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asf👺 @btc_tt

@historyinmemes Despite not really hitting the marks he wanted or breaking these stereotypes, it seems like he lived a fulfilling life. At least there’s that

2023-08-17 01:11:47
NFTPerks @NftPerks

@historyinmemes Sessue Hayakawa's journey from silent era stardom to fighting stereotypes and finding purpose through Zen Buddhism is truly remarkable!

2023-08-17 00:50:07
Sultan Al wahaibi @sultan4448888

The story of Sessue Hayakawa is a fascinating reflection of the complexities of Hollywood and its history of representation. It's remarkable to think that Hayakawa, a Japanese actor, was one of the biggest stars of the American silent era, challenging the stereotypes and barriers that unfortunately still persist to a certain degree today. His decision to start a production company to fight against Asian stereotypes demonstrates great courage and commitment to change. Even though his venture was short-lived, it set a precedent for actors taking control of their narratives, a trend we see continuing today with more diverse production companies emerging. Hayakawa's life during World War II, his involvement in the French resistance, his talent for watercolor painting, and his eventual dedication to Zen Buddhism, paint a picture of a man of many talents and deep resilience. While he may not have achieved his ambition to play a hero in the Hollywood sense, his life's journey certainly portrays him as one in many other ways. His legacy serves as a reminder of the need for continued progress in representation and diversity in film and media. It's amazing to rediscover such an influential figure in Hollywood history. Thank you for shedding light on Sessue Hayakawa's story.

2023-08-17 00:50:08
Smart Gadgets @smartgadgetsg

@CryptoHoogie @historyinmemes Without a guide on your path to better pictures, you run the risk of spending a great deal of time and money heading down the wrong road. Frustration and confusion can easily take the wind from your sails and replace excitement with disappointment👇👇 amzn.to/3KHf0A2

2023-08-17 01:01:37
XRP Myth Buster @XRPMythBuster

@historyinmemes A Japanese in French resistance? I think he would have a hard time remaining under the radar. Hayakawa himself states that he mainly helped the local Japanese community during the war and after.

2023-08-17 01:54:51
Rare Stories @rarestorees

@historyinmemes Sessue Hayakawa was a Japanese actor who starred in Hollywood silent films and became a major American sex symbol in the 1910s and 1920s despite the "Yellow Peril", widespread discrimination against Asian Americans. pic.twitter.com/JHIo6Y3vCw

2023-08-17 00:52:27
Smart Gadgets @smartgadgetsg

@historyinmemes In 1939, fifty million Americans went to the movies every week, Louis B. Mayer was the highest-paid man in the country, and Hollywood produced 530 feature films a year. One decade and five thousand movies later👇👇 amzn.to/3s6a2q0

2023-08-17 01:00:49
Uncle Chu @datchughuy

@historyinmemes Wow! He lived life to the fullest, from being an actor to joining the war, he will be a man of many tales

2023-08-17 00:52:39
Spy Balloon Popper @SkywayAmmoLtd

@historyinmemes He was excellent in Bridge on the River Kwai.... excellent.

2023-08-17 12:33:49
‏﮼الأعرابي القديم . @radialonazi

بالنظر إلى مدى ضعف تصوير الرجال الآسيويين في هوليوود، فوجئت حقا بمعرفة المزيد عن سيسو هاياكاوا، الممثل الياباني الذي أصبح واحدا من أكبر النجوم خلال الحقبة الصامتة الأمريكية في عام 1910. أصبح واحدا من أول رموز الجنس في هوليوود بعد بطولة فيلم "The Cheat" (1915)، الذي يلعب فيه دور الشرير القاسي (هناك مشهد يصف فيه امرأة حرفيا). على الرغم من تصويره، أصبح هاياكاوا مشهورا للغاية بين النساء الأمريكيات لمظهره الجيد "الوسيم بشكل رائع". في مرحلة ما، كان الممثل الأعلى أجرا في هوليوود، حيث كان يجني أكثر من 3500 دولار في الأسبوع، وكانت شهرته على قدم المساواة مع شهرة تشارلي شابلن. على الرغم من أن هاياكاوا كان مطلوبا للغاية خلال عشرينيات القرن التاسع عشر وأوائل عشرينيات القرن العشرين، إلا أنه أصيب بخيبة أمل بسبب تعرضه باستمرار لنفس الأدوار. قرر أن يبدأ شركته الخاصة للإنتاج لمحاربة الصور النمطية الآسيوية وانتهى به الأمر بإنتاج 23 فيلما في غضون ثلاث سنوات. ومع ذلك، اضطر إلى إلغاء شركته بعد الدخول في جدال مع موزع وصفه بأنه افتراء عنصري. بحلول ثلاثينيات القرن العشرين، وضعت هوليوود مبادئ توجيهية أخلاقية صارمة تسمى قانون هايز، والتي حظرت تصوير الحب بين الأعراق على الشاشة. ونتيجة لذلك، استمر تمثيل هاياكاوا إما على أنه شرير أو "عاشق ممنوع"، لأن معظم نجومه المشاركين كانوا من النساء البيض. في عام 1937، ذهب هاياكاوا إلى فرنسا لبطولة فيلم فرنسي ولكن انتهى به الأمر إلى الوقوع في البلاد عندما اندلعت الحرب العالمية الثانية. باع لوحات بالألوان المائية لدعم نفسه ماليا وانضم إلى المقاومة الفرنسية للمساعدة في محاربة الألمان. في عام 1949، ذكر هاياكاوا، عند التفكير في حياته المهنية، "طموحي الوحيد هو لعب دور البطل". لم يحصل على هذه الفرصة أبدا ولكن انتهى به الأمر إلى ترشيحه لأفضل ممثل مساعد لدوره في "الجسر على نهر كواي" (1957)، حيث يلعب دور "شرير شرف" مسؤول عن معسكر سجن ياباني في تايلاند. عند التقاعد، أصبح هاياكاوا سيد زن وكرس حياته لبوذية زن. توفي عن عمر يناهز 87 عاما في عام 1973.

