
Hiecchi @Hi3cchi

@insatiablejudge Also....here for you.....plz educate yourself before you talk like you know any shit about history.... pic.twitter.com/KvPyogsne4

2019-09-08 18:53:20



Hiecchi @Hi3cchi

@coconutmilc @insatiablejudge That he/she is wrong with her/his take and be offended because of a sign, which means something bad in your country/culture is dumb, bc every culture has his own "bad things" and we cant literally ban everything which could offend another culture twitter.com/Hi3cchi/status…

2019-09-08 20:25:09
Hiecchi @Hi3cchi

Because its nowadays a trend to ban "bad" things based on your cultural views I insist a ban on the "fox sign" from every anime/manga, bc its associated with a nationalist group, which shares the same beliefs like Nazis Plz Japan, ban this controversial sign from your media pic.twitter.com/ZtRrzo3uMM

2019-09-08 18:45:10


🔞Video Game Hunter🔞 @vgh32

@insatiablejudge How about no. I will use whatever that Character originally hade. The last thing I want to do is support more censorship.

2019-09-08 11:51:19


•Lil Yaadi• @llovllyy

@insatiablejudge Explain to me how these two things are similar. Seriously... pic.twitter.com/V02OTjATa9

2019-09-08 15:39:16


Matter of Fact @era_Delirium

@insatiablejudge Why is 'less controversial' better? Ffs, you Animal Crossing-loving, happy-go-lucky, Disney-happy-end authoritarians need to STFU. 🤦‍♀️

2019-09-08 22:16:18



【審議中】 (´・ω・) (´・ω・) (・ω・`) (・ω・`)



@RoonKolos @insatiablejudge I'll finish it for you. On behalf of others who wouldn't give a fuck about it anyways.

2019-09-08 18:46:04



🌸♡BluOni♡🌸 @Blu_Oni2

@insatiablejudge I’m from Southeast Asia and I know no one IRL who gets triggered by the rising sun motif

2019-09-08 11:56:27


2Zippos @2Zippos

@GreenTeaKitKat4 @insatiablejudge That's still true. These Baizuo are just virtue signaling. They don't actually care.

2019-09-08 17:31:30

