
Fascinating @fasc1nate

This is one of my favorite stories of all time. A married couple discovered a photo of themselves from 11 years before they met. Xue and her now-husband Ye were photographed together in 2000 as teenagers, but they only found out about it after getting married! In the summer of 2000, they both visited May Fourth Square in Qingdao, China. Several years later, while going through photos of a younger Xue to compare her resemblance to their daughters, Ye stumbled upon the picture. As soon as Ye saw the photo, he instantly recognized himself. He recalled, "I remember her mentioning that she had been to Qingdao, and coincidentally, I had also visited Qingdao and taken pictures at the May Fourth Square. When I saw the photo, I was completely surprised, and I got goosebumps all over my body... it was the exact pose I used for taking photos. I even took a picture from a different angle but in the same posture."

2023-10-29 08:56:17
Ghost Trader @iamvict_

@fasc1nate A very fascinating story tbh That's why I usually say that humans are like water, won't even know that we relate but we kept meeting in different locations

2023-10-29 08:57:47
Tunde O. ®️ MBA LSSGB 🇳🇬 @tundejames

@fasc1nate Unveiling the unseen threads of fate! Such an extraordinary narrative of love that defies time and space. #FateMeantToBe #DestinyFound 💫❤️"

2023-10-29 09:13:56
The AllFather @_spirit_coder

@fasc1nate Maybe some spirit tied their fate on that day

2023-10-29 09:10:51
Xplore @_xplore_earth_

@fasc1nate It's like destiny was pulling them together long before they even met. A beautiful reminder of how life can be full of serendipity💞

2023-10-29 09:25:47
Alex, Nwoke Nnewi @Iamlexprince

@fasc1nate When things like this happens, you'd know that the universe is in your favour. What a lovely coincidence 😊

2023-10-29 09:01:23
Universe 🌌🌍 @Amr10062

@fasc1nate A heartwarming tale of love's perfect timing 📸❤️

2023-10-29 10:39:01
Nuon Sothero @sotheronuon

It's incredible how fate works in mysterious ways. The fact that Xue and Ye unknowingly crossed paths years before they even met is truly mind-boggling. It's like the universe was planting the seeds of their future love long before they even knew it. This story proves that sometimes, destiny has a way of bringing two souls together, no matter the time or distance. It's a beautiful reminder that love can transcend time and space.

2023-10-29 12:26:59
Tunde O. ®️ MBA LSSGB 🇳🇬 @tundejames

@fasc1nate This is a real-life time-travel tale captured in a single frame! The power of a moment frozen in time is simply mind-boggling.⏳❤️

2023-10-29 09:13:09
Tsarathustra @tsarnick

@fasc1nate Particularly low probability of this happening in China

2023-10-29 08:59:26
Bradley Productions @productions86

@fasc1nate Awesome story! Now if only I could pronounce the names of those cities 😅

2023-10-29 08:58:36
JKmy158🌻💓yourself @curiouse158

@fasc1nate There is a belief in Asia that life mates are joined by Red String. Coincidentally, the sculpture in the center is in Red.

2023-10-29 10:12:41
Monilushme @Monilushmic

@fasc1nate I believe in this sort of thing. People cross paths for a reason early on and sometimes the reason is k known later. Like a magnetic attraction their paths were crossed.

2023-10-29 09:02:34
Slowstone @Slowstone_

@fasc1nate Soulmates are those whose orbits are similar enough to ours to consider like. Time presses on, life’s cycle changes us exponentially but sometimes we get to float alongside someone special for an extravagant amount of time.

2023-10-29 09:05:22
☢️ UbiSubject17 ☢️ @xangiexdx

@fasc1nate That's quantum entanglement right there. I know it well!

2023-10-29 10:49:33


Digital Advice @DigAdvice

A newly married couple found an old picture of themselves playing on the same beach as children just a few feet apart...11 years before they met and fell in love. Aimee Maiden, 25, and Nick Wheeler, 26, had no idea they had met before. As he posed for a holiday snap on the beach, six-year-old Nick Wheeler paid no attention to the little girl making sandcastles a few yards away. It was only when he showed his fiancee Aimee Maiden the photograph 20 years later that she pointed at the five-year-old in a swimsuit and shrieked in astonishment: ‘That’s me!’ The pair lived hundreds of miles apart when the picture was taken in 1994, yet fate determined that they would meet and fall in love from sixth in college, 11 years later.

2023-10-29 09:31:32
リンク Mail Online Couple find picture of themselves as children 11 years before they met Aimee Maiden, 25, and Nick Wheeler, 26, had no idea they had met before until they saw the grainy snap (left) taken 11 years before they first met in Mousehole, Cornwall. 4
Time Capsule Tales @timecaptales

In World War I, British soldier Henry Tandey encountered a wounded German soldier in the Battle of Marcoing in 1918 but decided not to shoot him, sparing the man's life. That German soldier was Adolf Hitler. Years later, during World War II, Hitler recognized Tandey from a newspaper photograph as the man who spared him. The account became known when Hitler, then the Chancellor of Germany, told the story to British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain during their meeting in 1938. Hitler even had a painting of Tandey displayed in his office, underlining the improbable crossroads of their lives. The extraordinary coincidence — that a single act of mercy on a battlefield could have indirectly influenced the course of history — has intrigued historians and ethicists alike, posing challenging questions about fate, individual actions, and their unforeseen consequences.

2023-10-29 09:02:52
Time Capsule Tales @timecaptales

Similarly, American President Thomas Jefferson and his predecessor, John Adams, both died on the same day, July 4, 1826, which was also the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Despite their intense political rivalries and differing views, both men had reconciled later in life and carried on a rich correspondence. Interestingly, Adams' last words were reported to be, "Thomas Jefferson survives," unaware that Jefferson had actually passed away a few hours earlier at Monticello, his Virginia estate. The improbable coincidence of their deaths on such a symbolic day captivated the American public. It was widely interpreted as a divine sign, a serendipitous event that seemed to underscore the enduring legacy of the founding generation. The double passing added a layer of mythos to the early story of the United States, fortifying the significance of July 4th as not just a day of national independence, but also as a date intertwined with the lives and legacies of two of its most prominent founding fathers.

2023-10-29 09:02:04
Time Capsule Tales @timecaptales

Similaely, in the 1840s, two mathematicians, Urbain Le Verrier in France and John Couch Adams in England, were independently working on calculating the position of an unknown planet that they believed was affecting the orbit of Uranus. Both submitted their calculations within days of each other in 1846. Le Verrier's predictions were passed along to the Berlin Observatory, where astronomer Johann Gottfried Galle used them to discover Neptune on the very first night of observation, September 23, 1846. Unbeknownst to them, Adams had also made the same calculations but was less assertive in convincing British astronomers to act. The incredible alignment of independent mathematical work, international collaboration, and immediate celestial discovery stunned the world and is considered one of the happiest coincidences in the annals of science, leading to shared credit for the discovery and a momentous leap in astronomy.

2023-10-29 09:01:00
リンク Mental Floss 11 Amazing Historical Coincidences Sure, you can claim that there is no such thing as coincidence. But just wait ’til you hear these stories. 136