10月7日〜国際レベリオン を終えて

続き物。エクスティンクション・レベリオンの秋の行動まとめ @XrXrJapanのツイートリツートコメントより。
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XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

XR TV - Week 2 of Rebellion | Extinction Rebellion youtu.be/JXMxLeF63-Y @YouTubeより 英国スコットランドヤード警察のハードな対応を受けた1週目を過ぎて。

2019-10-16 14:42:50
Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

To build more pressure on their government, @XRebellionUK need more brave rebels who are willing to risk prison. You can sign up here: actionnetwork.org/forms/contempl… Here is their prison and police guide: rebellion.earth/policeandpriso… #XRArrestees #InternationalRebellion @XRLondon

2019-10-16 16:00:28
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

XR "政府にもっと圧力をかけるために、英国XRは逮捕のリスクを冒す意思のある勇敢な叛徒を求めています。サイン用の紙はこちら。" twitter.com/extinctionr/st…

2019-10-16 17:42:40
Extinction Rebellion London 🌍 @XRLondon

If your ancestral lands & home were being destroyed, would you be brave enough to stand up to the destroyers? It's happening now. Others are standing. "Today, I aim to get arrested. It is the only real power climate protesters have" - @GeorgeMonbiot theguardian.com/commentisfree/…

2019-10-16 16:27:17
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

XRロンドン "あなたの先祖からの土地や家が壊されたときあなたは破壊者に勇気を持って立ち上がりませんか。今起こっていることです。他の人は立ち上がっています。ジョージモンビオは逮捕されるつもりだと語る。" twitter.com/xrlondon/statu…

2019-10-16 17:52:17
Extinction Rebellion London 🌍 @XRLondon

"We have only one strength: our vulnerability. By putting our bodies on the line and risking our liberty, we make this great neglected issue impossible to ignore."

2019-10-16 16:36:34
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

XRロンドン "私たちにはたった1つの強みしかありません。私たちの脆弱性です。私たちの身体を線の上に置き、自由を賭けることで私たちはこの無視されてきた大問題を無視できないようにします。"モンビオの言葉 twitter.com/xrlondon/statu…

2019-10-16 17:57:15
Extinction Rebellion London 🌍 @XRLondon

Rebels have occupied Oxford Circus, which crosses with Regent Street, hub of luxury goods shops. The climate crisis is a class crisis, founded on inequality. The richest 10% emit half of emissions globally. Yet we all suffer & the poorest suffer the most. #ExtinctionRebellion pic.twitter.com/awOS4iRkQe

2019-10-18 18:29:49
Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

The best prize we can give Greta and the millions of young - and old - people striking for our future is joining them: fridaysforfuture.org #FridaysForFuture @Fridays4future rebellion.global #InternationalRebellion We need #EverybodyNow. desmogblog.com/2019/10/17/owe…

2019-10-19 04:13:44
Extinction Rebellion UK 🌍 @XRebellionUK

If @govuk wants us to stop protesting there are 3 simple solutions 1 #TellTheTruth about ecological and #ClimateBreakdown 2 Commit to the UK going carbon neutral by 2025 and protect #biodiversity 3 Set up a citizen's assembly with full legislative power google.com/amp/s/amp.theg…

2019-10-19 21:24:31
Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

This is the last day of #RebelRadio 📻. Thank you @sohoradio for helping our rebels to #TellTheTruth. A live, three hour, #InternationalRebellion highlights show is starting now. So get yourself a cuppa ☕️ and a biscuit 🍪. @XRebellionUK @XRLondon rebelradio.earth

2019-10-21 00:59:29
Satelliteです @japan_xr

XRの作り方7ステップ: 1. 動員数を確保します(理想5万人+) 2. 首都に集合します 3. 法律に違反する行為を行います 4. 非暴力を貫きます 5. 連日に渡って行います 6. ユーモアや創作力で楽しく行います 7. (XRの要求が満たされるまで)以上をリピートします @XrXrjapan twitter.com/ExtinctionR/st…

2019-10-21 04:38:51
Extinction Rebellion : XR Global @ExtinctionR

The civil resistance model in "7" steps: 1. You need the numbers 2. You have to go to the capital city 3. You have to break the law 4. It has to stay non-violent 5. It has to go on day after day 6. It has to be fun 7. REPEAT UNTIL YOU WIN #ThisIsNotADrill pic.twitter.com/UI3iMlmu5J

2019-10-20 18:00:30
Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

The global financial system has us heading headlong into an unimaginable catastrophe. This is a climate and ecological catastrophe. It is time for system change: rebellion.global/branches/ #ExtinctionRebellion #RebelForLife theguardian.com/business/2019/…

2019-10-21 10:05:05
Extinction Rebellion UK 🌍 @XRebellionUK

Getting ‘back to normal’ after Rebellion isn’t always easy. We’ve got you covered – read on for our best advice on looking after yourself & others as we come back down to earth; complete with bundles of free resources from the Regenerative Culture UK team! rebellion.earth/2019/10/20/pos…

