
Set Them Free!
曽我太一 Taichi Soga@エルサレム @soga_taichi

ジャーナリスト@エルサレム(2020年〜) | パレスチナ問題、移民・難民、先住民族、テック | 記者経験 北海道→国際部 | 新潮社フォーサイト、Newsweek Japan、朝日新聞Globe+等に記事執筆/Retweets not endorsement 業務の依頼・問い合わせはDMでお願いいたします。


曽我太一 Taichi Soga@エルサレム @soga_taichi

国連のフォルカー・テュルク人権高等弁務官。オーストリア出身。 イスラエルは、集団懲罰と強制退避によって戦争犯罪を犯していると批判。ハマスによるイスラエルへの攻撃と人質も同様に戦争犯罪であると。 双方が戦争犯罪を犯しあっていることは明白。どちらか一方ではない。 twitter.com/dwnews/status/…

2023-11-10 01:06:51
DW News @dwnews

The UN human rights chief accused Israel of committing war crimes in the form of collective punishment of Palestinian civilians and unlawful forcible evacuations. He stressed that Hamas' terror attacks on Israel and its continued holding of hostages were also war crimes. pic.twitter.com/IjxI3Gan92

2023-11-10 00:56:11
DW News @dwnews

We really know Germany. Follow us for trustworthy news and analysis from our reporters around the world, also on WhatsApp: https://t.co/YgpwoHoLF7


DW News @dwnews

The UN human rights chief accused Israel of committing war crimes in the form of collective punishment of Palestinian civilians and unlawful forcible evacuations. He stressed that Hamas' terror attacks on Israel and its continued holding of hostages were also war crimes. pic.twitter.com/IjxI3Gan92

2023-11-10 00:56:11
Ric Upton ASD🌍 Historical Truth is out there. @Drhiss1

@dwnews Netunyahoo checked. The IDF has to be processed through a Dezionification program similar to the Denazification program introduced by the Allies in 1945 at the defeat of Nazism. Essential.

2023-11-10 03:32:22
曽我太一 Taichi Soga@エルサレム @soga_taichi

テュルク人権高等弁務官は、ラファのエジプト側を訪問。人道支援物資のガザへの搬入が十番でないと批判。 x.com/volker_turk/st…

2023-11-10 02:39:31
Volker Türk @volker_turk

In #Rafah I was at the gates to what is a living nightmare in #Gaza. I feel, at my core, the pain and immense suffering of every person whose loved one has been killed. We must all feel this shared pain and end this nightmare. ow.ly/Src450Q5Ap9 pic.twitter.com/ifFsXmerxo

2023-11-09 02:19:39
Volker Türk @volker_turk

In #Rafah I was at the gates to what is a living nightmare in #Gaza. I feel, at my core, the pain and immense suffering of every person whose loved one has been killed. We must all feel this shared pain and end this nightmare. ow.ly/Src450Q5Ap9 pic.twitter.com/ifFsXmerxo

2023-11-09 02:19:39
Vera @VeronicaKicken

@volker_turk Ask Hamas, Iran and Quatar for help!

2023-11-09 06:06:13