#コロナ詐欺 を犯行した連中を糾弾すべし 37

NTTドコモ @docomo

🎉🎉 #ドコモ30周年大感謝祭 🎉🎉 / 3⃣0⃣周年!3⃣0⃣日間! 超ロングキャンペーンを開催!! \ 抽選で合計1,000名様に #dポイント 1,000pt(期間・用途限定)が毎日当たる🎁✨ ▼応募方法 ①@docomoをフォロー ②この投稿をRT ③結果がすぐ届く ▼キャンペーン詳細 docomo.ne.jp/campaign_event… pic.twitter.com/CF7TYgwWHa

2022-07-23 00:00:02
Everstake @everstake_pool

1/2 Here is how our DevOps Dima was setting up a new @OasisProtocol test node right at @NebularParis. We have over 20 DevOps on board, and they all work 24/7 for our delegators, even at conferences. And, tbh, who knows where else they work! Jkjk. 🤓 pic.twitter.com/sYTNJjFCOw

2022-07-23 01:35:30
Everstake @everstake_pool

2/2 Btw, how do you like the laptop stickers? It sounds like a [not a true] story, actually. Bad daddy → don’t touch my laptop → thinking → crypto burnout.

2022-07-23 01:36:14
Everstake @everstake_pool

1/9 As we interact with our community, one question arises now and then: what is liquid staking, and how is it better than, so to speak, regular staking? In this thread, we’ll talk about both and hopefully answer the question that seems to be quite popular.

2022-07-23 03:23:00
Everstake @everstake_pool

2/9 “Regular” staking is quite simple if you know what Proof-of-Stake is. In short, it’s a consensus algorithm that grants the power of verifying transactions to the nodes that have a certain amount of native tokens of the network, or a stake.

2022-07-23 03:23:14
Everstake @everstake_pool

3/9 As a reward for their verification work, such nodes get rewards in the form of new tokens. This effectively was conceived in order to bypass the need to use immense computational power to mint new coins in Proof-of-Work ecosystems like Bitcoin.

2022-07-23 03:23:48
Everstake @everstake_pool

4/9 Therefore, a “regular” stake means that you lock your funds and get the profit exclusively from validation rewards. You can access your funds and monitor the stake, but you cannot transfer tokens freely until you unstake. It can take weeks.

2022-07-23 03:24:07
Everstake @everstake_pool

5/9 In liquid staking, your funds also get locked by the network in order to participate in the block validation. However, you obtain liquid tokens representing your share of the pool in return. Their price increases with the rewards distribution.

2022-07-23 03:25:05
Everstake @everstake_pool

6/9 While your original coins are staked, you can use these so-called synthetic assets to boost your profit by engaging in DeFi activities like yield farming using @Saber_HQ, @RaydiumProtocol, and other DeFi protocols.

2022-07-23 03:25:32
Everstake @everstake_pool

7/9 Some of the liquid staking providers have additional features, f.e. by staking your @solana with @eversol_pool you will get not only eSOL tokens representing your stake in the pool but also EVS governance tokens to take part in Eversol DAO.

2022-07-23 03:25:50
Everstake @everstake_pool

8/9 Examples of blockchains that allow liquid staking include, among others, @Solana, @Cosmos, @Polkadot, and @Avalancheavax. Of course, particular staking conditions depend on the validator or pool you decided to stake with.

2022-07-23 03:26:26
Everstake @everstake_pool

9/9 So, to summarize, liquid staking offers u more financial opportunities, liquidity, & unique features like instant unstake than “regular staking,” which explains why it has become so popular. Still have questions? Ask them below, & we’ll do our best to make things clear for u!

2022-07-23 03:27:51

happy to do what we can to get liquidity to Voyager's customers: prnewswire.com/news-releases/… twitter.com/unusual_whales…

2022-07-23 04:14:30
unusual_whales @unusual_whales

FTX is offering Voyager Digital crypto customers means of liquidity. Customers would be able to withdraw their cash immediately, or use it to purchase digital assets on FTX platform.

2022-07-23 03:46:11
Everstake @everstake_pool

Today @bo_opryshko & @ATielnova took part in the @validatorcommon workshop with @stakefish, @ChorusOne, @ChainflowPOS, and @CitadelDAO. It is important to share experiences with the community and learn from each other. 🥷🏻 pic.twitter.com/Vg5FdACzVb

2022-07-23 05:12:45
UNITED24 @U24_gov_ua

🎶@Imaginedragons are now ambassadors for #united24! As is now tradition, the partnership was announced during an online call with President @ZelenskyyUa. The GRAMMY winners join @jksheva7 , @ElinaSvitolina and @LievSchreiber, focusing on the Medical Aid direction. pic.twitter.com/GWewdTtnyk

2022-07-23 05:34:44
UNITED24 @U24_gov_ua

🇺🇸multi-platinum band had a sold-out show planned at the Olympic Stadium in 2018, and were scheduled to perform again in 2022. Due to the war, however, the concert had to be postponed. Instead, the musicians performed at the #SaveUkraine telethon.

