【NYT記事】パンデミックの未来(2つのシミュレーションが示す未来) 2020.5.11作成 #新型コロナウイルス

リンク www.nytimes.com This Is the Future of the Pandemic Covid-19 isn’t going away soon. Two recent studies mapped out the possible shapes of its trajectory. 24824
よしログ @yoshilog

1) NYタイムズがまた興味深い記事を分解ツイートしている。このパンデミックが今後どれくらい続くか、二つの分析を紹介してる。 twitter.com/nytimes/status…

2020-05-11 04:36:42
The New York Times @nytimes

The coronavirus will be with us for the foreseeable future. “Exactly how long,” one epidemiologist said, “remains to be seen.” Here’s what two recent analyses say about the shape the pandemic might take in the coming months. nyti.ms/2Lcyr4y

2020-05-11 00:45:06
The New York Times @nytimes

The coronavirus will be with us for the foreseeable future. “Exactly how long,” one epidemiologist said, “remains to be seen.” Here’s what two recent analyses say about the shape the pandemic might take in the coming months. nyti.ms/2Lcyr4y

2020-05-11 00:45:06
よしログ @yoshilog

2) ミネソタ大学は三つのシナリオを提示してる。 (1) 2020年末くらいまで、同じレベルのピークと谷が繰り返す。 (2) 今年の秋に巨大な第二波がやってくる。 (3) 現在のピークのあと、小さなピークが繰り返しやってくる。 twitter.com/nytimes/status…

2020-05-11 04:36:42
The New York Times @nytimes

An analysis from the University of Minnesota describes three possible scenarios for the future of the pandemic. nyti.ms/2Lcyr4y pic.twitter.com/KQxCWqpHFV

2020-05-11 00:46:00

COVID-19: The CIDRAP Viewpoint | CIDRAP https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/covid-19/covid-19-cidrap-viewpoint

Part 1: "The future of the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons learned from pandemic influenza" (Apr 30, 2020) https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/sites/default/files/public/downloads/cidrap-covid19-viewpoint-part1_0.pdf

Part 2: "Effective COVID-19 crisis communication" (May 6, 2020) https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/sites/default/files/public/downloads/cidrap-covid19-viewpoint-part2.pdf

The New York Times @nytimes

An analysis from the University of Minnesota describes three possible scenarios for the future of the pandemic. nyti.ms/2Lcyr4y pic.twitter.com/KQxCWqpHFV

2020-05-11 00:46:00
よしログ @yoshilog

3) ハーバード大学は、ソーシャルディスタンシングを感染が増えたら開始、減ったら止めるということを繰り返したら、どうなるかを分析してる。 twitter.com/nytimes/status…

2020-05-11 04:36:42
The New York Times @nytimes

Another analysis from Harvard’s Chan School examines intermittent social distancing — turned “on” when Covid-19 cases reach a certain prevalence in the population, and “off” when prevalence drops. nyti.ms/2Lcyr4y pic.twitter.com/rJdgzJhfku

2020-05-11 00:47:01
The New York Times @nytimes

Another analysis from Harvard’s Chan School examines intermittent social distancing — turned “on” when Covid-19 cases reach a certain prevalence in the population, and “off” when prevalence drops. nyti.ms/2Lcyr4y pic.twitter.com/rJdgzJhfku

2020-05-11 00:47:01

Projecting the transmission dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 through the postpandemic period https://science.sciencemag.org/content/early/2020/04/24/science.abb5793

よしログ @yoshilog

4) 夏期に感染が下火になるという影響があるかもしれないが、今年はまだその影響は小さい。 twitter.com/nytimes/status…

2020-05-11 04:36:43
The New York Times @nytimes

Seasonal effects could slow the spread of the virus in warmer months, but this year the effect will likely be minimal because many people are still susceptible. nyti.ms/2Lcyr4y pic.twitter.com/z86z9Fpvf6

2020-05-11 00:48:02
The New York Times @nytimes

Seasonal effects could slow the spread of the virus in warmer months, but this year the effect will likely be minimal because many people are still susceptible. nyti.ms/2Lcyr4y pic.twitter.com/z86z9Fpvf6

2020-05-11 00:48:02
よしログ @yoshilog

5) ICUキャパシティを2倍にすれば、ソーシャルディスタンシングを休止する期間を引き延ばせる可能性がある。 twitter.com/nytimes/status…

2020-05-11 04:36:43
The New York Times @nytimes

Doubling hospital critical-care capacity could allow even longer breaks between periods of social distancing. nyti.ms/2Lcyr4y pic.twitter.com/KkJALte7AX

2020-05-11 00:49:02
The New York Times @nytimes

Doubling hospital critical-care capacity could allow even longer breaks between periods of social distancing. nyti.ms/2Lcyr4y pic.twitter.com/KkJALte7AX

2020-05-11 00:49:02
よしログ @yoshilog

6) ソーシャルディスタンシングを一回やっただけではコロナをコントロールできず、集団免疫に至るには長い時間がかかる。 ワクチンがない限り、パンデミックな心理状態は2021、2022年まで続くだろう。 twitter.com/nytimes/status…

2020-05-11 04:36:43
The New York Times @nytimes

What’s clear: A one-time social distancing effort won’t be sufficient to control the coronavirus, and it will take a long time to reach herd immunity. Without an effective vaccine, our pandemic state of mind may persist well into 2021 or 2022. nyti.ms/2Lcyr4y pic.twitter.com/sUwOnZZhYP

2020-05-11 00:50:05
The New York Times @nytimes

What’s clear: A one-time social distancing effort won’t be sufficient to control the coronavirus, and it will take a long time to reach herd immunity. Without an effective vaccine, our pandemic state of mind may persist well into 2021 or 2022. nyti.ms/2Lcyr4y pic.twitter.com/sUwOnZZhYP

2020-05-11 00:50:05
よしログ @yoshilog

7)ある研究者の言葉「ソーシャルディスタンシングが必要なのは分かっていた。しかし、当初はこんなに長く必要になるとは分かっていなかった」。 twitter.com/nytimes/status…

2020-05-11 04:36:44
The New York Times @nytimes

“We anticipated a prolonged period of social distancing would be necessary,” said one researcher, “but didn’t initially realize that it could be this long.” nyti.ms/2Lcyr4y

2020-05-11 00:51:06
The New York Times @nytimes

“We anticipated a prolonged period of social distancing would be necessary,” said one researcher, “but didn’t initially realize that it could be this long.” nyti.ms/2Lcyr4y

2020-05-11 00:51:06