2023-08-17 01:51:42

Sessue Hayakawa: The First Asian American Movie Star Sessue Hayakawa was a Japanese actor who became one of the first Asian American movie stars in the early 20th century. He was born in Chiba, Japan, in 1886, and studied law at Keio University. However, he decided to pursue a career in acting after seeing a performance of Shakespeare's Hamlet. Hayakawa moved to the United States in 1913 and quickly became a star in silent films. He was known for his dashing good looks and his ability to play a variety of roles, from romantic leads to villains. He starred in over 80 films, including The Cheat (1915), The Dragon Painter (1919), and The Sheik (1921). Hayakawa's success was groundbreaking at a time when Asian actors were rarely cast in leading roles. He challenged stereotypes about Asian men and paved the way for other Asian American actors to achieve success in Hollywood. Hayakawa's career declined in the 1930s, as Hollywood studios began to produce fewer films with Asian characters. He moved to Europe, where he continued to act and direct films. He returned to the United States in the 1950s and appeared in several films, including The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957), for which he was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. Sessue Hayakawa died in 1973 at the age of 87. He was a pioneer in Asian American cinema and his legacy continues to inspire actors and filmmakers today. In addition to his film career, Hayakawa was also a successful businessman and a martial artist. He was a founding member of the Hayakawa Institute of Zen, and he wrote several books on Zen Buddhism. Hayakawa was a complex and fascinating figure who broke down barriers for Asian Americans in Hollywood. He was a talented actor, a successful businessman, and a devoted Zen Buddhist. He is a true inspiration to us all. follow me @homo_futuruss

2023-08-17 00:59:01
Kenny Le @kennyle31

Alternative Explanation The True Identity of Sessue Hayakawa It’s said that stories have multiple layers, each one revealing a new dimension of the truth. For years, whispers in the dark alleys of Hollywood spoke of a legend: Sessue Hayakawa was not just a pioneering actor, but an actual superhero who drew his strength from an ancient Japanese talisman. The story goes that during his early days in Japan, Sessue stumbled upon a relic dating back to the samurai era, one that was said to grant the possessor extraordinary powers but also demanded immense self-discipline. This artifact, known as the “Nihon no Ishi,” or “The Stone of Japan,” had a strange mark resembling the brand in “The Cheat.” When Sessue touched it, he was imbued with strength, agility, and a heightened sixth sense. When he arrived in Hollywood, Sessue realized he could not just be an actor; he had a duty to protect those around him. By night, while the world admired him as the sultry silent film star, he roamed the streets of Los Angeles as an unseen guardian, using his powers to protect innocent souls from harm. Many mysterious incidents where people were saved from imminent danger were attributed to an unidentified savior, but little did they know it was Hollywood’s very own leading man. However, with power came sacrifice. The relic demanded balance. The more heroics Sessue performed, the more he was typecast as a villain in his on-screen life, a reflection of the duality the stone imposed. When he established his own production company, it wasn’t just to break stereotypes, but also to secretly fund his nighttime missions and create a group of like-minded heroes to defend the world from looming threats. This team, operating behind the curtain of Hollywood glamor, was known as the “Silent Guardians.”

2023-08-17 06:59:27
BLANK @MondoMondaine

@historyinmemes There were a surprising amount of Asian actors in American Cinema back in the day, and in major roles. Anna Mae Wong is another one that comes to mind.

2023-08-17 01:23:37
Jose V Tagle @thedonjose5050

@historyinmemes The guy went from potentially getting bombed at by the US Navy to joining the French resistance

2023-08-17 04:22:18
Marleena Pöy La Gras @la_gras

@historyinmemes There's another known Hayakawa; philosoph?linguist? - maybe the same family? Couldn't find anything of him by Google! I have read his publications, times ago, I don't have his book any more.

2023-08-17 09:15:55
Earthrise fan @EarthriseFilms_

@historyinmemes History is always gonna be more complicated than “this was a bad period for this given group.” There is a line, especially when it comes to genocide. GeneralizIng our past does no 1 justice, especially those who worked so hard, like this gentleman to rise above the time period…

2023-08-17 02:05:17
Peace-Monger @Weltschmerzheit

@historyinmemes Hayakawa was in an unintentionally hilarious propaganda movie called Daughter of the Samurai. It was made by Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan as a symbol of their alliance. He was the father of a protagonist who was simping for a German woman. pic.twitter.com/TvsQ6tnL7W

2023-08-17 01:43:57