プーチン氏の似顔絵?付きわら人形 松戸の複数の神社で見つかる

キャプテン村社 @CaptMurasha

こんなことで有名になってしまった可哀想な県があるらしい twitter.com/jljzen/status/…

2022-06-08 07:14:36
Jesse Johnson @jljzen

Shrine in Japan’s Chiba prefecture found 10 straw dolls of Putin nearby, with some nailed to trees, report says. pic.twitter.com/jw6QPEPZgo

2022-06-07 08:03:04
Jesse Johnson @jljzen

Shrine in Japan’s Chiba prefecture found 10 straw dolls of Putin nearby, with some nailed to trees, report says. pic.twitter.com/jw6QPEPZgo

2022-06-07 08:03:04
Jesse Johnson @jljzen

Apparently found at multiple shrines. One shrine representative said they took the dolls down and burned them. Some had a note tucked inside, with 抹殺祈願 (prayer for his elimination) written on it. pic.twitter.com/kPNEG4vJCk

2022-06-07 08:31:28
NutshellGulag @NutshellGulag

@mangotable @jljzen @VoodooDoughnut Voodoo Doughnut has a big cultural appropriation problem, and treated their workers like shit during the big summer heat wave. Hard pass.

2022-06-07 23:08:23
月森朔夜 @aquamoon_05

@jljzen 海外勢からしたら、イメージ的には、ブゥードゥ教のような感じに映るのか、 それとも、西洋の黒魔術的にみえるのか、どっちでしょうね

2022-06-07 17:34:39
Konomi🇯🇵🌻🇺🇦 @Z6N8t5nNIk6IRaj

@jljzen Japanese Cursed Dolls. We hate Putin. I don't blame whoever did this.

2022-06-07 19:11:58
德薙零己 @rtokunagi

@jljzen Officially, the curse is only effective if a part of the target person of the curse (in this case Putin), e.g., a hair or nail, is placed inside the straw doll. So, the curse practitioner would not have been able to activate the formal curse.

2022-06-07 21:53:36
德薙零己 @rtokunagi

@jljzen This is because for Putin, hair is the second most lacking thing next to common human sense and is exceedingly difficult to find.

2022-06-07 21:53:43
jacplac97 MMD🔞🎈 @jacplac97_MMD

@jljzen Georgians came up with something similar over 2 months ago pic.twitter.com/mLwa2WEW2M

2022-06-07 22:11:40
二十七画生 @avTTeC

@jljzen He is being cursed. Will disappear within a month.

2022-06-07 22:45:03
Seeker of Balance @EternalBalance7

@jljzen Putin gets sick and suffers from extreme pain* Putin: This must be the work of a Japanese stando!

2022-06-07 23:31:46
Wintermute @winterronin1

@jljzen This shit just feels immature and petty.

2022-06-08 00:10:43
A @amaaaahyun

@jljzen I’m just thinking doing this from February!!! I’ll do.

2022-06-08 01:01:15