NISOとInternet Archiveによる電子書籍のAnnotiationとBookmarkingワークショップ in San Francisco 2011/10/26 #nisoanno

E-Book Annotation Sharing and Social Reading 米国情報標準化機構(NISO)とインターネットアーカイブ、電子書籍のアノテーション共有・ソーシャルリーディング用標準規格を検討するワークショップを開催 | カレントアウェアネス・ポータル 続きを読む

Attending the NISO meeting - talking about social reading, notes and standards in my old hometown. #nisoanno

2011-10-27 01:25:51

The Open Annotation Collaboration standards meeting kicking off here in SF right now. A key part of the future of the web. #nisoanno

2011-10-27 01:26:52

Open Annotation Collaboration standards meeting kicking off here in SF right now. A key part of the future of the web. #nisoanno

2011-10-27 01:28:20

At NISO bookmarking and annotation meeting (#nisoanno) trying to make annotation open

2011-10-27 01:32:11

It's easier to deal with audio/video than text. See for media fragments #nisoanno

2011-10-27 01:34:33

Do we need to treat multimedia differently than text ? I don't think so, fragments for text should only have a different dimension #nisoanno

2011-10-27 01:37:15

@Hadrien We use W3C media fragments in #OAC, but there are issues of extensibility #nisoanno

2011-10-27 01:37:34

#nisoanno Anvil video annotation tool -

2011-10-27 01:38:36

#nisoanno Good question about whether reading is naturally social or not

2011-10-27 01:42:28

#nisoanno World wide scale annotation system has tried and didn't work. Why?

2011-10-27 01:47:53

@kinwong #nisoanno Spam. Authority. Noise. Discoverability.

2011-10-27 01:49:28

For annotations, we need to solve one problem at a time. There are multiple problems to solve and we can't solve them all at once #nisoanno

2011-10-27 01:49:46

How we point (fragment) is a key problem to solve before we start thinking about metadata, protocol, discoverability & privacy #nisoanno

2011-10-27 01:52:37

It's also important to realize that "one size fits all" solution won't work for some of these problems we'll need to be extensible #nisoanno

2011-10-27 01:54:38

+1 ! RT @Hadrien: How we point is a key problem to solve before thinking about metadata, protocol, discoverability & privacy #nisoanno

2011-10-27 01:54:57

How do we link annotations in different editions of the same work? asks @tac_niso #nisoanno

2011-10-27 02:04:12

#nisoanno Here is my open-source JS library I implemented for content-based pointing

2011-10-27 02:07:46

intriguing to think about how /central/ annotations are to the target document itself #nisoanno

2011-10-27 02:13:54

Discussion about EPUB Canonical Fragment Identifier (epubcfi) #nisoanno

2011-10-27 02:24:37

#nisoanno CFI - sounds like someone did us a MVP.

2011-10-27 02:29:57

#nisoanno (@ Marines Memorial Club & Hotel w/ 2 others)

2011-10-27 02:46:29

Been hard to tweet from the front of the room during #NISOAnno @azaroth42 is speaking now about Open Annotation Collaboration

2011-10-27 02:59:03