あるロシア兵の手記 「ブレーキが効かないトラックで迫撃砲の弾を運んだ」「空挺部隊はパラシュートの使い方を知らない」

MASA(航空宇宙・軍事) @masa_0083

元ロシア空挺部隊員、パベル フィラティエフ氏のウクライナ戦争の驚くべき経験のスレッド。 (現在彼はロシア国外に避難している) 彼は第56近衛空襲連隊に所属し、ウクライナ南部で 2 か月間戦った。 戦争前からクリミアの兵舎に電気も無く、人数分のベッドもなく、靴は合ったサイズの物がなく…。 twitter.com/ChrisO_wiki/st…

2022-08-18 12:10:55
ChrisO_wiki @ChrisO_wiki

1/ A 34-year-old former Russian paratrooper, Pavel Filatyev, has published a remarkable in-depth account of his experiences of the Ukraine war. He served with the Feodosia-based 56th Guards Air Assault Regiment and fought in southern Ukraine for two months. A 🧵 follows. pic.twitter.com/upGQAejb12

2022-08-18 06:55:33
MASA(航空宇宙・軍事) @masa_0083

空挺部隊なのに部隊の半分はパラシュートの畳み方を知らず、書類上500人いる部隊は160人ぐらいしかいない。 訓練計画はずさんで、氷点下の気温を屋根なしトラックで移動して部隊は肺炎になり、コロナ検査は結果が修正され、中隊長にいたっては部隊に顔を出さない…。

2022-08-18 12:13:16
MASA(航空宇宙・軍事) @masa_0083


2022-08-18 12:15:57
ChrisO_wiki @ChrisO_wiki

1/ A 34-year-old former Russian paratrooper, Pavel Filatyev, has published a remarkable in-depth account of his experiences of the Ukraine war. He served with the Feodosia-based 56th Guards Air Assault Regiment and fought in southern Ukraine for two months. A 🧵 follows. pic.twitter.com/upGQAejb12

2022-08-18 06:55:33


ChrisO_wiki @ChrisO_wiki

2/ Filatyev was part of the force that captured Kherson in February and was hospitalised with an eye injury after spending more than a month under heavy Ukrainian artillery bombardment near Mykolaiv. By that time, he was completely disillusioned with the war.

2022-08-18 06:55:33


ChrisO_wiki @ChrisO_wiki

3/ While recuperating, Filatyev wrote a scathing 141-page memoir titled 'ZOV' (after the recognition symbols painted on vehicles of the invasion force) and published it on VKontakte (Russian Facebook). Not surprisingly, he's now been forced to flee Russia for his own safety.

2022-08-18 06:55:34


ChrisO_wiki @ChrisO_wiki

4/ I've previously covered Russian soldiers' accounts of their experiences in Ukraine (see below), but Filatyev's is by far the longest and most detailed yet published. No full English translation yet exists AFAIK, so I'll summarise various points here. twitter.com/ChrisO_wiki/st…

2022-08-18 06:55:34
ChrisO_wiki @ChrisO_wiki

1. My threads on the experiences of Russian soldiers fighting in Ukraine: twitter.com/ChrisO_wiki/st…

2022-08-08 06:08:12


ChrisO_wiki @ChrisO_wiki

5/ In this first installment, I'll cover FIlatyev's experiences in the six months before the war, when he was going through training as a paratrooper in Crimea with the 56th Guards Air Assault Regiment. It was not a happy experience for him.

2022-08-18 06:55:35


ChrisO_wiki @ChrisO_wiki

6/ Filatyev comes from a military family. After an earlier period of military service, he rejoined the Russian Army in August 2021, joining his father's old unit. Although it was theoretically an elite unit, he found that the soldiers' living conditions were terrible.

2022-08-18 06:55:35


ChrisO_wiki @ChrisO_wiki

7/ He found there were no beds in his company's barracks, which were infested by a pack of stray dogs fed by the dining room staff. He avoided a nearby hostel which he was advised was a "sewer". Another company found a bed for him in their barracks, which lacked a power supply. pic.twitter.com/d0o5KTMEX1

2022-08-18 06:55:36


ChrisO_wiki @ChrisO_wiki

8/ Eventually, Filatyev moved to a cheap hotel when Crimea's holiday season ended. As he later wrote, "I had to run like a homeless man from one barracks to another, looking for a bed to sleep in, until I found a place to rent at my own expense [after] 3 weeks."

2022-08-18 06:55:37

自費で借りられる場所を見つけるまで、ホームレスのように兵舎を転々として、寝るためのベッドを探さなければならなかった 。

ChrisO_wiki @ChrisO_wiki

9/ He also found the unit's food was appalling: "there is not enough food for everyone, the potatoes in the soup on the water are raw, the bread is stale". Basic hygiene was difficult because the water supply was interrupted, resulting in a lack of working showers or toilets. pic.twitter.com/DVAUw2jtm3

2022-08-18 06:55:38


ChrisO_wiki @ChrisO_wiki

10/ Filatyev spent ten days waiting for a uniform before being given a summer outfit but no shoes in the right size. In the end, he went out and bought his own. (This is a common situation often resulting from supply chain corruption). twitter.com/ChrisO_wiki/st…

2022-08-18 06:55:39
ChrisO_wiki @ChrisO_wiki

15/ Newer uniforms and boots of the right size are often unavailable because they've been stolen and sold off, so you'll need to purchase them online. Ironically, ex-NATO surplus boots are reportedly favourites for their comfort and durability. pic.twitter.com/StBe0w7K8q

2022-06-01 04:17:20


ChrisO_wiki @ChrisO_wiki

11/ During his previous military experience, Filatyev had received substantial training in theory, tactics and physical training. He expected to get improved training following Russia's much-vaunted military reforms in the 2010s, but found that the reality was very different.

2022-08-18 06:55:40


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