
赤松議員が戦っているのは様々な表現規制圧力です。 自民の御老公に票をちらつかせるキリスト教系団体世界平和統一家庭連合。 多様性の統一を目指す共産党の影響下にある活動家。 続きを読む
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Zeké @SavageDBZeke

@politicalawake I thought we all knew that fiction ≠ Reality. If it did niggas doing the Kamehameha would blow up the planet lol.

2022-08-21 12:32:27


Veltiel Gamaliel @VeltielG

@politicalawake Ok, that's what he personally says. But sadly, many japanese game and anime/manga companies DON'T CARE. They've already submitted to the US woke standards. They love woke ESG money.

2022-08-21 13:49:37



おまけ 海外の方向けに記事の逆翻訳

English Translation of Articles

リンク ABEMA TIMES 赤松健氏「派閥にも入らず、支持母体も持たない。献金も受けない。そこまでしなければ“表現の自由”は守れない」…規制には“エビデンスが必要”と持論も | 国内 | ABEMA TIMES 先の参院選において比例区で最多となる約53万票を獲得した、『魔法先生ネギま!』『ラブひな』などの作品で知られる漫画家の赤松健議員。 表現規制の問題や“海賊版サイト”の問題にも取り組んできたことから、「長年、作品の世界で戦ってきた方なので、先… 40 users 388

 In the last Upper House election, he received approximately 530,000 votes, the highest number of votes in the proportional district. and "Love Hina," among other works.

 Many people have high expectations for Mr. Akamatsu's activities in national politics, saying, "He has fought in the world of manga for many years, so I think I can trust him with my work. In "ABEMA Prime," we interviewed Mr. Akamatsu about his enthusiasm for national politics.

Otaku voters outnumbered Japan's strongest organized voters.

 Commenting on his campaign, Councilor Akamatsu said, "Although it was unexpected, I did not put up any posters, send any postcards, or make any phone calls. I thought that the times have changed.

 People often call me an 'otaku,' but when I went abroad, I found that Japan was all about anime, manga, and this. They used to be called subculture, but now they are the main culture. Of course, they also have a high affinity with the Internet, and I think that gaining this as an ally will become the mainstream in future election campaigns. However, while I felt that there was no way not to use my character, which sells better than my face, I thought it would be taboo to let them talk about their political ideas. I was careful not to do that, and concentrated on saying, "Akamatsu is on the campaign," and "Let's go to the election.

 And I believe that in an election, you vote for the person who you think will represent your views. I'm all over the Internet, I'm on the "wall" at Comiket, and of course I love to play games. I think that people who felt that I was similar to them would represent their opinions, and that is what led to their support.

Why Ken Akamatsu Became a Member of Parliament. Defending Against Pressure. Protection of Events.

 Even though he is now a member of the ruling party, how will he stand within the party as a factionless member?

 He said, "First of all, I have an advantage with regard to being in the LDP and not in the opposition party. Since my days as a cartoonist, I have conveyed my views on the frontlines through various lobbying activities, but since the LDP's subcommittees are unanimous in principle, it is difficult to pass bills if someone resists to the death. It is significant for me to be able to be involved at that stage.

 However, there is a reason why I am not a member of a faction. It is because factions are very incompatible with freedom of expression. As well as the fact that I do not have a specific support group, such as a religious one, I have to take orders from the bosses of the Diet or ask for their advice. I have to take orders from my bosses or ask for their advice, or I have to ask for their opinions when I do something. Furthermore, I do not accept donations or contributions. I am not bound by any such restrictions. I believe that only by being this thorough can we finally protect freedom of expression. I will never change this stance.

Ken Akamatsu during a campaign speech on the street

 During the election campaign, he was also conspicuous in his actions with House of Councillors member Taro Yamada, with whom he has been working on the issue of "freedom of expression" for some time.

 He said, "I am proud that I have taken the lead in leading the industry on issues such as freedom of expression, revision of copyright law, and measures against pirated copies. I have been making endless appeals for freedom of expression, especially in my street advertising activities, and I have been "number one on the list. However, there are other things I want to do. He is interested in many other things besides manga, and is very good at science, technology, and information technology. What also differentiates me from Mr. Yamada is that I am also a creator in the field, where I had been writing a series of articles until February of this year. I think it is inevitable and highly appealing to hear such words on freedom of expression from the mouth of such a legislator. I am sure that my words will be considered important in committee meetings, and I believe that my approach will be different from that of Mr. Yamada and his colleagues, using words from the field.

Pressure from the United Nations and Unification Church-affiliated and Japan Christian Women's Organization-affiliated legislators.

 Upon receiving the news of his election, he said, "My first priority is to promote manga diplomacy and anime friendship. As a creator, I would like to take advantage of the fact that I am very well known abroad to promote the excellence of manga and anime. What kind of "freedom of expression" is Mr. Akamatsu trying to protect?

 For example, there is a new cybercrime treaty being discussed in Vienna, which includes a request for restrictions on creative works. If this treaty is concluded, when it is put into domestic law, it will include restrictions on creative works. We have to do something about this. This is a very pressing issue and I am very concerned about it.

 We are also receiving pressure from the UN Women's Organization, which says that advertisements of Japanese manga are not acceptable. Of course, it would be nice if we had scientific evidence that such crimes occur, or proof that we are forcing women to be gender stereotyped, but in the absence of such evidence, we need to appropriately refute the claims and calmly put them together. But in the absence of such evidence, we need to argue appropriately and put it all together calmly," he said.

Tamaki Kawasaki : Writer of Women's Issues.   Major works: "A Girl's Life is in Her Face," "Recommendations for Nerdy Middle-Aged Girls"

 In response to Akamatsu's recognition, columnist Tamaki Kawasaki commented, "I think the background of the imminent pressure from overseas is the Galapagosization of expression in Japan. What is considered "acceptable" in Japan because we have become so accustomed to it is considered "indecent" once it goes overseas. This is why, when a Japanese game is sold overseas, the breasts are often modified. In order to bring content that is the pride of Japan to foreign countries, we are simply trying to clear the rules of the road," he strongly refuted.

The UN criticized a newspaper ad for a woman with large breasts.

 With regard to sexual expression, there was concern that it could lead to the inducement of crimes such as sexual violence, from which higher levels of restrictions were imposed in other countries. Also, in Christian countries, religiously and culturally, sexual expression concerning young children is not permitted. I am also of the generation that grew up reading manga, so my works have become my flesh and blood, creating a sense of values within me. Some of the works that male artists have produced as their own experiences and what they wanted to portray, for example, told me that girls should be this way and boys should be that way, and that I should be ashamed and speak out in this way when it comes to sexual relations. What the teachers make is so life-changing.

 Japan has a very loose awareness of this aspect of life, and people return home before fighting according to the local rules of the away country. In the end, they are just saying "we are great, we are great, we are interesting" in their island country. Do they still do that? I think so. If they don't change their expression unless they are confronted with evidence, they will say, "It's not a crime. It is the same argument as the one between harassment and a crime. It is inevitable that human beings are visually lustful animals, and that is why the artists who create masterpieces are able to directly "sensationalize" their works. I would like them to be a little more aware of the power of such expression. It is not enough to say, "We want to draw this, so that's fine.

List of Akamatsu's manga works

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