
2011.5.2米海軍特殊部隊によるオサマ・ビン・ラディン急襲を、そうとは知らずに実況してしまった @ReallyVirtual 氏のツイートまとめ
Saad @kursed

Express TV says that two Chinooks did a low-level intrusion in Pakistan Air space for this op.

2011-05-02 12:23:13
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

@kursed Well, there were at least two copters last night, I heard one but a friend heard two, for 15-20 minutes.

2011-05-02 12:24:11
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

@kursed I think I should take out my big blower to blow the fog of war away and see the clearer picture.

2011-05-02 12:24:54
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

I guess Abbottabad is going to get as crowded as the Lahore that I left behind for some peace and quiet. *sigh*

2011-05-02 12:27:13
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

RT @ISuckBigTime: Osama Bin Laden killed in Abbottabad, Pakistan.: ISI has confirmed it << Uh oh, there goes the neighborhood :-/

2011-05-02 12:31:46
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

Wondering what would be the right music to play in the coffee shop today...

2011-05-02 12:35:21
Saad @kursed

Geo is also reporting evidence of two US Spec Op choppers which conducted this operation in Abbotabad.

2011-05-02 12:35:21
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

I guess I should unsubscribe from the #abbottabad search on twitter before it kills my machine. Leave Abbottabad alone, Osama and Obama...

2011-05-02 12:41:56
Haris Nadeem @harisn

@ReallyVirtual You never told you were "right outside Islamabad" =P

2011-05-02 12:46:41
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

@harisn we are both right outside Islamabad :-)

2011-05-02 12:47:18
Bradley Burgess @BradleyK8Olsen

Abbottabad just became a sexy new spring break destination.

2011-05-02 12:50:18
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

Damn its getting hard to RT some funny Abbottabad tweets, they're scrolling so fast :-(

2011-05-02 12:53:28
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

I need to sleep, but Osama had to pick this day to die :-/

2011-05-02 13:03:10
طاہر اکرم @tahirakram

@ReallyVirtual So it was Osama killing operation. I am amazed, he selected a sensitive city to live. (If this event is not engineered.)

2011-05-02 18:01:11
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

Uh oh, now I'm the guy who liveblogged the Osama raid without knowing it.

2011-05-02 13:41:46
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

and here come the mails from the mainstream media... *sigh*

2011-05-02 13:42:14
Ahmed Bilal @ahmedbilal

@ReallyVirtual your profile says 'hiding in the mountains with his laptops.' That's a dead giveaway...

2011-05-02 13:44:23
Shannon Albert @ShannonAlbert

He unknowingly live Tweeted the raid on Osama. RT @ReallyVirtual Helicopter hovering above Abbottabad at 1AM (is a rare event).

2011-05-02 14:32:36
Frode Odegard @Odegard

@ReallyVirtual Let us know how long it takes before someone from Hollywood calls you to be part of the movie about how it all happened..

2011-05-02 16:04:32
Seth Andrews @SethBAndrews

@ibi2010 Did you hear this? Breaking (3:36 AM EDT): US official says Osama bin Laden's body has been buried at sea.

2011-05-02 16:43:54
成毛 眞 @makoto_naruke

もう水葬された。水葬の理由は墓荒らしおよび聖地化を防ぐため。ちなみにムスリムは24時間以内に埋葬されねばならん。米国は最大限の敬意を払った。RT @mikajohn: ニュースでやってるburied by sea の意味がわからなくてググった。海で死す?水葬?余計に意味わからん。

2011-05-02 18:17:14

@ReallyVirtual Hard luck. But hey! Atleast THE MOST WANTED #terrorist is killed :)

2011-05-03 16:57:54
岡田憲治@『教室を生きのびる政治学』(晶文社)発売中 @ganaha22


2011-05-03 17:58:09
‛LaVisionaria1’☼ © @LAVISIONARIA_1

@ReallyVirtual @kashaziz ...interesting indeed, how you narrated events without knowing what was happening wIth USA & #Osama_Bin_Laden-

2011-05-02 18:20:12