【質問】 ティグレ紛争 #TigrayWar (2020年11月3日~)について教えてください.

時事系Q&A簡易作成のための試験運用中.  客観性確保のため,重複等を除いてbot的に収集していますので,真偽不明情報を含みます.
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Institute of Development Studies @IDS_UK

It's 2 yrs since the #TigrayWar started and a peace agreement has been signed, but there are many doubts about it succeeding. @Lylamehta & @TeklehaymanotG outline recommendations for the international community to act on now 👇 ids.ac.uk/opinions/marki…

2022-11-08 19:35:00
Tony Magaña @TonyMaganaNS

Prof. Jan Nyssen presented extensive research on many murders by aggravated mobs in a rage of ethnic hatred to #Tigrayanfacultyandstudents at many #EthiopianUniversities which began well before the onset of #Tigraywar. Only one university #HaramayaU actively protected students. pic.twitter.com/mgAziSGuU8

2022-12-04 09:53:37
PassBlue @pass_blue

David Beasley, head of World Food Program, to step down @WFP thetelegraph.com/news/article/S…

2022-12-19 10:32:43
The Horn Observant @sewyew10

Unfortunately David Beasley will be also remembered as #TigrayGenocide complicit. The kind of reluctance he has shown in the two years #TigrayWar is unmatched from Perspective humanity. History will remember how he was genocide complicit! twitter.com/pass_blue/stat…

2022-12-20 00:32:42
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