
変態鬼畜戦士IKEDA_孤独の3D屋 @3D_IKEDA

本日の進捗 やはり動くというのは生きてるって感じがして…何が言いたいかというと揺れがすごい 震度6かな pic.twitter.com/aMMP4zJBnR

2019-06-23 04:15:22



@Punishere1 just bc you like the original versions tits doesn’t mean the others are invalidated

2019-06-23 13:13:34
Punishere1_ @Punishere1_

@FUCKINGMilique The whole point of the game is to relive nostalgia in all aspects. You change it... People get upset. Nothing else to discuss. Square just has to accept the consequences.

2019-06-23 13:17:04

@Punishere1 no it isn’t lol. it’s to add modern design choices and graphics, while nostalgia is part of the package deal. not to mention, we live in an age of political correctness, there would be so much backlash toward square enix if they sexualized tifa like that.

2019-06-23 13:20:02
Punishere1_ @Punishere1_

@FUCKINGMilique Who gives a shit about policial correctness in a video game. Not every piece of entertainment has to be a policial statement. That's the problem with social justice warriors. They run everybody's fun. I won't be supporting FF7R. because westerns have ruined the vision. Done.

2019-06-23 13:22:40

@Punishere1 dude ff7 is literally based on politics. and it’s not that politics would ruin the game, it’s that there’s such a broad audience looking forward to the game, which a lot of them will also be women. if you can’t see the issue, there’s nothing else to be said

2019-06-23 13:32:21
Punishere1_ @Punishere1_

@FUCKINGMilique So because the women who are insecure about there own body have the right to change alter the original vision of the game looool. yea I see a problem, and it's not the design of the game. Sounds like body shaming to me.

2019-06-23 13:34:21

@Punishere1 complaining about a “revision” in this remake means you have a problem w every remake out there bc they all do this in some way, shape or form

2019-06-23 13:37:26
Danky Mc420face🐀 @MulyadiJonathan

@3D_IKEDA This here is the reason why I got into ff7😏

2019-06-23 10:17:13
Henry 🇵🇷 @quinonesrey

@3D_IKEDA @LaynaLazar Still like the model they released in the remake

2019-06-23 11:57:47
Layna💉🩸 @LaynaLazar

@quinonesrey @3D_IKEDA Not sure what that has to do with this fanart :<

2019-06-23 12:00:22
AdamC @AdamCoffee5000

@3D_IKEDA @Melodic_RU 走っている妻はこんな感じ. 私はいつも脱水していま...

2019-06-23 06:08:34
リンク 棘を抜く 暇つぶしのまとめ。おっぱいとかゲームとかアニメとかおっぱいとか - 棘を抜く ダラダラと見るようのまとめ。 おっぱいは人の疲れを癒す効果があるとかないとか。巨乳は見るだけで疲労回復するとかしないとか。他イラスト等。 おっぱい、コスプレ等、3次元 ゲーム ガンダム イラスト おもちゃ おっぱい、コスプレ等、3次元 togetter.com togetter.com togetter.com togetter.com togetter.com togetter.com togetter.com togetter.com togetter.com togetter.com togette