ナポリアイスクリーム(チョコ、バニラ、いちごの3色アイス)って、こういうの売ってた。ちなみに、1839 年にプロイセン王家の料理長ルイ・フェルディナンド・ユンギウスによって作成されたそう。

WikiVictorian @wikivictorian

Sharing random stuff from 1800 to 1920s: fashion, stories, art, and a compilation of faces and cultures that coexisted then ✨ curated by @HelenaMontufo


WikiVictorian @wikivictorian

Neapolitan ice cream is a type of ice cream composed of three separate flavors (vanilla, chocolate and strawberry) arranged side by side in the same container. The first recorded recipe was created by head chef of the royal Prussian household Louis Ferdinand Jungius in 1839 pic.twitter.com/GW9yd2aU6e

2023-07-17 08:12:01
WikiVictorian @wikivictorian

It was named in the late 19th century as a reflection of its presumed origins in the cuisine of the Italian city of Naples, and the many Neapolitan immigrants who brought their expertise in frozen desserts with them to the United States. pic.twitter.com/lL4vQCOyLF

2023-07-17 08:12:28
WikiVictorian @wikivictorian

Spumone was introduced to the United States in the 1870s as Neapolitan-style ice cream. Early recipes used a variety of flavors; however, the number of three molded together was a common denominator, to resemble the Italian flag. pic.twitter.com/9To3VY7Yzv

2023-07-17 08:13:08
WikiVictorian @wikivictorian

More than likely, chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry became the standard for the reason that they were the most popular flavors in the United States at the time of introduction. It is the first type of ice cream to combine three flavors. pic.twitter.com/TiK5salXpO

2023-07-17 08:13:32
Julien🍉🌻cmms open @vividmercurial

@wikivictorian its called "fürst pückler" icecream here!! which is funny because pückler always reminds me of pickles. pickle ice cream

2023-07-17 08:16:14
SherlocksLeftNipple @SH_LeftNip

@wikivictorian Fun fact: In Denmark, Neapolitan ice cream is called "Regnbueis" (Rainbow ice-cream) and is jokingly also referred to as "the meaning of life" by some.

2023-07-17 10:04:14
Kimli_ @kim_li

@wikivictorian Oh I never knew that 😅 here in Sweden it quite different, the three biggest flavours here are strawberry/ vanilla/ pear and are made by (GB) *short for Glace-Bolaget* ..Also pear is my favourite of those👌🏻😏

2023-07-17 09:02:46
Girlanachronism6911 @Nobody_Nowhere8

@wikivictorian Wasn’t it originally pistachio to be the Italian flag instead of chocolate

2023-07-17 12:44:18