
Lazar Stojković ⚡️@LazarStojkovic氏による、地下に作られたローマ水道の2000年の歴史(訳を付けました、長いです)。

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うわー、このスレッドは本当に盛り上がりました! 🙏

さて、それでは、もう 1 つ興味深い豆知識について話しましょう。

Lazar Stojković ⚡️ @LazarStojkovic

Ever since the situation in 1968, the underground walkway has grappled with moisture, wet spots on the walls, and ponds that seem to appear out of nowhere. Not surprising, considering the relentless water pressure and the blocked flow's need to find an outlet. pic.twitter.com/qu8PNpG7uk

2023-10-02 07:37:06

1968 年の状況以来、地下通路は湿気、壁面の濡れた箇所、どこからともなく現れる池などに悩まされてきました。


Lazar Stojković ⚡️ @LazarStojkovic

Now, encountering remnants of the waterworks is par for the course in this area, as it overlaps with the section of Singidunum designated for civilian life. Finding all sorts of ancient artifacts is simply par for the course whenever construction is undertaken around here. pic.twitter.com/Ts1fXtepfN

2023-10-02 07:38:34



Lazar Stojković ⚡️ @LazarStojkovic

When an underground parking was being built in front of City Hall in 2018, over 100 Roman tombs were uncovered. (Belgrade's municipal graveyard followed the Roman custom of being situated just beyond the city walls, flanking both sides of the road that led away from the city.) pic.twitter.com/iHR71tqCaS

2023-10-02 07:40:34



Lazar Stojković ⚡️ @LazarStojkovic

Earlier this summer, while building another parking lot near the National Assembly, archaeologists found cobblestones, remnants of buildings that did not survive WW2, a 17th-century Turkish skull, some Austrian coins, and, unsurprisingly, 16 more Roman tombs. pic.twitter.com/4FPt8Ids8n

2023-10-02 07:42:09


Lazar Stojković ⚡️ @LazarStojkovic

More relevant to our story, a 230-foot (70-meter) long branch of the waterworks was also discovered, complete with settling basins designed to purify the water. This one, however, was bone dry - most likely severed somewhere upstream due to the foundations of a building. pic.twitter.com/4mdhZdKWQt

2023-10-02 07:43:11

私たちの話にもっと関連するのは、水を浄化するために設計された沈砂池を備えた、長さ 230 フィート (70 メートル) の水道の支流も発見されました。


Lazar Stojković ⚡️ @LazarStojkovic

Now, what's located roughly between there and the pedestrian walkway at the Albania Palace is the Terazije Theater. This local Broadway-style venue specializes in producing musicals, including Serbian-language adaptations of "Chicago" and "The Phantom of the Opera". pic.twitter.com/YXXt0UgHsW

2023-10-02 07:44:08


この地元のブロードウェイ スタイルの会場は、「シカゴ」や「オペラ座の怪人」のセルビア語版などのミュージカルの制作を専門としています。

Lazar Stojković ⚡️ @LazarStojkovic

What many Belgraders might not be aware of is that the 74-year-old theater has robust pumps in its cellars. They were installed to deal with a significant challenge the theater had faced for decades – recurrent flooding.

2023-10-02 07:45:05

多くのベオグラード住民は知らないかもしれませんが、築 74 年のこの劇場の地下室には頑丈なポンプが設置されています。


Lazar Stojković ⚡️ @LazarStojkovic

In 1996, the theater's director, the renowned Serbian actor Svetislav "Bule" Goncić, took an unusual step to highlight the gravity of the situation - he held a press conference from an actual boat! (Special thanks to @LadyRovena for the photos.) pic.twitter.com/z56BY2Wm5W

2023-10-02 07:46:07



Lazar Stojković ⚡️ @LazarStojkovic

@LadyRovena This memorable publicity stunt succeed in raising awareness about the problem and securing the necessary funding. By the early 2000s, the issue had been effectively resolved and the Theater was open for business again. pic.twitter.com/KurphT2DSD

2023-10-02 07:46:47


2000 年代初頭までに、この問題は事実上解決され、劇場は再び営業を再開しました。

Lazar Stojković ⚡️ @LazarStojkovic

@LadyRovena And with that, we conclude this 2,000-year long story. I'll leave you with a beautiful aerial video of "The White City": youtube.com/watch?v=_qgECs…

2023-10-02 07:50:06

これで、この 2000 年にわたる長い物語は終わります。

「The White City」の美しい空撮ビデオをお届けします。

Dusko @bajicdusko

@LazarStojkovic Yeah, I'm thinking about this a lot and seeing daily examples of work being done with the goal to be maintained, not to last. If the world would stop today, I wonder what would be the evidence of our civilisation existance in two millenia.

2023-10-02 05:33:34
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