[JE9] Japan earthquake Info in English #jishin_e 5/3 01:50JST

tags: #jishin_e #eqjpn_enginfo (this time not collected from #honyaquake #jpeq_en #jpeq_eg ) - chirpinator's stories on Chirpstory in English. #jishin_e http://chirpstory.com/id/chirpinator - prev story: [PE8] JP earthquake Info in English #jishin_e http://togetter.com/li/121022 - HUB PAGE: Japan earthquake Info in English and other languages 日本地震情報を外国語へ翻訳 http://togetter.com/li/110637 続きを読む
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Kiyoshi Hara 🥓 @discardedbacon

A #Yamada daughter painted heart symbol on her parents' house as surprise gift. Tsunami took her/house away. http://bit.ly/mLpyZ0 #jishin_e

2011-05-02 07:30:04
Kiyoshi Hara 🥓 @discardedbacon

2nd female worker found overexposed to radiation at crippled Fukushima nuke power plant. (5/2 Japan Times) http://bit.ly/iAXpce #jishin_e

2011-05-02 07:25:01
Kiyoshi Hara 🥓 @discardedbacon

In Iitate Vil, #Fukushima Pref., farmers decide to cull milk cows amid radiation threat (5/2 Daily Yomiuri) http://bit.ly/iGFOdb #jishin_e

2011-05-02 07:20:00
Kiyoshi Hara 🥓 @discardedbacon

[Tohoku Weather 5/2] Strong wind from west, up to 18m/s. Be careful if planning to engage in outdoor recovery works. #NHK #jishin_e

2011-05-02 07:15:03
Kiyoshi Hara 🥓 @discardedbacon

#TEPCO gives up a plan to cool #Fukushima reactors w/ sea water, will rely on external air-cooling sys. 5/2 http://cot.ag/mN9xcv #jishin_e

2011-05-02 07:10:01
LAYLA(蒼いうさぎ) @mairisa_mama_k

ガソリンスタンドで 福島ナンバーの車への給油お断り の貼り紙が………無知な人々が日本を滅ぼすと思う。 #Fukushima #jishin_e

2011-05-02 07:06:00
Kiyoshi Hara 🥓 @discardedbacon

On 5/2, JPN Diet is expected to pass 1st supplemental budget, aimed at disaster recovery & survivor supports, for FY2011. #NHK #jishin_e

2011-05-02 07:05:04
Kiyoshi Hara 🥓 @discardedbacon

As of 5/1 126,372 ppl still living in evacuation centers in 18 prefectures after 3.11 EQ/tsunami. #NHK #jishin_e

2011-05-02 07:01:00
Kiyoshi Hara 🥓 @discardedbacon

JPN Police Agency: 14,704 ppl confirmed dead, 10,969 listed as missing after 3.11 EQ/tsunami & aftershocks, as of 5/1. #NHK #jishin_e

2011-05-02 07:00:25
Earthquake NEWS @reconstructionn

GulfNewsDonate household items for Japan's survivorsGulfNewsThe least we could do is offer som... http://bit.ly/kB3hzz #jishin #jishin_e

2011-05-02 06:48:29
Dr. Fran Vogler @drfranvogler

JAPAN:Prime Minister Blasted Over Management of Fukushima Crises by Foreign Govt http://bitly.com/mKcXLI #jpquake #jishin_e #eqjp #fukushima

2011-05-02 06:45:11
Earthquake NEWS @reconstructionn

Diet and disasterThe Japan TimesNow is the time for both government leaders and lawmakers to r... http://bit.ly/ltsWCr #jishin #jishin_e

2011-05-02 03:46:10
Earthquake NEWS @reconstructionn

Japanese students raise money to repair homelandCambridge FirstIn response, A-level student Re... http://bit.ly/jXYeSd #jishin #jishin_e

2011-05-02 03:46:10
九曜@navagraha_@mastodon.juggler.jp @navagraha_

UPDATE! (-05/02/02:00) "20110311 JAPAN MEGAQUAKE M9.0 -ENGLISH NEWS TL (39)- [04/28-]" http://togetter.com/li/129270 #jishin_e

2011-05-02 02:20:53
文部科学省 MEXT @mextjapan

(Eng ver)Readings of Sea Area Monitoring at Post Out of Fukushima Dai-ichi NPP [May 1, 2011] http://bit.ly/eWqgxn #mext #jishin_e

2011-05-02 02:19:08
文部科学省 MEXT @mextjapan

(Eng ver)Readings of environmental radioactivity level by prefecture [19:00 May 1, 2011] http://bit.ly/eJQ3K2 #mext #jishin_e

2011-05-02 02:18:57
文部科学省 MEXT @mextjapan

(Eng ver)Reading of radioactivity level in fallout by prefecture [4.30.9AM~5.1.9AM, 2011] http://bit.ly/k7kYfa #mext #jishin_e

2011-05-02 02:18:47
文部科学省 MEXT @mextjapan

(Eng ver)Readings of dust sampling [10:00 May 1, 2011]http://bit.ly/eN7I7z #mext #jishin_e

2011-05-02 02:18:35
文部科学省 MEXT @mextjapan

(Eng ver)Readings at Monitoring Post out of 20 Km Zone of Fukushima Dai-ichi NPP [19:00 May 1, 2011] http://bit.ly/gqtRdh #mext #jishin_e

2011-05-02 02:18:23
Dr. Fran Vogler @drfranvogler

JAPAN:The Complicated, Cosy Relationship Between the Regulated & the Regulator at Nuclear PP http://bit.ly/kmUv4Y #jpquake #jishin_e #eqjp

2011-05-02 00:54:00
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