電子書籍のbookmarkとannotationの標準化についてN.Y.で行われた議論 #bkmk11

5/26にN.Y.で行われたHacks/Hackersの電子書籍のbookmarkとannotationの標準化に関するブレーンストーミング( #bkmk )をまとめました(まだ継続中か?)。 http://meetupnyc.hackshackers.com/events/18715981/  このブレーンストーミングに関係するサイトやドキュメントへのリンクは以下でまとめられています。 http://ietherpad.com/oa1Zr9zrxN 続きを読む
Travis Alber @screenkapture

good talk about deleting annotations / handling annotations on updated books. BookGlutton had to build for these #bkmk11

2011-05-27 00:50:38
Hadrien Gardeur @Hadrien

@screenkapture what's the recommended way to deal with these? I would probably keep them even if you can't point anymore #bkmk11

2011-05-27 00:55:16
kazuhiro ando @kzakza

#bkmk11 で今、annotations、とかfragment identifierとか電子書籍(もっと広い?)について凄く興味深い話がされている。あとでトゥぎゃてまとめて読もう。

2011-05-27 01:01:10
ASMNW @vaporbook

Versioning of annotations - by machine or author - may be key in reattaching/relocationg orphaned objects #bkmk11

2011-05-27 01:18:24
Travis Alber @screenkapture

@Hadrien well, storing excerpt with annotation is a good idea, although it's something we are still developing... #bkmk11

2011-05-27 02:00:02
Travis Alber @screenkapture

Is copyright talk out of place? To me copyright concerns are tied to implementation and depend on content type. #bkmk11

2011-05-27 02:26:04
Travis Alber @screenkapture

@naypinya major props for using the phrase "unix worldview" and "reading groups" in same breath #bkmk11

2011-05-27 02:38:01
Hadrien Gardeur @Hadrien

@screenkapture copyright is also an issue if you want to embed an excerpt in your annotation #bkmk11

2011-05-27 02:51:19
ASMNW @vaporbook

@bookglutton uses an opds catalog, and atom annotations, with the idea being they're close enough to be easily merged #bkmk11

2011-05-27 02:59:32
ASMNW @vaporbook

Anyone recall the link to the IDPF WG minutes where some requirements on cross publication linking were outlined? #bkmk11

2011-05-27 03:02:20
Todd Carpenter tac_NISO at social.niso.org @TAC_NISO

Interesting question - to what extent would a compendium of annotations become a derived work - how would int'l copyright law apply? #BKMK11

2011-05-27 03:07:04
Travis Alber @screenkapture

@Hadrien true copyright is important, but must not let that stifle innovation. Now discussing issue of owning personal annotations. #bkmk11

2011-05-27 03:12:58
Travis Alber @screenkapture

@vaporbook has a good point: we're not going to start having less data - it becomes an interface issue #bkmk11

2011-05-27 03:28:49
ASMNW @vaporbook

All we need to do for October is define clearly exactly what an "annotation" is. #bkmk11

2011-05-27 03:35:03
Rob Sanderson @azaroth42@w3c.social @azaroth42

Great discussion at #bkmk11 regarding annotation and the OAC approach. Biggest issue: Best method to robustly identify target in dynamic doc

2011-05-27 03:48:17
Rob Sanderson @azaroth42@w3c.social @azaroth42

#bkmk11 two big publishers at the table want to embrace open standards to promote interoperability :) really, _really_ encouraging!

2011-05-27 03:55:28
Todd Carpenter tac_NISO at social.niso.org @TAC_NISO

Fantastic meeting on Bookmarking & social reading. Thanks to all who participated. Report of meeting & agreed next steps next week #bkmk11

2011-05-27 06:25:14
pendorbound @pendorbound

@Hadrien Would definitely love to see a standard emerge there. Implementing in BookShelf/Tomes was painful & brittle... #bkmk11

2011-05-27 07:29:02
Jennifer Vinopal @jvinopal

@azaroth42 coffee would be great. What time works for you? How was #bkmk11? Looked really interesting.

2011-05-27 11:32:00
Rob Sanderson @azaroth42@w3c.social @azaroth42

@jvinopal #bkmk11 was really good. Amazing group of people brought together by @tac_niso and @naypinya!

2011-05-27 11:35:40
Todd Carpenter tac_NISO at social.niso.org @TAC_NISO

@ljndawson Exhausted. Very busy week at #bea11 #digbook11 #bkmk11 #ISBNhour +parents arriving for the holiday. Catch you next week

2011-05-28 01:00:10
Hadrien Gardeur @Hadrien

@marckohlbrugge you mentioned on etherpad that you designed a generic fragment id for text. Any public example & presentation ? #bkmk11

2011-05-28 01:31:03