XR日本/XRJapanのツイートより その84 23年5月前半

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シン(・∀・)デレラ @noche_y_calima

気候危機においても、自分自身は当事者の立場ではなく陪審員や判事の立ち位置で「ジャッジ」する視座なんですなあ。まるっきり、「お客様目線」でござる。それは政治的に常に『客分意識』であるためでござろうテ。 YOU NEVER EVER PLAY. ( ´_ゝ`)

2023-05-03 19:52:09
シン(・∀・)デレラ @noche_y_calima

ほんで、セヴァンは今いくつ?当時16歳のグレタは今いくつ?「一部の過激な環境活動家を批判非難しておられるそこのアナタは、「世論の共感」だの「世論の賛同」だの「戦略的に間違っている」だのと言うのだから、その「世論の共感・賛同を得られる戦略」を世に知らしめたらどないや? ( ´_ゝ`)

2023-05-03 13:29:09

Just Stop Oil

Roger Hallam @RogerHallamCS21

“Most people are oblivious to the fact that we have already produced irreversible climate change. The Holocene is over. What we do next determines what sort of future we have, indeed if we have any sort of future, on planet Earth.” twitter.com/JamesGDyke/sta… twitter.com/PeterGleick/st…

2023-05-04 06:31:27
James Dyke @JamesGDyke

Most people are oblivious to the fact that we have already produced irreversible climate change. The Holocene is over. What we do next determines what sort of future we have, indeed if we have any sort of future, on planet Earth. twitter.com/AP/status/1611…

2023-01-06 21:12:30
Real Peter Gleick💧 @PeterGleick

This graph will appear in the chapter "The End of the Homo Sapien Species" in the future alien archeology textbook on "The Rise and Fall of Planetary Civilizations." The figure caption will read: "They knew and still their power-hungry politicians didn't do anything." pic.twitter.com/bNttrLmcYn

2022-06-10 01:43:52
Extinction Rebellion - XR Exeter @XRExeter

Yesterday some XR and JSO folk in #exeter went and watched “How to blow up a pipeline” at the picturehouse 📽it was based off the book by Andreas Malm and I’d definitely recommend watching it if you get the chance #NoNewOil #juststopoil #ClimateJustice #ClimateEmergency #ActNow pic.twitter.com/b1C666w0Xw

2023-04-28 17:40:51



Peter Kalmus @ClimateHuman

We must join together and force elected officials to act. Their ignorant inaction degrades Earth's livability and it's irreversible. NO NEW FOSSIL FUEL INFRASTRUCTURE @ScientistRebel1 @XRBoston wgbh.org/news/politics/… pic.twitter.com/qPD3RjHBqa

2023-05-11 12:33:31
Scientist Rebellion @ScientistRebel1

SR Panama participated in the 1 May march with messages about the climate and ecological crisis, the greatest threats faced by humanity, and against open-cast metal mining that will directly impact the high biodiversity in the country. #PanamaValeMasSinMineria #thescienceisclear pic.twitter.com/5ejcX4FDCY

2023-05-05 17:19:40
Scientist Rebellion @ScientistRebel1

Our spring campaign is about to begin. Join your local SR group and take direct action for a livable planet. #TheScienceIsClear pic.twitter.com/QLS6Dipb96

2023-05-04 02:52:43
Climate Defiance @ClimateDefiance

An ice shelf larger than NYC just broke off of Antarctica. 1,200,000,000 people are at risk of becoming climate refugees by 2050. The largest body of climate scientists said this moment is “code red” for humanity. How do the elite respond? They shield their eyes. pic.twitter.com/YynGi38jxH

2023-05-02 06:29:14
Sophie Gabrielle @CodeRedEarth

I'll say it again. If #Climate scientists are terrified for our future - we should be too. #ClimateEmergency Meme quote @ClimateHuman pic.twitter.com/pufzf8DYmJ

2023-05-02 04:04:21
Peter Kalmus @ClimateHuman

I'm disappointed more climate scientists aren't speaking and acting out over Biden's fossil fuel expansion, which goes directly against our science and irreversibly diminishes Earth's ability to support human (and much nonhuman) life. Especially senior scientists. Be the adults.

2023-05-02 03:33:20
Scientist Rebellion @ScientistRebel1

@ClimateHuman addressed campaigners blockading the White House Correspondents Dinner on Saturday. Stand up and take action in the face of the climate emergency! pic.twitter.com/qobO4HjxEW

2023-05-01 19:04:52
Jack Lowe @MrJackLowe

When boring adults used to tell me as a kid that ‘photography’s a hobby’ and I’d have to get a real job, I thought it’d be pretty cool to be a scientist. Fast forward ~40 years, I never thought I’d see scientists having to protest on the streets in order to be heard. #TheBigOne pic.twitter.com/yLyAL3Fe06

2023-04-29 19:54:48


シン(・∀・)デレラ @noche_y_calima

「法を作って施行するまでは自分の権限・責務の範疇であるが、その法の下で権力がどう行使されるかは知ったこっちゃない。それについては私に権限はないので責任もない。」というこっちゃなとスナクを悪く思うヒト(私)は思ったそうな。 ( ´_ゝ`)

2023-05-10 09:43:31
中野 昌宏 Masahiro Nakano @nakano0316

日本も身につまされますが、日本でこれ言うたら大変でしょうな。サル発言どころではない。 courrier.jp/news/archives/…

2023-05-09 21:45:52
リンク クーリエ・ジャポン 「英国王がその空っぽの頭に、はりぼての王冠を戴くとき」─英紙が王室を痛烈批判 | ロイヤルファミリーに莫大な公的資金を注ぐ価値はあるのか チャールズ国王の戴冠式が迫るなか、王室がひた隠しにしてきた莫大な収入を英紙「ガーディアン」が暴いた。君主制とは巨額の血税を投じてまで維持されるべきも… 87 users 50
James Dyke @JamesGDyke

These two people (one press, one holding up a small banner) were arrested for "consipracy to cause a public nuisance". They were handcuffed & put in jail because the police *suspected* that they may cause a *nuisance*. twitter.com/richfelgate/st…

2023-05-07 22:50:19
Rich Felgate @richfelgate

Yesterday I got arrested whilst filming a @JustStop_Oil supporter holding a banner on the pavement near the coronation route. I'm a filmmaker and had my @BECTU press accreditation visible around my neck. Police deemed this to be "conspiracy to commit a public nuisance". pic.twitter.com/obgLH8Qj42

2023-05-07 22:15:44
Just Stop Oil @JustStop_Oil

✅ arresting peaceful protesters ✅ arresting independent press ❌ democracy #ToryFascistDictatorship twitter.com/richfelgate/st…

2023-05-07 22:41:18
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