Sweet Baby Inc社員「大量解雇は資本主義のせい。こいつら多様性から逃げようとしてる!」←コミュニティノートにもボコられる

🪩Voice of Fanservice🪩 @WarOnFanservice

If you would be proud of your work and it didnt have a secret agenda against the fandoms you wouldnt whine about this on Twitter now wouldnt you? x.com/legobutts/stat…

2024-03-03 03:49:07
felix at home @legobutts

for example, @Steam doesn’t have guidelines for curators (as far as i can tell) that would prevent someone from starting a curation group that focuses on, say, @SweetBabyInc and…warns people to not buy games they’re associated with? which could just list any game at all?? pic.twitter.com/ZP2nSegZAM

2024-03-01 01:25:24




君達のゲームを台無しにしながら、sweet baby incの社員は喚く。

5pc Cajun Breast Enjoyer™ 🔞 🔰🔱 @1stPlayerCarl

This is a employee of SweetBabyInc btw, using fascist tactics to justify harrassment for someone using the company listings to make a Steam Curator page to inform people about the games they consult on. Interesting how that happens, huh? #Carlposting pic.twitter.com/yujFTBhLxt x.com/legobutts/stat…

2024-03-02 01:34:07

ちなみにこれは会社のリストを使ってSteamキュレーターのページを作り、この会社がコンサルティングしたゲームについて人々に知らせようとしている人物に対するハラスメントを正当化するためにファシスト戦術を使っている、Sweet Baby Inc.の社員だ。



Craig D. Mansfield, EI 👨‍🔬🥼🥽⚗️🧪🔬☣️☢️🧮📊💡🔭 @craigbob99

Sweet Baby Inc is sending their best and brightest to try to keep you ignorant of which games they are a part of. Pathetic. x.com/legobutts/stat…

2024-03-02 02:07:20

消費者をどのゲームで働いたか無知で居続けさせるためにSweet Baby Inc.の最高の人材を送り込んでるな。みっともない。

Dan Cotter @TheDanCotter

Remember that when you buy games that were worked on by Sweet Baby Inc, you're helping keep people like this POS employed. These scumbags can't handle a spotlight being shown on their activism. They want any who expose them censored. Don't fund your ideological enemies. x.com/legobutts/stat…

2024-03-02 01:34:00

Sweet Baby Inc.が関わったゲームを買うとSweet Baby Inc.のこのクソ野郎みたいなのが雇用され続けるのに手助けしてるのをお忘れなく。


Handenhalla @Handenhalla

This @CommunityNotes is such a work of art I had to preserve it. Imagine a world where political activist ruining hobbies and astroturfing from faceless corporations could be spotted and attention drawn to them in real time? pic.twitter.com/dbNNdRmLxM x.com/legobutts/stat…

2024-03-02 20:11:18