2019-10-22 02:59:49
Extinction Rebellion London 🌍 @XRLondon

Between 5-17 October, 54,465 articles were posted globally about #ExtinctionRebellion, as: - 1000s slept in cold. - 10,000s protested & were criminalised by S14 ban. - 1,828 arrested; they face court & punishment. Hear the alarm 🚨🥀 Join the rebellion: Rebellion.earth pic.twitter.com/lNBCeW4K3i

2019-10-22 23:56:43
Esme @esmeraldadereth

Today along with many other protesters I was arrested and put in police custody. The climate emergency calls on all of us to pressure out governments to act with urgency #ExtinctionRebellion #ClimateBreakdown pic.twitter.com/JILVvzvp1Y

2019-10-11 03:12:48
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

エスメラルダ "今日多くの他の抗議者たちと共に私は逮捕され警察に拘留された。気候の緊急事態は私たち皆が政府に緊急に行動するよう圧力をかけることを求めている。"ベルギー王女もツイッターをするんですね。 twitter.com/esmeraldaderet…

2019-10-16 18:07:16
Rupert Read 🌍 @GreenRupertRead

This is challenging, but basically correct. What we actually need to do is listen to the science AND apply the #precautionaryprinciple. Which enables us to stay safe even where the science is unclear or indecisive. Plus, obviously, we need ethics. We need to CARE. Pse RT to agree twitter.com/kalahar1/statu…

2019-10-14 00:05:51
Chris Shaw @kalahar1

The problem with saying 'listen to the science' is that the science says lots of different things about the level of risks we face, and - properly - says nothing about the politics of responding to those risks. So that's a 'no' from me on calls to just 'listen to the science.'

2019-10-13 16:27:52
Dr. Lucky Tran @luckytran

We scientists have tried every avenue available to us to get the world to take climate action. Our warnings have been unheeded. Now it's time for non violent civil disobedience. Join us! ✊ @ScientistsX uk.mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/id…

2019-10-14 01:24:36
Clare Andrews (she/her) @MountainImp

Agree with @GreenRupertRead that other methods have not brought the #ClimateAction needed. To everyone who says a different method or a different group of people should do something, I say: go on then - do what /you/ think will work. But if you want respect, do /something/! twitter.com/GreenRupertRea…

2019-10-14 04:15:14
Rupert Read 🌍 @GreenRupertRead

"This is about us now. This is about the fact that last summer the crops in this country were failing as they were baked in the fields. This is about the vulnerability of our food supply" Part video: youtube.com/watch?v=QK7DKi… #BBCQT #ExtinctionRebellion #InternationalRebellion pic.twitter.com/SQ2eQqBGK9

2019-10-12 20:20:40
Rupert Read 🌍 @GreenRupertRead

Sometimes in the past few days I have felt discouraged at the wealth of negative coverage of XR in the last week from The Times, Torygraph, Mail, Express, Sun, GMB, FiveLive, LBC, TalkRadio... but then I realised: It is of course a compliment. It means that they are fighting us.

2019-10-14 05:11:23
Rupert Read 🌍 @GreenRupertRead

First they ignore you, then the laugh at you, then they fight you, THEN YOU WIN. #ExtinctionRebellion

2019-10-14 05:12:15
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

XR英国 "退職した警察捜査官のフィリップは私たちの抗議行動に参加している。「あなたも自分で判断を下して、壁のどちらの側に自分が座るべきか決めないといけません。" twitter.com/xrebellionuk/s…

2019-10-14 07:58:33
Extinction Rebellion UK 🌍 @XRebellionUK

Philip, retired police inspector taking part in our protests: "You have to make your own judgements and decide what side of the fence you're sitting on" #EverybodyNow #TheTimeIsNow #RebelForLife pic.twitter.com/ZX3p7PKbol

2019-10-14 00:42:19
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

レベッカ "科学者たちは気候変動を防ぐための最後の手段として市民的不服従を提唱する。" twitter.com/rebeccanagle/s…

2019-10-15 06:38:57
Rebecca Nagle @rebeccanagle

Scientists endorse civil disobedience as last resort to prevent climate change. reuters.com/article/us-cli…

2019-10-14 08:29:00
気候変動の向こう側 🇵🇸🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈 @Beyond_Climate

世界中の科学者たちが、「絶滅への反逆」による気候危機政策を求める市民的不服従運動への支持を表明。700人以上の科学者が署名。たとえ現在の法の範囲を超えても、非暴力の直接行動を支持すると。研究だけしていたいオタクがこんなことをしてしまうくらい、#気候危機 は切羽詰まっているんです。 twitter.com/ScientistsX/st…

2019-10-15 06:51:04
ScientistsForXR @ScientistsX

Scientists’ Declaration of Support for Non-Violent Direct Action Against Government Inaction Over the Climate and Ecological Emergency docs.google.com/document/d/1Fu…

2019-10-14 05:44:06
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