
Philipp📯 @philr84

@Maks_NAFO_FELLA they should care more about working safety🤣

2024-02-08 03:52:38
Jiri Vanek @VanakJiri3

@Maks_NAFO_FELLA To jim asi Budanov napíše děkovný list, ne?🤣👍

2024-02-08 04:00:22
Natural Snark @hessenjunge76

@Maks_NAFO_FELLA @rkdoctr They really need to stop making all their infrastructure out of nitroglycerin soaked thermite...

2024-02-08 04:03:36
flavio cesca @CescaFlavi90163

@Maks_NAFO_FELLA It was a technical work indeed but not them (russians).😂

2024-02-08 04:06:03
PetVet @PetVet80

@Maks_NAFO_FELLA We did this to ourselves is better than Ukraine did this?

2024-02-08 04:12:30
Drago @mccullyjerod

@Maks_NAFO_FELLA Ahhhh that’s why it was such a big boom

2024-02-08 04:20:19
Andreas Dillmann @XrayAlphaMike

@Maks_NAFO_FELLA These Russian machine builders are really amazing.😁

2024-02-08 04:34:40
Timothy @TimgilTimothy

@Maks_NAFO_FELLA Looks pretty technical to me! Ivan on a smoke break again?

2024-02-08 04:40:48
Vencislav Kostadinov @veeencooo

@Maks_NAFO_FELLA Yeah, the maintenance guy flipped the wrong breaker 🤣🤣🤣🤣

2024-02-08 04:55:32
BTB concept @BTB_Concept

@Maks_NAFO_FELLA Muss das nicht "Vatnik Machine Building" heißen? Da hat nur einer geraucht. Das sind diese neuen russischen E-Zigaretten mit der besonderen Illuminationsnote.

2024-02-08 05:06:12