
Dmitry Ulyanov @DmitryUlyanovML

Another great paper from Samsung AI lab! @egorzakharovdl et al. animate heads using only few shots of target person (or even 1 shot). Keypoints, adaptive instance norms and GANs, no 3D face modelling at all. ▶️ youtu.be/p1b5aiTrGzY 📝 arxiv.org/abs/1905.08233 pic.twitter.com/GjVrJbejT0

2019-05-22 20:11:39


Andy Rey @ThePepperjacked

@DmitryUlyanovML @egorzakharovdl Anyone else just keep thinking this’ll create a whole new way of catfishing?

2019-05-23 01:12:20
Louw Post @LouwPostNL

@ThePeppersock @DmitryUlyanovML @egorzakharovdl That, and extortion. Like creating some specific fake videos with celebrities in it for example.

2019-05-23 07:04:58
chris @bluecel16

@DmitryUlyanovML @egorzakharovdl Think of the propaganda value of making anyone appear to say anything you want.

2019-05-23 03:01:28
Stevie @TheOccStevie

@DmitryUlyanovML @OwensDamien @egorzakharovdl Aaand off we trot to a nightmare post-evidence future. I did not type that. It was built from a screenshot of an AOL mail I sent in 96, two yoghurt tubs and a ferret named Bryan.

2019-05-23 07:28:52
Sheetzylvanian-American @Bullneck

@DmitryUlyanovML Seems like it's time to stop this line of research right now

2019-05-23 03:09:01
PetRat Productions @D1a1v1e11

@DmitryUlyanovML @RafaelRRRiva @egorzakharovdl Jesus, how long til we start seeing fake news and stuff with this shit. It’s crazy impressive, but, ugh, sends a shiver down my spine

2019-05-23 02:09:05
リンク 棘を抜く 科学関係のまとめ - 棘を抜く まとめのまとめをまとめる テクノロジーやサイエンス、エネルギーについての話題のまとめ エネルギー テクノロジー サイエンス エネルギー 原発もイヤ、シーレーンもイヤ。でもエネルギーはくれ。どうしろって言うんだ 原発のおかげで豊かになったのに迷惑施設扱い。恥ずかしくないんすか テクノロジー プロペラが不要の風力発電 ググる時に「 .pdf 」を混ぜると信頼性の高い情報出てくるよ 佐川急便が導入した「くっそ汚い字でも読み取れるAI」がすごい ロボット義手がそろそろ作れそう Deepfakeでターミネーター2の