2022-07-23 05:34:46
UNITED24 @U24_gov_ua

Now their lead singer, @DanReynolds, is rarely seen without the🇺🇦flag; he dedicates songs to the country, during their world tour. We are extremely excited about this new partnership, and welcome Imagine Dragons to the #united24 star team!

2022-07-23 05:34:46
Yahoo!ショッピング@LYPプレミアム会員ならPayPayポイント毎日7% @yahoo_shopping

【先着順】 本日の日替わりクーポンは / 洗濯用品が 最大20%OFF✨ \ 日々の洗濯をもっと楽しく、 楽にするアイテム揃ってます💁‍♀️ ▼クーポンはこちら yahoo.jp/mQox1I pic.twitter.com/dZhj3Vx40R

2022-07-23 07:02:00
SoftBank @SoftBank

7月23日から #鳥人間コンテスト2022 が開催されます🛩 空から通信ネットワークを届けるためのHAPSの取り組みを推進するソフトバンクも、技術サポートで鳥人間コンテストを応援💪 ▼ソフトバンクが取り組むHAPSとは bit.ly/3OwqRjs 大会の模様はYouTubeでLIVE中継をご覧ください👇 twitter.com/ytvBirdman/sta… pic.twitter.com/E2CaU68z9g

2022-07-23 08:00:02
鳥人間コンテスト【ytv公式】 @ytvBirdman

#鳥人間コンテスト 2022】大会当日、鳥人間コンテスト公式YouTubeチャンネルで、全チームのフライトをLIVE配信🛩️ URLはこちら‼️ 7月23日(土)⏩️youtube.com/watch?v=B3HYAq… 7月24日(日)⏩️youtube.com/watch?v=QXXXtO… ⭐️チャンネル登録もお願いします🐥⭐️ pic.twitter.com/F18zjkhqCz

2022-07-19 12:08:18
メルカリShops (メルカリショップス)かんたんで売れる♪ @mercarishops

/ 🧀チーズスフレオムレツ \ 一つ星シェフの#鳥羽シェフ @pirlo05050505 と乳製品を使った特別なメニューを開発♬ 1.円筒形の型を用意 2.チーズをカット 3.卵液を注ぐ 4.オーブンで加熱 5.ソースを混ぜて盛り付けたら完成♪ 詳しいレシピは👇 shops.mercari.com/magazine/posts… #土用丑の日 #牛の日 pic.twitter.com/l2wifLn23C

2022-07-23 08:25:11
Everstake @everstake_pool

Congratulations to @CelerNetwork on their one-year anniversary 🎉 You guys have been very supportive since the beginning of our partnership! Our best wishes to your fantastic team and project 🤝 twitter.com/CelerNetwork/s…

2022-07-23 08:28:37
CelerNetwork @CelerNetwork

🎉It's #Celer cBridge's 1-Year mainnet launch Anniversary! 🙏We'd like to thank our partners and users by celebrating with some special events! 🤩$23,000 in rewards 💰$1,000 Twitter #Giveaway - Follow, like, and RT to enter ➡️For more event details check: blog.celer.network/2022/07/21/cel…

2022-07-22 11:02:15
SoftBank @SoftBank

今週末も面白そうな映画が目白押しですね~🎬 ソフトバンクユーザーの皆さん、#TOHOシネマズ で映画を見るときは、チケット購入はちゃんと #シネマ割 を使ってくださいね✨ u.softbank.jp/3omIBDf #SoftBank twitter.com/tohocinemas_m/…

2022-07-23 08:30:00
TOHOシネマズ公式 @tohocinemas_m

#TOHOシネマズ はインターネットチケット購入で #PayPay の利用が可能です! また、ソフトバンクユーザー限定で、PayPayミニアプリからチケットが200円引きで買える「#ソフトバンク シネマ割」を実施中! さらに!8/31(水)まで「#ペイペイジャンボ」も開催中です! 詳しくは👉bit.ly/3aC2FOT pic.twitter.com/qZP1uZxrNX

2022-07-16 16:00:05
厚生労働省 @MHLWitter

全国的に感染者が増加しています。外出される際には、引き続き、正しいマスクの着用、手洗い、換気、三密の回避など基本的な感染対策の徹底をお願いします。ただし、マスクの着用にあたっては熱中症のリスクが高くなることから、屋外で人との距離が十分ある場合にはマスクを外すことを推奨しています。 pic.twitter.com/2cpYYYRHyl

2022-07-23 08:30:07
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