066, Rationality. on 2/20/2020 (Thu) harvard.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/…

2020-02-21 08:59:21
Steven Pinker @sapinker

What is a correlation? What is causation? And when can we go from the first to the second? Latest lecture in my Harvard course Rationality, GENED 1066, earlier today. 2/18/2020 (Tue) harvard.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/…

2020-02-19 10:30:20
Steven Pinker @sapinker

Latest lecture in my Harvard course on Rationality: Statistical Decision Theory, aka Signal Detection Theory, one of two indispensable ways of thinking to be rational in an uncertain world. 2/13/2020 (Thu) harvard.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/…

2020-02-14 07:49:41
Steven Pinker @sapinker

Latest lecture in my Harvard course GENED 1066, Rationality: Bayesian Reasoning. 2/11/2020 (Tue) harvard.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/…

2020-02-12 08:06:12
Steven Pinker @sapinker

Probability and Randomness: 4th lecture in my Harvard course Gen Ed 1066, Rationality, 2/6/2020 (Thu) harvard.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/…

2020-02-08 01:05:16
Steven Pinker @sapinker

Third lecture in my Harvard course on Rationality, "Logic and Logical Thinking": harvard.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/…

2020-02-05 10:36:37
Steven Pinker @sapinker

Rationality and Irrationality. Why follow reason? Second lecture (earlier today) of my course at Harvard General Education 1066: Rationality. 1/30/2020 (Thu) harvard.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/…

2020-01-31 08:47:43
Steven Pinker @sapinker

Streaming video of my first lecture (yesterday) in General Education 1066, "Rationality." 1/28/2020 (Tue) harvard.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/…

2020-01-30 08:28:17
Steven Pinker @sapinker

My new Harvard course: General Education 1066, "Rationality." pic.twitter.com/piaumtUU3b

2020-01-25 04:05:46
Steven Pinker @sapinker

Enlightenment Now by Steven Pinker – new interview in Panorama Magazine panorama2go.com/en/enlightenme…

2020-01-27 00:24:47
Steven Pinker @sapinker

Steven pinker | thoughts of an intellectual - IntellectInterviews intellectinterviews.com/2020/01/steven…

2020-01-06 05:20:09
Steven Pinker @sapinker

Steven Pinker: what can we expect from the 2020s? (Perhaps recklessly, I took on this assignment from the Financial Times for their end-of-year issue.) ft.com/content/e448f4…

2019-12-28 00:51:46
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