
しましまのICML2018の参加・聴講記録 https://icml.cc/Conferences/2018
IJCAIconf @IJCAIconf

IJCAI 2018 Industry Days a unique networking where entrepreneurs and scientists discuss the future of #AI . See full program ijcai-18.org/industry-days/ pic.twitter.com/AaKksH1fhw

2018-06-11 16:14:05
IJCAIconf @IJCAIconf

See all the keynote speakers at the premier international gathering of researchers in AI @IJCAI_ECAI_18. @ylecun, Max @tegmark, Danica Kragic, Nicole @immorlica, Hector Geffner, Joyce Chai, @jfbonnefon ijcai-18.org/invited-talks/ pic.twitter.com/QhEVUrY6dd

2018-06-20 03:07:10
IJCAIconf @IJCAIconf

How researchers are teaching AI to learn like a child, by Matthew Hutson @SilverJacket in Science sciencemag.org/news/2018/05/h…

2018-06-21 15:12:52
IJCAIconf @IJCAIconf

All the best news from the premier international gathering of researchers in #ArtificialIntelligence IJCAI-ECAI 2018 (in July, Stockholm, Sweden). Follow us on Twitter, twitter.com/IJCAI_ECAI_18 pic.twitter.com/6R7fqWB929

2018-06-24 06:15:01
IJCAIconf @IJCAIconf

Facebook Chief AI Scientist Yann LeCun about the future of artificial intelligence youtube.com/watch?v=dzQRCZ… Yann LeCun is keynote speaker at @IJCAI_ECAI_18 (July Stockholm, Sweden)

2018-06-24 13:22:47
IJCAIconf @IJCAIconf

In the news: Helena Lindgren has been awarded the Nordea's Northern Foundation Scientific Prize for research in #ArtificialIntelligence . Helena is also Social Event Coordinator for @IJCAI_ECAI_18 pic.twitter.com/bGR47z176A

2018-06-26 14:39:12
IJCAIconf @IJCAIconf

A hotspot for Artificial Intelligence. 5,000+ researchers and experts are expected to the IJCAI-conference and sister conferences. 10-19th July, Stockholm, Sweden. Follow us on Twitter @IJCAI_ECAI_18 pic.twitter.com/XHlhTtU3qj

2018-06-29 15:37:06
IJCAIconf @IJCAIconf

All the news from the premier international gathering of researchers in #ArtificialIntelligence IJCAI-ECAI 2018 (July 13-19, Stockholm, Sweden). Follow us on Twitter, twitter.com/@IJCAI_ECAI_18

2018-07-03 05:25:33
IJCAIconf @IJCAIconf

“It is unique to bring together so many of the world’s leading AI researchers in one place.” Stockholm, Sweden, July 10-19. Follow us on Twitter @IJCAI_ECAI_18 mynewsdesk.com/visitstockholm…

2018-07-04 15:37:48
Reza Zadeh @Reza_Zadeh

Best paper award at #ICML2018 main idea: identify a class of adversarial defenses, called "Obfuscated gradients", & develop attack techniques to thwart this defense. Circumvents 6 of 9 defenses presented at #ICLR2018. Paper: arxiv.org/pdf/1802.00420… Code: github.com/anishathalye/o…

2018-07-08 20:50:30
IJCAIconf @IJCAIconf

Up to date AI research. The International Joint Conferences on Artifical Intelligence proceedings are now online! 800+ papers. ijcai.org/proceedings/20… Follow us on Twitter @IJCAI_ECAI_18 pic.twitter.com/KNmnwBvvFv

2018-07-09 15:20:34
Pietro Berkes @pietro_berkes

All ready for #ICML2018 , except for the usual airport insanity pic.twitter.com/Q9oDOJMFOH

2018-07-09 17:50:08
IJCAIconf @IJCAIconf

Enjoy! The International Joint Conferences on Artifical Intelligence proceedings are now online! 800+ papers will be presented at @IJCAI_ECAI_18 in Stockholm. ijcai.org/proceedings/20…

2018-07-09 18:54:26
しましま @shima__shima

明日からICML2018,国際会議 51回目,ICML 2回目,ICMLは2015年のリール以来,どれくらい巨大な会議になってるかな? とりあえず,プレレジストレーションを済ませた.

2018-07-10 03:04:27
しましま @shima__shima

NIPS2016のときは,長すぎる所属名のために,バグっていたが,今回は学習したせいか大丈夫なようだ pic.twitter.com/QN3OK9UEAb

2018-07-10 05:07:28
Zachary Lipton @zacharylipton

Well here goes. Our ICML Debates paper is live: "Troubling Trends in Machine Learning Scholarship". If anyone needs me, I'll be in witness protection. 🙄 dropbox.com/s/ao7c090p8bg1…

2018-07-10 07:35:00
しましま @shima__shima


2018-07-10 15:37:19
mooopan @mooopan

ICMLではみかんを無限に食べることができる pic.twitter.com/gJ6s0e8E9V

2018-07-10 16:04:48
enjoy my life @issei_sato


2018-07-10 17:01:08
ここもふ @cocomoff

コミケの奥に広がる無限ポスターボードエリアの方が怖い pic.twitter.com/wAQaddTSAc

2018-07-10 17:19:40
1 ・・ 24 次へ