2020/11/15 完全停戦合意後その③(アルメニア-アゼルバイジャン戦争)

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301🇦🇲 @301arm

Full letter in Armenian and English: pic.twitter.com/6Yxa6KDGV3

2020-11-15 01:47:13
lala @fromlala

“An event was finally held to memorialize the soldiers who lost their lives. I think we need more of this, not a demonstration that confuses Armenian society.” #PeaceForArmenians twitter.com/hirokionfire/s…

2020-11-15 01:48:55
301🇦🇲 @301arm

An Azerbaijani soldier standing on the cross on top of an Armenian church in occupied part of Artsakh. pic.twitter.com/PuKHb3Xzg9

2020-11-15 01:50:28
Eurasia Watcher @eurasia_watcher

カラバフの大統領もカラバフ議会の採決とアルメニア本国との協議の末、今回の停戦に合意。アルメニア本国は依然荒れているが、大分今回の戦争も終わりに近づきつつある。RT twitter.com/Pres_Artsakh/s…

2020-11-15 01:55:53
Arayik Harutyunyan | Artsakh President @Pres_Artsakh

1/10 On November 10, 2020, having approval of majority in Artsakh Republic National Assembly & after consultations w/Republic of Armenia Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, I gave my consent to complete ceasefire & termination of hostilities in Artsakh.

2020-11-15 01:12:55
Eurasia Watcher @eurasia_watcher

カラバフ大統領によればカルバジャルの北部ルートはアルメニア系側にも通行権が残るらしいが、いつまでなのか不明。というよりもアゼルバイジャンに引き渡すのではないのか。或いはロシア軍平和維持部隊のコントロール下でアルメニア系住民も往来できるということだろうか RT mobile.twitter.com/301_AD/status/…

2020-11-15 02:07:38
301🇦🇲 @301arm

President of Artsakh Arayik Harutyunyan: 1. Urgent measures must be taken to return to normal living conditions. 2. The Martakert-Karvachar-Vardenis highway will continue to be under the control of Armenian forces. (unclear till when) pic.twitter.com/kl9Tns6wKo

2020-11-13 23:59:38
Ghost watcher @ghost_watcher1

geolocation of burning houses in Kelbajar which was recorded today. Seems civialins actually do it @GeromanAT @Caucasuswar @Mukhtarr_MD @azyakancokkacan @firtisgulu @khalfaguliyev @Obs_IL source: twitter.com/Caucasuswar/st… pic.twitter.com/fCAlIh5TRs

2020-11-15 02:47:46
CaucasusWarReport @Caucasuswar

Continuous house burning earlier today by Armenian civilians in the Kalbajar District as the region will be handed over to Azerbaijan in a few hours. pic.twitter.com/D0vPwhOc9R

2020-11-15 01:16:50
CaucasusWarReport @Caucasuswar

Claims of Armenian civilians cutting off trees , burning trees and burning their houses are indeed true in the Kalbajar region. Russian journalists have repeatedly asked the man: Why are you doing this? Will you cut down all the trees? Honestly this an unnecessary behaviour... pic.twitter.com/4qjZAm4vVM

2020-11-15 02:50:58
Ghost watcher @ghost_watcher1

@Obs_IL @GeromanAT @Caucasuswar @Mukhtarr_MD @azyakancokkacan @firtisgulu @khalfaguliyev on this screen there is fires in this place (yellow). house which is burning in video is marked with red pic.twitter.com/xigx0rQWFG

2020-11-15 02:55:37
ASB News / MILITARY〽️ @ASBMilitary

Azerbaijanis disrespecting & violating Armenian church in Artsakh. 1 of these Azeri savages stood on the cross, which he had broken and began to praise Allah. This is not Muslim behaviour. Muslims respect Christianity, same as christians respect Islam. This is Azeri behaviour. pic.twitter.com/O2Ap15bEUF

2020-11-15 03:00:30
301🇦🇲 @301arm

Putin discussed with Pashinyan and Aliyev aspects of the implementation of agreements on Nagorno-Karabakh Putin stressed the importance of ensuring the safety and normal church life of shrines in Karabakh.

2020-11-15 03:05:13
301🇦🇲 @301arm

The Armenian internal political scene is a carnage. Two major events happened in the past hours. 1. The NSS issued a statement saying it thwarted an attempt by leaders of parties operating in Armenia and Artsakh, a number of politicians with anti-government views,...

2020-11-15 03:23:19
301🇦🇲 @301arm

...their supporters, and former high-ranking officials, who have obtained funds, deliberately created conditions preparing to assassinate a statesman to usurp power, but their actions have not been completed. (basically the NSS says it thwarted a coup attempt)

2020-11-15 03:23:20
301🇦🇲 @301arm

The people who have been accused are former NSS chief Vanetsyan, former RPA MP Vahram Baghdasaryan, and ARF-D member, Commander of the Sisian Volunteer Detachment Ashot Minasyan.

