
リンク Odysee Text complaint for Type Moon about CoN View Text complaint for Type Moon about CoN on Odysee
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𝓓𝓪𝓿𝓲 🗝 @AbbyConnoisseur

@TMitterOfficial TYPE-MOONのファンとして、「Climax of Night」という格闘ゲームトーナメントはそしてそのコミュニティーはメルティブラッドの評判を傷つける恐れがあると懸念しています。 odysee.com/@YureiEu:7/Tex… #メルブラ #メルティブラッドタイプルミナ #MBTL #MeltyBlood pic.twitter.com/GAPV4xfBrk

2022-06-21 01:06:13
ヤマダベンキ @i__i___i____i

いろんな格ゲー大会を主催している企業が、メルブラキャラをほめたゲーマーを全大会出禁に twitter.com/AbbyConnoisseu… pic.twitter.com/vuX4kkbJdj

2022-06-21 10:25:50


Climax of Night @NightsClimax

Furthermore, we understand that some of the fighting games we host have characters presented as what people may call "loli." We get that. It doesn't mean that it should be shown to people who do not want to be shown any vulgar material regarding those characters.

2022-06-21 02:40:33


JJ *Ot@ku Da Gr8* FOLLOW ME! @Gr81j87

The Twitter insane anti craziness needs to end now! and this is but a small step to bring back common sense. #JusticeforLuna Share it round twitter.com/AbbyConnoisseu…

2022-06-21 07:54:20

私はFGをやっていますが、大会はたいていグレーゾーンで、スポンサーでもない限り企業は "彼らと協力しなければ、彼らの方針を変えることはできない "と言うでしょう。

🔱.🍶🦊KevAlter 📛.🔌🐰 @KevAlterB

@AbbyConnoisseur From a very critical viewpoint, I think that you are trying to extinguish a matchstick with a fire truck. I play FGs, tournaments are usually on a gray area, companies unless they sponsor them will say "If we don't work with them, we can't change their policies"

2022-06-21 02:06:56


𝓓𝓪𝓿𝓲 🗝 @AbbyConnoisseur

@KevAlterB I do understand that it feels like blowing it up out of proportion however that's exactly the best move to do, being passive to any kind of small harassment and indirect censorship of otaku will only lead to more censoring and harassment over it, bc more people will fell like ++

2022-06-21 02:14:25


𝓓𝓪𝓿𝓲 🗝 @AbbyConnoisseur

@KevAlterB ++ they can get away with it in the future, so although it sounds like "overdoing" it, it still the best logical move right now not only about this but to avoid future issues enabled by this one.

2022-06-21 02:16:06


Night Owl @itzowlight

@AbbyConnoisseur @TMitterOfficial I like type moon but I've never touched the melty blood franchise. But this is just abhorrent thrown out over a preference that does no one any harm especially those they claim they protect. (Talking about those who are accusing)

2022-06-21 03:41:53




Morry @Morry_Ganny

Please like and rt this message so that this issue can get noticed and addressed. There is a link in the message where you can copy the message and send an email. Anything helps and thank you! twitter.com/AbbyConnoisseu…

2022-06-21 01:29:39


Pingochingo @Pinguinilinie

@AbbyConnoisseur @TMitterOfficial I sent it, hopefully I did it correctly and this works lol.

2022-06-21 08:11:44
