Notes on Sci/Tech/Society

Just collecting my own tweets from the past
Kevin Duh @kevinduh

Now 1 in 7 of American residents are immigrants. Interesting report on "Geography of immigant skills"

2011-06-09 22:28:33
Kevin Duh @kevinduh

The Internet has become a stealth weapon. NYT reports on "suitcase access points" being tunneled across borders.

2011-06-13 23:45:24
Kevin Duh @kevinduh

Just read Friedman's "Next Decade": Predicts German-Russian alliance (at EU's expense) and US-Japan faceoff (not US-China). Hard to believe.

2011-05-26 22:31:31
Kevin Duh @kevinduh

Can we predict the rate of technology innovation? Here's a PNAS paper with a interesting model/theory.

2011-05-19 20:54:53
Kevin Duh @kevinduh

I thought agriculture gave rise to civilization. But discovery of hunter-gatherer temple suggests religion came first

2011-06-08 16:12:56
Kevin Duh @kevinduh

nice talk on math #education: don't focus only on calculation; it's just a chore, one step in what's real math

2010-12-24 22:36:32
Kevin Duh @kevinduh

Heterogeneous parellism and C++ AMP, interesting talk by Sutter:

2011-06-17 22:31:33