
2011.5.2米海軍特殊部隊によるオサマ・ビン・ラディン急襲を、そうとは知らずに実況してしまった @ReallyVirtual 氏のツイートまとめ
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

@smedica 'safer' is a relative term that has lost its meaning in Pakistan

2011-05-02 06:26:30
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

Here's the location of the Abbottabad crash according to some people >>> http://on.fb.me/khjf34

2011-05-02 06:34:46
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

Two helicpoters, one down, could actually be the training accident scenario they're saying it was >> http://bit.ly/ioGE6O

2011-05-02 06:43:55

A Major of the #Pakistan #Army's 19 FF, Platoon CO says incident at #Abbottabad where #helicopter crashed is accidental and not an "attack"

2011-05-02 06:57:03

The Major also says no "missiles" were fired and all such exaggerated reports are nothing but rumours #Pakistan

2011-05-02 06:57:45
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

and now I feel I must apologize to the pilot about the swatter tweets :-/

2011-05-02 07:05:06
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

And now, a plane flying over Abbottabad...

2011-05-02 07:39:30
Ibrar Nazar @real_ibbi

1 dead and 1 injured in Abbottabad for heli crashed

2011-05-02 07:57:24
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

@raihak The day there is uninterrupted electricity in Lahore for a whole month, I will start packing my bags, until then, Abbottabad is home

2011-05-02 08:14:56
Munzir Naqvi 🧢 @naqvi

I think the helicopter crash in Abbottabad, Pakistan and the President Obama breaking news address are connected.

2011-05-02 11:45:41
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

Interesting rumors in the otherwise uneventful Abbottabad air today

2011-05-02 12:00:35
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

Report from a taxi driver: The army has cordoned off the crash area and is conducting door-to-door search in the surrounding

2011-05-02 12:02:58
ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル日本版 @WSJJapan

【Breaking News】ビンラディン容疑者が死亡、オバマ大統領が記者会見へ=関係筋

2011-05-02 12:03:39
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

@kursed What really happened doesn't matter if there is an official story behind it that 99.999% of the world would believe

2011-05-02 12:08:21
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

@kursed Another rumor: two copters that followed the crashed one were foreign Cobras - and got away

2011-05-02 12:10:45
Ahmed Bilal @ahmedbilal

@ReallyVirtual @kursed that last tweet applies to just about everything :)

2011-05-02 12:11:33
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

@ahmedbilal @kursed Sadly. We should start learning how to spread believable stories and recreate a reality that suits us.

2011-05-02 12:12:56
Saad @kursed

@ReallyVirtual Foreign cobras that came in as far as Abbottabad? Hard?

2011-05-02 12:13:52
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

@kursed True, but stranger things have happened. I just hope they don't find my giant helicopter swatter. Must hide it :-/

2011-05-02 12:15:30
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

Report from a sweeper: A family also died in the crash, and one of the helicopter riders got away and is now being searched for.

2011-05-02 12:21:18