NISOとInternet Archiveによる電子書籍のAnnotiationとBookmarkingワークショップ in San Francisco 2011/10/26 #nisoanno

E-Book Annotation Sharing and Social Reading 米国情報標準化機構(NISO)とインターネットアーカイブ、電子書籍のアノテーション共有・ソーシャルリーディング用標準規格を検討するワークショップを開催 | カレントアウェアネス・ポータル 続きを読む

"Distrust of quoting passages" / "Distrust of offsets" - the major dilemma in annotation pointers. #nisoanno

2011-10-27 03:01:27

Maybe the answer to quoting passages vs offsets is to use fuzzy word matching with hashes. #nisoanno

2011-10-27 03:04:12

I wonder how a RDF-model like OAC will look like when serialized differently for various protocols #nisoanno

2011-10-27 03:05:24

Many thanks to the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for the support today to hold #NISOanno in SF.

2011-10-27 03:11:50

It's doubtful that we'll quickly define protocols & metadata for annotations. Wonder if this is an opportunity for new services #nisoanno

2011-10-27 03:21:14

Steve Jobs biography being used as an example book during discussion. Can you reconstruct the full text from annotations? #NISOanno

2011-10-27 03:28:22

It feels that there's no perfect solution for pointers/fragments. The "right" solution might be a mix of imperfect ones. #nisoanno

2011-10-27 03:28:34

@Hadrien "Whoever has just one representation has a bad one." An AI maxim, but I think it applies to text references too. #nisoanno

2011-10-27 03:32:11

Next speaker at #NISOAnno is Bill McCoy talking about the work on annotation that IDPF did on #EPUB3

2011-10-27 03:42:45

@calliemiller as said at #nisoanno we need to distinguish between the act of reading itself and discussions around books read or to read

2011-10-27 03:44:30

McCoy: Emerging Applications of EPUB3 CFI - Adobe digital ed bookmarks - target should be more than just EPUB it should be PDF too #NISOAnno

2011-10-27 03:51:44

Bill McCoy speaking about ePUB linking in the IPDF, via Canonical Fragment Identifiers: #nisoanno

2011-10-27 03:52:26

McCoy: IDPF supports this (NISO/OAC) work wholeheartedly. :) #nisoanno

2011-10-27 03:55:53

@kinwong presenting Mobnotate: Your Book. Your Yoice. Publish Now!! #nisoanno

2011-10-27 05:07:29

My #nisoanno slides from this morning: NISO Annotation Meeting (San Francisco)

2011-10-27 05:10:58

Doing a lightening round of products/services related to annotations #NISOAnno

2011-10-27 05:16:46

"When we started OpenBookmarks, we thought about creating a standards, then realized that it's hard to do..." #NISOAnno

2011-10-27 05:20:27

#nisoanno With streaming book services, the only thing a reader owns is their experience, recorded by annotations and bookmarks -- J Bridle

2011-10-27 05:21:43

"Readers don't care about technology. They care about simplicity" so true #nisoanno

2011-10-27 05:23:31

#nisoanno May I go one step further and say readers don\t

2011-10-27 06:10:51

@sloucherzine hit return by mistake, but I would say functionality and useability. Or is that complicating the matter? #nisoanno

2011-10-27 06:19:36

#nisoanno moving to full group discussion about areas to focus on, and how to make it all happen :)

2011-10-27 06:29:16