2020-11-15 03:23:20
Hiroki, Japanese in Armenia(アルメニア在住) @hirokionfire

You can take the land by force, but you cannot take the hearts of the people by force. twitter.com/recepmarasl/st…

2020-11-15 03:23:22
Recep Maraşlı @RecepMarasl

Ermeniler, #Dadivank'ta Azerbaycan'a terkedilecek yüzlerce yıllık kiliseleriyle vedalaşıyor... Soru: Bu insanlar neden Azerbaycan yönetimi altında yaşamak istemiyorlar? Toprakları zorla alabiliyorsunuz ama insanların gönüllerini zorla alamıyorsunuz... İşte bütün mesele. pic.twitter.com/R274XHxJeN

2020-11-13 19:41:14
301🇦🇲 @301arm

Unbelievable scene: Armenians of Karvachar take the graves of their relatives with them as the territory will be handed over to Azerbaijan most likely tomorrow as per the agreement. pic.twitter.com/l08RNelqeN

2020-11-15 03:43:08
Ghost watcher @ghost_watcher1

geolocation of this video. Davidank. Funny to notice that this armenian completely dismantled roof of his house and now have beinf cutting all of trees in his yard goo.gl/maps/J9h58VrJu… source: t.me/nasirovsaleh/1… @GeromanAT @Caucasuswar @firtisgulu @khalfaguliyev @Obs_IL pic.twitter.com/gSqqfFBlsO

2020-11-15 03:45:22
301🇦🇲 @301arm

Arthur Danielyan of the group "Adekvat" arrested. pic.twitter.com/iIlO9T9PSk

2020-11-15 04:03:45
Ghost watcher @ghost_watcher1

geolocation of another burning houses in Dadivank. source: t.me/MaidenTower/66… pic.twitter.com/wIzJ3d2hlF

2020-11-15 04:14:28
301🇦🇲 @301arm

Video of "Adekvat" opposition group member Artur Danielyan who was taken into custody in Yerevan moments ago. pic.twitter.com/JDSdMGnlRi

2020-11-15 04:18:14
Eurasia Watcher @eurasia_watcher

カルヴァジャル地区のアルメニア系住民たち、同地の引き渡しを前に、親族の墓も本国に持って帰る模様。確かに墓はジョルファの例といい、結構荒らされるリスク高いからな…。しかし徹底しているな…。RT twitter.com/301_AD/status/…

2020-11-15 04:19:29
Eurasia Watcher @eurasia_watcher

アルメニア国防省からのリーク文書によると、国防相以下、同省の要人たちはトルコの支援するシリア人戦士たちに武器を売って儲けていたらしい。RT twitter.com/Caucasuswar/st…

2020-11-15 04:23:02
CaucasusWarReport @Caucasuswar

Leaked documents from the ARM MOD showing that Minister of Defense Davit Tonoyan, Deputy Defense Minister Makar Ghambaryan and arms dealer David Galstyan were all in contact/making business by selling weapons to Turkish backed Syrian fighters... pic.twitter.com/5C6gZDDgtA

2020-11-15 03:44:41
Eurasia Watcher @eurasia_watcher

いや、その儲け話をしていた段階なのか? ハッカーたちもアルメニア国防省から随分な文書を抜いてきたものだな。RT mobile.twitter.com/Caucasuswar/st…

2020-11-15 04:26:02
CaucasusWarReport @Caucasuswar

All are legit and time stamped documents from the ARM MOD. A group of hackers were able to leak an amount of classified documents. While the “story” was about Syrian fighters in Azerbaijan, the ARM MOD were directly funding Turkish backed Syrian fighters. Weird world we live in.. pic.twitter.com/7Kl86GJk8U

2020-11-15 03:49:36
Eurasia Watcher @eurasia_watcher

カルバジャルのアルメニア系住民たち、家を燃やしていたのは聞いていたが、あたりの木を切ったり燃やしたりしているらしい。入植しにくるアゼルバイジャン系住民に役立つものは意地でも残さないつもりだろうか。RT mobile.twitter.com/Caucasuswar/st…

2020-11-15 04:28:38
Eurasia Watcher @eurasia_watcher

アルメニア系住民たち、引き渡しの直前まで家を燃やし続けてるな。BBCで取り上げられていた家を燃やすアルメニア系住民の話はどうも例外的なエピソードではなかったようである。RT mobile.twitter.com/Caucasuswar/st…

2020-11-15 04:31:49
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