
Lexit @LexitMovement1

Naked man allowed in women's Day Spa Los Angeles Boycott Wi Spa!!! pic.twitter.com/PWnCXnntKP

2021-06-27 05:02:03
TheBlaze @theblaze

VIDEO: Brawls erupt at Wi Spa protests over trans issues; street preacher bleeds from his head after attacked by mob with Antifa flag theblaze.com/news/wi-spa-pr…

2021-07-04 09:00:00
AntifaWatch @AntifaWatch2

Here's another angle of that, her sign reportedly said that she didn't want to see trans-women's penises. There's been like no police presence so far pic.twitter.com/Vl9aQEqxWj

2021-07-04 03:24:26
AntifaWatch @AntifaWatch2

One woman who was reportedly there to protest against a biological male exposing their genitals to children, was surrounded by a mob and had her sunglasses stolen. pic.twitter.com/MMiuZpVibj

2021-07-04 03:21:25
🇺🇸 🇯🇵Blah @yousayblah

(自称トランス、女性ロッカーでペニス見せつけ) ↓ 女性達が抗議デモ ↓ ANTIFA「トラ差別すんな!」集団で暴力、恫喝 ↓ 市民「きゃー助けて!」 ↓ 警察「…」 ↓ ラティーノ男性「ANTIFAてめえ!俺が相手だ!」 ↓ 警察「この野郎!逮捕だ!」 ↓ ANTIFA「サンキュー警察」 …これがリベラル社会😇 twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/stat…

2021-07-04 16:41:59
Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 @MrAndyNgo

At the antifa riot in Los Angeles today, a shirtless Latino man smacks an antifa in the face with a rosary. When he gets arrested by @LAPDHQ, the far-left protesters thank the police. twitter.com/TomasMorales_i…

2021-07-04 12:12:20
Mallory Moore @Chican3ry

Go watch yourself, records right up until the moment of her epic confrontation with the alleged trans woman, but then the footage cuts out for no particular reason. Cue applause. That no journalists questioned the narrative is shameful. instagram.com/tv/CQfqaRDnS36…

2021-07-01 01:02:02
tarunynorzo🤺🩰🌼 @tarunynorzo

2018年WiSpaのオンラインレビュー。100人の女性と性交渉したとシャワールームで自慢する性自認女性。なぜこういう性自認女性が女性や女子がヌードになる場所に入れるのか。なぜこれが合法なのか? twitter.com/MattWalshBlog/… pic.twitter.com/3fkqftt4tY

2021-07-03 16:16:35
Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog

This spa has an online review dating from 2018 complaining about a man in the women's locker room with his penis out, bragging about all the women he's slept with pic.twitter.com/LDsmVOnWL2

2021-06-28 09:41:40
ポルノ・買春問題研究会|国際情報サイト @appjp_kokusai

ロサンゼルスの例のWiSpa騒動。いわゆる Antifa を名乗る男性集団が、抗議者たちに暴力を振るいまくったらしい。武器も使ったようだ。完全にファシスト。mobile.twitter.com/christophelsto…

2021-07-04 06:06:15
Billboard Chris 🇨🇦🇺🇸 @BillboardChris

What a world! Antifa or ‘anti-fascists’— what some in denial call ‘just an idea’ — are out in L.A. defending the rights of men to expose their genitalia to little girls at Wi Spa. Anti-fascists should be called PRAs: Pedo Rights Activists. Video: youtu.be/VhX8bmIUNlc pic.twitter.com/RjwOjSBzcj

2021-07-04 05:33:23
Ash✨ @xashgiggles

Smash Transphobia, Smash Fascism - Wi Spa - MacArthur Park, Los Angeles - 7/3/21 pic.twitter.com/3yWwmFCEDR

2021-07-04 11:51:17
Rocky3 @Rocky3IIIthree

@stillgray How can he get up in this woman’s face and defend this when there is a very young girl within 2 metres of him?

2021-06-28 00:24:55
Addy von DenToten @AdorablyDead1

@hereconcentrate @LexitMovement1 You literally couldn’t even have that though or else it would be discriminatory. Absolutely insane. There are no women only spaces anymore. Even a women’s r*pe center in Canada got shut down completely because they didn’t feel safe with a pre op transwoman there and TRA’s well….

2021-06-29 09:02:16
thot #VoteNewBlueON boop/bop/beep @hereconcentrate

@LexitMovement1 We need a new section, the “I don’t wanna see a penis” section.

2021-06-28 03:00:22