
タリン旧市街OL @OKB1917



恒星間飛行 @OKB1917


2024-02-08 11:11:37

@OKB1917 昨日色々お話し聞いた所で‥ どうなるのかほんと分からん‥

2024-02-08 12:00:34
mobazou @mobazou

@OKB1917 ウクライナの補給は他国にあるので、戦略としてロシア国内の補給を全て断てば論理的には勝てる。 しかし北朝鮮までは無理なので、今度は砲弾の集積地かシベリア鉄道か?

2024-02-08 12:41:50
♪ジャスミン♪Victory♪ @Onyx_Jasmine

@OKB1917 イスカンデル-Mは、固体燃料なんですか?!

2024-02-08 12:43:04
谷中武雄 @cratormakers

@OKB1917 イランと北朝鮮の短距離弾道弾に依存して都市爆撃を続行するのかしら。それにしても何故に兵器産業を守れないのかなぁ。

2024-02-08 19:29:14
MAKS 23 🇺🇦👀 @Maks_NAFO_FELLA

‼️ Ministry of Defense of Russia officially announced that the cause of the explosion in Izhevsk was "technical work at the Votkin Machine-Building Plant" 😂 🚀 There Russians produce intercontinental ballistic missile sea-based P30 3M30 Bulava-30, missile complexes Topol-M... pic.twitter.com/80SNJDMIrY

2024-02-08 03:19:43
Korpus Belarus @BelarusKorpus

@Maks_NAFO_FELLA I heard the malfunction was caused by Ukrainian black magic 🤷🏻‍♂️

2024-02-08 03:21:13
Bas Oudenhooven @BasOudenhooven

@Maks_NAFO_FELLA Hope the technical work will continue for the near future.👍

2024-02-08 03:24:22
N519E103 @N525E931

@Maks_NAFO_FELLA And most importantly in the context of this war, godforsaken Iskanders and Kinzhals.

2024-02-08 03:25:46
Fairness for All 🇬🇧🇺🇦 @MartinF44912253

@Maks_NAFO_FELLA That looks very technical to me, chemical energy type of technical. Boom !!!! 😄

2024-02-08 03:28:39
Miroslav Macík 🇨🇿🇺🇦 @MiroslavMacik

@Maks_NAFO_FELLA ..."produced". Apparently, judging from the size of the explosion, is the past tense is more accurate.

2024-02-08 03:31:26
Simon @zamoukr

@Maks_NAFO_FELLA Awesome news. That explosion was huge so should have fucked up a lot of shit that will take a long time to fix.

2024-02-08 03:34:08
🇷🇴 doratul 🦊🇺🇦 @dorulets

@Maks_NAFO_FELLA A truly explosive 💥information! I hope that other ammunition factories and refineries will start from this bright experience!

2024-02-08 03:34:46