@sapinkerさんの新著ENLIGHTENMENT, NOW関連ツイート(作業中)

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Steven Pinker @sapinker

Enlightenment Now in Japanese, vol. 2. 21世紀の啓蒙 下: 理性、科学、ヒューマニズム、進歩 スティーブン・ピンカー amazon.co.jp/dp/4794224222/… via @amazonJP

2019-12-15 23:20:10
Steven Pinker @sapinker

Enlightenment Now is now available in Japanese. Volume 1 here: 21世紀の啓蒙 上: 理性、科学、ヒューマニズム、進歩 スティーブン・ピンカー amazon.co.jp/dp/4794224214/… via @amazonJP

2019-12-15 23:19:33
Steven Pinker @sapinker

Harvard-Professor über Risiko-Mythen: "Wir brauchen mehr Atomkraft" spiegel.de/plus/harvard-p… via @spiegelplus

2019-12-14 02:55:51
Steven Pinker @sapinker

Steven Pinker | In-depth Interview on human nature and human progress by the Institute of Art and Ideas @IAI_TV @instituteofartandideas shar.es/a3cwCA

2019-12-12 00:47:26
Steven Pinker @sapinker

My acceptance speech for Simon Fraser University's prize for controversy has been posted. youtu.be/kjwRtPR4paU via @YouTube

2019-12-09 07:32:45
Steven Pinker @sapinker

Excellent Interview in Estado da Arte by Gabriel Prado, a student visiting Harvard who took my intro psych course. O novo filósofo do Iluminismo: uma conversa com Steven Pinker - Estado da Arte estadodaarte.estadao.com.br/o-novo-filosof… @oestadodaarte

2019-12-08 11:18:43
Steven Pinker @sapinker

Interview on South Korean television (English with subtitles). cp.sericeo.org/?uk=c2222b8986

2019-12-06 01:31:04
Steven Pinker @sapinker

Protesters in Lebanon & Iraq with copies of Enlightenment Now, translated & distributed by Ideas Beyond Borders. ideasbeyondborders.org/gt-donate pic.twitter.com/uIs2A0c982

2019-11-29 06:24:58
shorebird @shorebird2000

訳書情報をブログにアップしました. 「21世紀の啓蒙」 - shorebird 進化心理学中心の書評など shorebird.hatenablog.com/entry/2019/11/…

2019-11-26 15:14:54
shorebird @shorebird2000

書評をブログにアップしました. 「Enlightenment Now」 - shorebird 進化心理学中心の書評など shorebird.hatenablog.com/entry/2019/11/…

2019-11-23 14:38:00
Steven Pinker @sapinker

Two broader & less obvious discoveries from our study on the universality of music science.sciencemag.org/content/366/64…, relevant to theoretical matters I've written about:

2019-11-26 21:28:40
Steven Pinker @sapinker

Here's Sam's explainer: twitter.com/samuelmehr/sta…

2019-11-22 04:31:49
sam @samuelmehr

in 1835, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow called music "the universal language of mankind". he turns out to have been right. psychology of music meets computational soc sci, anthro, cs, from @_themusiclab // themusiclab.org, in @sciencemagazine science.sciencemag.org/cgi/doi/10.112… 🧵 pic.twitter.com/axuNA2vtV5

2019-11-22 04:01:11
Steven Pinker @sapinker

Footage from a video podcast interview by Curt Jaimungal: "Steven Pinker on the radical left, Jordan Peterson, Chomsky, and Sam Harris." youtu.be/oLVL2u-ZJ8c via @YouTube

2019-11-26 07:39:26
Steven Pinker @sapinker

Thanks as well to Julia Cort, Co-Executive Producer of NOVA, and Paula Apsell, Executive Producer Emerita, who ran NOVA for 35 years and made it a great institution for intelligent TV & deep & stylish science communication. pbs.org/wgbh/nova/vide…

2019-11-23 20:29:41
Melissa Chen @MsMelChen

Spotted at a market in Najaf, one of Iraq’s holy cities: @IdeasB2’s free Arabic translations of ‘Enlightenment Now’ by @sapinker and ‘Waking Up’ by @SamHarrisOrg showing up as unsanctioned printed copies, juxtaposed with religious titles. It’s working. #IdeasBeyondBorders pic.twitter.com/QxiJ4spqHZ

2019-11-13 06:15:57
Steven Pinker @sapinker

This was mine: “Journalistic pessimism has sown fatalism and radicalism about our institutions,” writes @sapinker. How would you fix politics? politico.com/interactives/2…

2019-11-11 10:43:23
Steven Pinker @sapinker

My article in Skeptic now available online. twitter.com/michaelshermer…

2019-10-30 06:22:28
Michael Shermer @michaelshermer

"Why We Are Not Living in a Post-Truth Era" Skeptic cover story by @sapinker now available online for free. Read & forward one of the best & most important articles we've published in our 27 years of combatting fake news, alternative facts, & irrationality skeptic.com/reading_room/s… pic.twitter.com/EXUnG3rame

2019-10-29 22:35:06
Jerry Coyne @Evolutionistrue

An eloquent article by Steve Pinker in Skeptic Magazine on why "fake news" hasn't displaced reason in today's world, but why pockets of irrationality, including the intolerance and authoritarianism of college campuses, continue to impede progress. bit.ly/2peD4E5

2019-10-30 05:26:03
Michael Shermer @michaelshermer

eSkeptic is published every Tuesday. It's free. This week we have an epic double-header: @sapinker 's cover story on living in a post-truth world & my podcast conversation with @RichardDawkins on Outgrowing God. Watch this space and sign up for eSkeptic: skeptic.com/eskeptic/signu… pic.twitter.com/hHKvSdgEoA

2019-10-27 09:32:11
Steven Pinker @sapinker

New interview in the Brown (University) Journal of Philosophy, Politics, & Economics, conducted prior to my dialogue with Paul Krugman earlier this year. twitter.com/BrownJPPE/stat…

2019-10-18 02:31:59
Brown Journal of Philosophy, Politics & Economics @BrownJPPE

Steven Pinker (@sapinker) is an experimental psychologist at Harvard who conducts research in visual cognition, psycholinguistics, and social relations. Check out JPPE's interview with Pinker on Free Speech, Protests, the “Alt-Right”, and Jordan Peterson. brownjppe.com/steven-pinker-…

2019-10-11 06:48:48
Steven Pinker @sapinker

Yuval Noah Harari & Steven Pinker in conversation (Youtube) youtu.be/qHSzeijQ95I via @YouTube

2019-10-11 00:45:30
Steven Pinker @sapinker

Academic freedom prevents us from getting trapped in circles of delusion: New interview on Big Think. bigthink.com/Stand-Together…

2019-10-04 16:21:58
Steven Pinker @sapinker

Politico magazine asked dozens of thinkers how to fix US politics: politico.com/interactives/2… Here's my contribution: How To Fix Misinformation: Correct For the Media’s Negativity Bias -politico.com/interactives/2…

2019-09-25 21:59:59
Steven Pinker @sapinker

Conversations on Peaceful Change: An Interview with Dr. Steven Pinker youtu.be/anZsWO7MhSI via @YouTube

2019-09-25 21:52:34
Steven Pinker @sapinker

Politico magazine asked dozens of thinkers how to fix US politics: politico.com/interactives/2… Here's my contribution: How To Fix Misinformation: Correct For the Media’s Negativity Bias -politico.com/interactives/2…

2019-09-25 21:59:59
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